# Neutrino physics 101
## Table of Contents
* [Malware analysis](#Malware-analysis)
+ [The initial vector](#Initial)
+ [Loader](#loader)
* [Threat Intelligence](#Intel)
+ [](#Sub_Intel)
* [Cyber kill chain](#Cyber-kill-chain)
* [Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)](#IOC)
* [Yara Rules](#Yara)
* [References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix](#Ref-MITRE-ATTACK)
* [Links](#Links)
+ [Original Tweet](#tweet)
+ [Link Anyrun](#Links-Anyrun)
+ [Ressources](#Ressources)
Malware analysis
The initial vector
The initial vector is an RTF file who use a well-know vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) for execute a js script (1.a) form the package of OLE objects.
Threat Intelligence
Cyber kill chain
The process graph resume cyber kill chains used by the attacker :
Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
| ------------- |:-------------:|
The IOC can be exported in JSON
References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix
|Enterprise tactics|Technics used|Ref URL|
| :---------------: |:-------------| :------------- |
This can be exported as JSON format
Yara Rules
YARA Rules are available here
Original tweet:
* [https://twitter.com/JAMESWT_MHT/status/1225796259845414912](https://twitter.com/JAMESWT_MHT/status/1225796259845414912)
Links Anyrun:
* [impor.doc](https://app.any.run/tasks/454fe6a2-e2d0-4fa3-ba1d-78e2c7372ddd)
Resources :
* [URLhaus Neutrino](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/browse/tag/Neutrino/)
* [VB2019 paper: Rich Headers: leveraging this mysterious artifact of the PE format](https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2020/01/vb2019-paper-rich-headers-leveraging-mysterious-artifact-pe-format/)