diff --git a/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/analysis.md b/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/analysis.md
index 124558c..1c7900b 100644
--- a/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/analysis.md
+++ b/Indian/APT/SideWinder/25-12-19/analysis.md
@@ -1498,8 +1498,8 @@ namespace SystemApp
For resume, the list of extension and roles of the files dropped in the computer :
-| :---------------: | :---------------: |
-|.sif|System informations of the victim|
+| :---------------: | :--------------- |
+|.sif|System informations of the victim, Users rights...|
|.flc|List of the files on the computer|
|.fls|List of the files selected to send to the C2|
|.err|Common extension for throws an exeception in the current process of crawling of informations and data|