###### The first part of the JS payload is a function for decode the payload and resize the windows for hidden of the victim and is decoding the PE files in base 64.
###### On the second part, this extracts the files on "C:\ProgramData\AuthyFiles\" and use a function for detecting the version of NET for use the correct version of csc to use. Once this done, this uses the even tactical that the last time in using deserialized the serialized objects and push it by a "DynamicInvoke" in the current delegate.
###### In the final part, this executes it in the memory the legit file (writer.exe -> Windows Write of Microsoft), the loader and the payload of the hijack.
###### This push an Run key or the persistence, show an error message for decoys the victims. This steals the configuration (Admin rights, IP config, system config, time zone, process, updates...), the list of documents on the disk and sent it to the C2 and wait for the commands.