2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
# [Update] Malware analysis on Gamaredon APT campaign (06-08-19)
## Table of Contents
* [Malware analysis ](#Malware-analysis )
+ [Analysis of the TTPs ](#Initial-vector )
2019-08-24 14:15:14 +00:00
+ [Cyber kill chain ](#Initial-vector )
* [Cyber Threat Intel ](#Cyber-Kill-Chain )
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
* [IOC ](#IOC )
* [References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix ](#Ref-MITRE-ATTACK )
* [Links ](#Links )
+ [Original Tweet ](#Original-Tweet )
+ [Ref previous analysis ](#Documents )
+ [Link Anyrun ](#Links-Anyrun )
2019-08-24 14:15:14 +00:00
## Malware-analysis <a name="Malware-analysis"></a>
### Analysis of the TTPs <a name="Initial-vector"></a>
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
###### Like the last sample analysed, the new samples uses an SFX archive for extract the files and execute the fake document and the payload.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/SFX.png "SFX startup" )
###### We can see again the cmd file extracted by the SFX archive. The randomization of the obfuscated strings has been by the algorithm in the archive.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/CMD.PNG "Extraction cmd file" )
###### Also this use the function GetCommandLineA for getting a pointer to the command-line string for the current process.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/command.PNG "Commandline function" )
2019-08-24 14:15:14 +00:00
### Cyber kill chain <a name="Cyber-Kill-Chain"></a>
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
###### The process graph resume the cyber kill chain used by the attacker. We can observe that the TTPs are the same.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/cyber.PNG "Cyber kill chain" )
2019-08-24 14:15:14 +00:00
## Cyber Threat Intel <a name="Cyber-Threat-Intel"></a>
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
###### Both latest spotted samples have the same C2 hosted in a Russia provider.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/IP.png "IP informations" )
###### The domain seems don't be registered on list of the domain added.
![alt text ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/Images/query.PNG "Query WHOIS" )
###### Like the last sample, this comes at a crisis period between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine rest the main target of Gamaredon group.
## References MITRE ATT&CK Matrix <a name="Ref-MITRE-ATTACK"></a>
###### List of all the references with MITRE ATT&CK Matrix
|Enterprise tactics|Technics used|Ref URL|
| :---------------: |:-------------| :------------- |
|Execution|T1059 - Starts CMD.EXE for commands execution< br > T1106 - Execution through API< br > T1053 - Scheduled Task< br > T1064 - Scripting|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1106< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1053< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1064|
|Persistence|T1060 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder< br > T1053 - Scheduled Task|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1060< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1053|
|Privilege Escalation|T1053 - Scheduled Task|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1053|
|Defense Evasion|T1112 - Modify Registry< br > T1064 - Scripting|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1112< br > https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1064|
|Discovery|T1012 - Query Registry|https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1012|
## Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) <a name="IOC"></a>
###### List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
| Indicator | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------|
2019-08-24 14:15:14 +00:00
|document-listing.ddns.net|Domain C2|
||IP C2|
|http[:]//document-listing.ddns.net/|URL request|
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
2019-08-24 20:36:36 +00:00
###### This can be exported as JSON format [Export in JSON](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/16-08-19/IOC_Gamaredon_16-08-19.json)
2019-08-24 13:59:09 +00:00
## Links <a name="Links"></a>
* Original tweet: https://twitter.com/RedDrip7/status/1161900271477252101 < a name = "Original-Tweet" ></ a >
* Ref previous analysiss: [Gamaradon sample analysis 06-08-19 ](https://github.com/StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel/blob/master/Russia/APT/Gamaredon/06-08-19/Malware%20analysis%2006-08-19.md )< a name = "Documents" ></ a >
* Anyrun Links: < a name = "Links-Anyrun" ></ a >
+ [1426f88edaf207d2c62422f343209fae ](https://app.any.run/tasks/8b718d6a-04c4-44fc-9afd-e0cffd1b626a )
+ [a.exe ](https://app.any.run/tasks/58d83fbe-36c9-4fad-9e21-9140207b6152 )