###### This execute the vbs file for push the persistence in the startup menu, hide it in changing these atributes and launch the persistence (lnk file)
###### On the VB code, we can observed that use BITS fonctionality for download by a job the JS script to execute on the victim. Secondly, this check the architecture of the system and execute the correct path of wscript and push the windows out the screen.
###### Finally, we can observe a Wscript execution with a function splter which split for get a array of byte, convert to ASCII and after execute the script with execute call.
###### By the following PowerShell script, we can get the second layer.
## Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) <a name="IOC"></a>
###### List of all the Indicators Of Compromise (IOC)
| Indicator | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:|
||Domain requested|
||IP requested|
||HTTP/HTTPS requests||
||IP C2|
||Domain C2|
## Links <a name="Links"></a>
###### Original tweet: [https://twitter.com/Timele9527/status/1166188375109296128](https://twitter.com/Timele9527/status/1166188375109296128) <a name="Original-Tweet"></a>
###### Links Anyrun: <a name="Links-Anyrun"></a>
* [فضيحة جديدة لأحد قيادات حماس.zip (A new scandal of one of the leaders of Hamas.zip)](https://app.any.run/tasks/59ed8062-cf77-4d73-81bd-19cb26b7c7c6/)