490 lines
16 KiB
490 lines
16 KiB
// +build linux,!no_oci_worker
package main
import (
snapshotsapi "github.com/containerd/containerd/api/services/snapshots/v1"
ctdsnapshot "github.com/containerd/containerd/snapshots"
snproxy "github.com/containerd/containerd/snapshots/proxy"
fuseoverlayfs "github.com/containerd/fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter"
sgzfs "github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter/fs"
sgzconf "github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter/fs/config"
sgzsource "github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter/fs/source"
remotesn "github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter/snapshot"
func init() {
defaultConf, _ := defaultConf()
enabledValue := func(b *bool) string {
if b == nil {
return "auto"
return strconv.FormatBool(*b)
if defaultConf.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter == "" {
defaultConf.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter = "auto"
flags := []cli.Flag{
Name: "oci-worker",
Usage: "enable oci workers (true/false/auto)",
Value: enabledValue(defaultConf.Workers.OCI.Enabled),
Name: "oci-worker-labels",
Usage: "user-specific annotation labels (com.example.foo=bar)",
Name: "oci-worker-snapshotter",
Usage: "name of snapshotter (overlayfs, native, etc.)",
Value: defaultConf.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter,
Name: "oci-worker-proxy-snapshotter-path",
Usage: "address of proxy snapshotter socket (do not include 'unix://' prefix)",
Name: "oci-worker-platform",
Usage: "override supported platforms for worker",
Name: "oci-worker-net",
Usage: "worker network type (auto, cni or host)",
Value: defaultConf.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.Mode,
Name: "oci-cni-config-path",
Usage: "path of cni config file",
Value: defaultConf.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.CNIConfigPath,
Name: "oci-cni-binary-dir",
Usage: "path of cni binary files",
Value: defaultConf.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.CNIBinaryPath,
Name: "oci-worker-binary",
Usage: "name of specified oci worker binary",
Value: defaultConf.Workers.OCI.Binary,
Name: "oci-worker-apparmor-profile",
Usage: "set the name of the apparmor profile applied to containers",
n := "oci-worker-rootless"
u := "enable rootless mode"
if userns.RunningInUserNS() {
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolTFlag{
Name: n,
Usage: u,
} else {
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolFlag{
Name: n,
Usage: u,
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "oci-worker-no-process-sandbox",
Usage: "use the host PID namespace and procfs (WARNING: allows build containers to kill (and potentially ptrace) an arbitrary process in the host namespace)",
if defaultConf.Workers.OCI.GC == nil || *defaultConf.Workers.OCI.GC {
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolTFlag{
Name: "oci-worker-gc",
Usage: "Enable automatic garbage collection on worker",
} else {
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "oci-worker-gc",
Usage: "Enable automatic garbage collection on worker",
flags = append(flags, cli.Int64Flag{
Name: "oci-worker-gc-keepstorage",
Usage: "Amount of storage GC keep locally (MB)",
Value: func() int64 {
if defaultConf.Workers.OCI.GCKeepStorage != 0 {
return defaultConf.Workers.OCI.GCKeepStorage / 1e6
return config.DetectDefaultGCCap(defaultConf.Root) / 1e6
Hidden: len(defaultConf.Workers.OCI.GCPolicy) != 0,
fn: ociWorkerInitializer,
priority: 0,
// TODO: allow multiple oci runtimes
func applyOCIFlags(c *cli.Context, cfg *config.Config) error {
if cfg.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter == "" {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter = "auto"
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker") {
boolOrAuto, err := parseBoolOrAuto(c.GlobalString("oci-worker"))
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.Workers.OCI.Enabled = boolOrAuto
labels, err := attrMap(c.GlobalStringSlice("oci-worker-labels"))
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Workers.OCI.Labels == nil {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Labels = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range labels {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Labels[k] = v
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-snapshotter") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Snapshotter = c.GlobalString("oci-worker-snapshotter")
if c.GlobalIsSet("rootless") || c.GlobalBool("rootless") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Rootless = c.GlobalBool("rootless")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-rootless") {
if !userns.RunningInUserNS() || os.Geteuid() > 0 {
return errors.New("rootless mode requires to be executed as the mapped root in a user namespace; you may use RootlessKit for setting up the namespace")
cfg.Workers.OCI.Rootless = c.GlobalBool("oci-worker-rootless")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-no-process-sandbox") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.NoProcessSandbox = c.GlobalBool("oci-worker-no-process-sandbox")
if platforms := c.GlobalStringSlice("oci-worker-platform"); len(platforms) != 0 {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Platforms = platforms
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-gc") {
v := c.GlobalBool("oci-worker-gc")
cfg.Workers.OCI.GC = &v
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-gc-keepstorage") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.GCKeepStorage = c.GlobalInt64("oci-worker-gc-keepstorage") * 1e6
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-net") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.Mode = c.GlobalString("oci-worker-net")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-cni-config-path") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.CNIConfigPath = c.GlobalString("oci-cni-worker-path")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-cni-binary-dir") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.CNIBinaryPath = c.GlobalString("oci-cni-binary-dir")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-binary") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.Binary = c.GlobalString("oci-worker-binary")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-proxy-snapshotter-path") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.ProxySnapshotterPath = c.GlobalString("oci-worker-proxy-snapshotter-path")
if c.GlobalIsSet("oci-worker-apparmor-profile") {
cfg.Workers.OCI.ApparmorProfile = c.GlobalString("oci-worker-apparmor-profile")
return nil
func ociWorkerInitializer(c *cli.Context, common workerInitializerOpt) ([]worker.Worker, error) {
if err := applyOCIFlags(c, common.config); err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := common.config.Workers.OCI
if (cfg.Enabled == nil && !validOCIBinary()) || (cfg.Enabled != nil && !*cfg.Enabled) {
return nil, nil
// TODO: this should never change the existing state dir
idmapping, err := parseIdentityMapping(cfg.UserRemapUnsupported)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hosts := resolverFunc(common.config)
snFactory, err := snapshotterFactory(common.config.Root, cfg, common.sessionManager, hosts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cfg.Rootless {
logrus.Debugf("running in rootless mode")
if common.config.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.Mode == "auto" {
common.config.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.Mode = "host"
processMode := oci.ProcessSandbox
if cfg.NoProcessSandbox {
logrus.Warn("NoProcessSandbox is enabled. Note that NoProcessSandbox allows build containers to kill (and potentially ptrace) an arbitrary process in the BuildKit host namespace. NoProcessSandbox should be enabled only when the BuildKit is running in a container as an unprivileged user.")
if !cfg.Rootless {
return nil, errors.New("can't enable NoProcessSandbox without Rootless")
processMode = oci.NoProcessSandbox
dns := getDNSConfig(common.config.DNS)
nc := netproviders.Opt{
Mode: common.config.Workers.OCI.NetworkConfig.Mode,
CNI: cniprovider.Opt{
Root: common.config.Root,
ConfigPath: common.config.Workers.OCI.CNIConfigPath,
BinaryDir: common.config.Workers.OCI.CNIBinaryPath,
var parallelismSem *semaphore.Weighted
if cfg.MaxParallelism > 0 {
parallelismSem = semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(cfg.MaxParallelism))
opt, err := runc.NewWorkerOpt(common.config.Root, snFactory, cfg.Rootless, processMode, cfg.Labels, idmapping, nc, dns, cfg.Binary, cfg.ApparmorProfile, parallelismSem, common.traceSocket)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opt.GCPolicy = getGCPolicy(cfg.GCConfig, common.config.Root)
opt.RegistryHosts = hosts
if platformsStr := cfg.Platforms; len(platformsStr) != 0 {
platforms, err := parsePlatforms(platformsStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid platforms")
opt.Platforms = platforms
w, err := base.NewWorker(context.TODO(), opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []worker.Worker{w}, nil
func snapshotterFactory(commonRoot string, cfg config.OCIConfig, sm *session.Manager, hosts docker.RegistryHosts) (runc.SnapshotterFactory, error) {
var (
name = cfg.Snapshotter
address = cfg.ProxySnapshotterPath
if address != "" {
snFactory := runc.SnapshotterFactory{
Name: name,
if _, err := os.Stat(address); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return snFactory, errors.Wrapf(err, "snapshotter doesn't exist on %q (Do not include 'unix://' prefix)", address)
snFactory.New = func(root string) (ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter, error) {
backoffConfig := backoff.DefaultConfig
backoffConfig.MaxDelay = 3 * time.Second
connParams := grpc.ConnectParams{
Backoff: backoffConfig,
gopts := []grpc.DialOption{
conn, err := grpc.Dial(dialer.DialAddress(address), gopts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to dial %q", address)
return snproxy.NewSnapshotter(snapshotsapi.NewSnapshotsClient(conn), name), nil
return snFactory, nil
if name == "auto" {
if err := overlayutils.Supported(commonRoot); err == nil {
name = "overlayfs"
} else {
logrus.Debugf("auto snapshotter: overlayfs is not available for %s, trying fuse-overlayfs: %v", commonRoot, err)
if err2 := fuseoverlayfs.Supported(commonRoot); err2 == nil {
name = "fuse-overlayfs"
} else {
logrus.Debugf("auto snapshotter: fuse-overlayfs is not available for %s, falling back to native: %v", commonRoot, err2)
name = "native"
logrus.Infof("auto snapshotter: using %s", name)
snFactory := runc.SnapshotterFactory{
Name: name,
switch name {
case "native":
snFactory.New = native.NewSnapshotter
case "overlayfs": // not "overlay", for consistency with containerd snapshotter plugin ID.
snFactory.New = func(root string) (ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter, error) {
return overlay.NewSnapshotter(root, overlay.AsynchronousRemove)
case "fuse-overlayfs":
snFactory.New = func(root string) (ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter, error) {
// no Opt (AsynchronousRemove is untested for fuse-overlayfs)
return fuseoverlayfs.NewSnapshotter(root)
case "stargz":
sgzCfg := sgzconf.Config{}
if cfg.StargzSnapshotterConfig != nil {
// In order to keep the stargz Config type (and dependency) out of
// the main BuildKit config, the main config Unmarshalls it into a
// generic map[string]interface{}. Here we convert it back into TOML
// tree, and unmarshal it to the actual type.
t, err := toml.TreeFromMap(cfg.StargzSnapshotterConfig)
if err != nil {
return snFactory, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse stargz config")
err = t.Unmarshal(&sgzCfg)
if err != nil {
return snFactory, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse stargz config")
snFactory.New = func(root string) (ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter, error) {
fs, err := sgzfs.NewFilesystem(filepath.Join(root, "stargz"),
// Source info based on the buildkit's registry config and session
sgzfs.WithGetSources(sourceWithSession(hosts, sm)),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return remotesn.NewSnapshotter(context.Background(),
filepath.Join(root, "snapshotter"),
fs, remotesn.AsynchronousRemove)
return snFactory, errors.Errorf("unknown snapshotter name: %q", name)
return snFactory, nil
func validOCIBinary() bool {
_, err := exec.LookPath("runc")
_, err1 := exec.LookPath("buildkit-runc")
if err != nil && err1 != nil {
logrus.Warnf("skipping oci worker, as runc does not exist")
return false
return true
const (
// targetRefLabel is a label which contains image reference.
targetRefLabel = "containerd.io/snapshot/remote/stargz.reference"
// targetDigestLabel is a label which contains layer digest.
targetDigestLabel = "containerd.io/snapshot/remote/stargz.digest"
// targetImageLayersLabel is a label which contains layer digests contained in
// the target image.
targetImageLayersLabel = "containerd.io/snapshot/remote/stargz.layers"
// targetSessionLabel is a labeld which contains session IDs usable for
// authenticating the target snapshot.
targetSessionLabel = "containerd.io/snapshot/remote/stargz.session"
// sourceWithSession returns a callback which implements a converter from labels to the
// typed snapshot source info. This callback is called everytime the snapshotter resolves a
// snapshot. This callback returns configuration that is based on buildkitd's registry config
// and utilizes the session-based authorizer.
func sourceWithSession(hosts docker.RegistryHosts, sm *session.Manager) sgzsource.GetSources {
return func(labels map[string]string) (src []sgzsource.Source, err error) {
// labels contains multiple source candidates with unique IDs appended on each call
// to the snapshotter API. So, first, get all these IDs
var ids []string
for k := range labels {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, targetRefLabel+".") {
ids = append(ids, strings.TrimPrefix(k, targetRefLabel+"."))
// Parse all labels
for _, id := range ids {
// Parse session labels
ref, ok := labels[targetRefLabel+"."+id]
if !ok {
named, err := reference.Parse(ref)
if err != nil {
var sids []string
for i := 0; ; i++ {
sidKey := targetSessionLabel + "." + fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) + "." + id
sid, ok := labels[sidKey]
if !ok {
sids = append(sids, sid)
// Get source information based on labels and RegistryHosts containing
// session-based authorizer.
parse := sgzsource.FromDefaultLabels(func(ref reference.Spec) ([]docker.RegistryHost, error) {
return resolver.DefaultPool.GetResolver(hosts, named.String(), "pull", sm, session.NewGroup(sids...)).
if s, err := parse(map[string]string{
targetRefLabel: ref,
targetDigestLabel: labels[targetDigestLabel+"."+id],
targetImageLayersLabel: labels[targetImageLayersLabel+"."+id],
}); err == nil {
src = append(src, s...)
return src, nil