162 lines
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162 lines
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package dockerfile2llb
import (
func detectRunMount(cmd *command, allDispatchStates *dispatchStates) bool {
if c, ok := cmd.Command.(*instructions.RunCommand); ok {
mounts := instructions.GetMounts(c)
sources := make([]*dispatchState, len(mounts))
for i, mount := range mounts {
var from string
if mount.From == "" {
// this might not be accurate because the type might not have a real source (tmpfs for instance),
// but since this is just for creating the sources map it should be ok (we don't want to check the value of
// mount.Type because it might be a variable)
from = emptyImageName
} else {
from = mount.From
stn, ok := allDispatchStates.findStateByName(from)
if !ok {
stn = &dispatchState{
stage: instructions.Stage{BaseName: from},
deps: make(map[*dispatchState]struct{}),
unregistered: true,
sources[i] = stn
cmd.sources = sources
return true
return false
func setCacheUIDGIDFileOp(m *instructions.Mount, st llb.State) llb.State {
uid := 0
gid := 0
mode := os.FileMode(0755)
if m.UID != nil {
uid = int(*m.UID)
if m.GID != nil {
gid = int(*m.GID)
if m.Mode != nil {
mode = os.FileMode(*m.Mode)
return st.File(llb.Mkdir("/cache", mode, llb.WithUIDGID(uid, gid)), llb.WithCustomName("[internal] settings cache mount permissions"))
func setCacheUIDGID(m *instructions.Mount, st llb.State, fileop bool) llb.State {
if fileop {
return setCacheUIDGIDFileOp(m, st)
var b strings.Builder
if m.UID != nil {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("chown %d /mnt/cache;", *m.UID))
if m.GID != nil {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("chown :%d /mnt/cache;", *m.GID))
if m.Mode != nil {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("chmod %s /mnt/cache;", strconv.FormatUint(*m.Mode, 8)))
return llb.Image("busybox").Run(llb.Shlex(fmt.Sprintf("sh -c 'mkdir -p /mnt/cache;%s'", b.String())), llb.WithCustomName("[internal] settings cache mount permissions")).AddMount("/mnt", st)
func dispatchRunMounts(d *dispatchState, c *instructions.RunCommand, sources []*dispatchState, opt dispatchOpt) ([]llb.RunOption, error) {
var out []llb.RunOption
mounts := instructions.GetMounts(c)
for i, mount := range mounts {
if mount.From == "" && mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeCache {
mount.From = emptyImageName
st := opt.buildContext
if mount.From != "" {
st = sources[i].state
var mountOpts []llb.MountOption
if mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeTmpfs {
st = llb.Scratch()
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.Tmpfs())
if mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeSecret {
secret, err := dispatchSecret(mount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out = append(out, secret)
if mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeSSH {
ssh, err := dispatchSSH(mount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out = append(out, ssh)
if mount.ReadOnly {
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.Readonly)
} else if mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeBind && opt.llbCaps.Supports(pb.CapExecMountBindReadWriteNoOuput) == nil {
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.ForceNoOutput)
if mount.Type == instructions.MountTypeCache {
sharing := llb.CacheMountShared
if mount.CacheSharing == instructions.MountSharingPrivate {
sharing = llb.CacheMountPrivate
if mount.CacheSharing == instructions.MountSharingLocked {
sharing = llb.CacheMountLocked
if mount.CacheID == "" {
mount.CacheID = path.Clean(mount.Target)
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.AsPersistentCacheDir(opt.cacheIDNamespace+"/"+mount.CacheID, sharing))
target := mount.Target
if !filepath.IsAbs(filepath.Clean(mount.Target)) {
dir, err := d.state.GetDir(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
target = filepath.Join("/", dir, mount.Target)
if target == "/" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid mount target %q", target)
if src := path.Join("/", mount.Source); src != "/" {
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.SourcePath(src))
} else {
if mount.UID != nil || mount.GID != nil || mount.Mode != nil {
st = setCacheUIDGID(mount, st, useFileOp(opt.buildArgValues, opt.llbCaps))
mountOpts = append(mountOpts, llb.SourcePath("/cache"))
out = append(out, llb.AddMount(target, st, mountOpts...))
if mount.From == "" {
d.ctxPaths[path.Join("/", filepath.ToSlash(mount.Source))] = struct{}{}
return out, nil