
130 lines
4.0 KiB

package runc
import (
ctdmetadata ""
ctdsnapshot ""
containerdsnapshot ""
specs ""
bolt ""
// SnapshotterFactory instantiates a snapshotter
type SnapshotterFactory struct {
Name string
New func(root string) (ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter, error)
// NewWorkerOpt creates a WorkerOpt.
func NewWorkerOpt(root string, snFactory SnapshotterFactory, rootless bool, processMode oci.ProcessMode, labels map[string]string, idmap *idtools.IdentityMapping, nopt netproviders.Opt, dns *oci.DNSConfig, binary, apparmorProfile string) (base.WorkerOpt, error) {
var opt base.WorkerOpt
name := "runc-" + snFactory.Name
root = filepath.Join(root, name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0700); err != nil {
return opt, err
np, err := netproviders.Providers(nopt)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
// Check if user has specified OCI worker binary; if they have, append it to cmds
var cmds []string
if binary != "" {
cmds = append(cmds, binary)
exe, err := runcexecutor.New(runcexecutor.Opt{
// Root directory
Root: filepath.Join(root, "executor"),
// If user has specified OCI worker binary, it will be sent to the runc executor to find and use
// Otherwise, a nil array will be sent and the default OCI worker binary will be used
CommandCandidates: cmds,
// without root privileges
Rootless: rootless,
ProcessMode: processMode,
IdentityMapping: idmap,
DNS: dns,
ApparmorProfile: apparmorProfile,
}, np)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
s, err := snFactory.New(filepath.Join(root, "snapshots"))
if err != nil {
return opt, err
c, err := local.NewStore(filepath.Join(root, "content"))
if err != nil {
return opt, err
db, err := bolt.Open(filepath.Join(root, "containerdmeta.db"), 0644, nil)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
mdb := ctdmetadata.NewDB(db, c, map[string]ctdsnapshot.Snapshotter{
snFactory.Name: s,
if err := mdb.Init(context.TODO()); err != nil {
return opt, err
c = containerdsnapshot.NewContentStore(mdb.ContentStore(), "buildkit")
id, err := base.ID(root)
if err != nil {
return opt, err
xlabels := base.Labels("oci", snFactory.Name)
for k, v := range labels {
xlabels[k] = v
snap := containerdsnapshot.NewSnapshotter(snFactory.Name, mdb.Snapshotter(snFactory.Name), "buildkit", idmap)
lm := leaseutil.WithNamespace(ctdmetadata.NewLeaseManager(mdb), "buildkit")
if err := cache.MigrateV2(context.TODO(), filepath.Join(root, "metadata.db"), filepath.Join(root, "metadata_v2.db"), c, snap, lm); err != nil {
return opt, err
md, err := metadata.NewStore(filepath.Join(root, "metadata_v2.db"))
if err != nil {
return opt, err
opt = base.WorkerOpt{
ID: id,
Labels: xlabels,
MetadataStore: md,
Executor: exe,
Snapshotter: snap,
ContentStore: c,
Applier: winlayers.NewFileSystemApplierWithWindows(c, apply.NewFileSystemApplier(c)),
Differ: winlayers.NewWalkingDiffWithWindows(c, walking.NewWalkingDiff(c)),
ImageStore: nil, // explicitly
Platforms: []specs.Platform{platforms.Normalize(platforms.DefaultSpec())},
IdentityMapping: idmap,
LeaseManager: lm,
GarbageCollect: mdb.GarbageCollect,
return opt, nil