Adds image and oci exporter option "oci-mediatypes"
Ensures that the images created in the content store
have the correct type which matches the manifest.
Sets the correct media type on the descriptor in push from
reading the type specified in the manifest.
Removes use of distribution manifest packages.
Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <>
When using `--frontend=gateway.v0` in order to use a tagged image as the
frontend it is currently required to push the tag to a registry, so that
buildkit can pull it. One can use the `image@sha256:digest` form but this is
inconvenient for the development cycle.
Instead, introduce a proxy `Resolver` which if the pull fails checks the local
image store (if there is one, which is worker dependent) for a suitable image
and if so uses that.
With this I can now:
buildctl build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --exporter=image
builtctl build --frontend=gateway.v0 --frontend-opt=source=ijc25/fe:dev --exporter=image --exporter-opt=name=hello-world:dev
Without any push to a registry.
I am using the containerd worker.
Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <>