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package resolver
import (
remoteserrors ""
sessionauth ""
type authHandlerNS struct {
counter int64 // needs to be 64bit aligned for 32bit systems
mu sync.Mutex
handlers map[string]*authHandler
hosts map[string][]docker.RegistryHost
sm *session.Manager
g flightcontrol.Group
func newAuthHandlerNS(sm *session.Manager) *authHandlerNS {
return &authHandlerNS{
handlers: map[string]*authHandler{},
hosts: map[string][]docker.RegistryHost{},
sm: sm,
func (a *authHandlerNS) get(host string, sm *session.Manager, g session.Group) *authHandler {
if g != nil {
if iter := g.SessionIterator(); iter != nil {
for {
id := iter.NextSession()
if id == "" {
h, ok := a.handlers[host+"/"+id]
if ok {
h.lastUsed = time.Now()
return h
// link another handler
for k, h := range a.handlers {
parts := strings.SplitN(k, "/", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
if parts[0] == host {
if h.authority != nil {
session, ok, err := sessionauth.VerifyTokenAuthority(host, h.authority, sm, g)
if err == nil && ok {
a.handlers[host+"/"+session] = h
h.lastUsed = time.Now()
return h
} else {
session, username, password, err := sessionauth.CredentialsFunc(sm, g)(host)
if err == nil {
if username == h.common.Username && password == h.common.Secret {
a.handlers[host+"/"+session] = h
h.lastUsed = time.Now()
return h
return nil
func (a *authHandlerNS) set(host, session string, h *authHandler) {
a.handlers[host+"/"+session] = h
func (a *authHandlerNS) delete(h *authHandler) {
for k, v := range a.handlers {
if v == h {
delete(a.handlers, k)
type dockerAuthorizer struct {
client *http.Client
sm *session.Manager
session session.Group
handlers *authHandlerNS
func newDockerAuthorizer(client *http.Client, handlers *authHandlerNS, sm *session.Manager, group session.Group) *dockerAuthorizer {
return &dockerAuthorizer{
client: client,
handlers: handlers,
sm: sm,
session: group,
// Authorize handles auth request.
func (a *dockerAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) error {
// skip if there is no auth handler
ah := a.handlers.get(req.URL.Host,, a.session)
if ah == nil {
return nil
auth, err := ah.authorize(ctx,, a.session)
if err != nil {
return err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
return nil
func (a *dockerAuthorizer) getCredentials(host string) (sessionID, username, secret string, err error) {
return sessionauth.CredentialsFunc(, a.session)(host)
func (a *dockerAuthorizer) AddResponses(ctx context.Context, responses []*http.Response) error {
last := responses[len(responses)-1]
host := last.Request.URL.Host
handler := a.handlers.get(host,, a.session)
for _, c := range auth.ParseAuthHeader(last.Header) {
if c.Scheme == auth.BearerAuth {
var oldScopes []string
if err := invalidAuthorization(c, responses); err != nil {
if handler != nil {
oldScopes = handler.common.Scopes
handler = nil
// this hacky way seems to be best method to detect that error is fatal and should not be retried with a new token
if c.Parameters["error"] == "insufficient_scope" && parseScopes(oldScopes).contains(parseScopes(strings.Split(c.Parameters["scope"], " "))) {
return err
// reuse existing handler
// assume that one registry will return the common
// challenge information, including realm and service.
// and the resource scope is only different part
// which can be provided by each request.
if handler != nil {
return nil
var username, secret string
session, pubKey, err := sessionauth.GetTokenAuthority(host,, a.session)
if err != nil {
return err
if pubKey == nil {
session, username, secret, err = a.getCredentials(host)
if err != nil {
return err
common, err := auth.GenerateTokenOptions(ctx, host, username, secret, c)
if err != nil {
return err
common.Scopes = parseScopes(append(common.Scopes, oldScopes...)).normalize()
a.handlers.set(host, session, newAuthHandler(host, a.client, c.Scheme, pubKey, common))
return nil
} else if c.Scheme == auth.BasicAuth {
session, username, secret, err := a.getCredentials(host)
if err != nil {
return err
if username != "" && secret != "" {
common := auth.TokenOptions{
Username: username,
Secret: secret,
a.handlers.set(host, session, newAuthHandler(host, a.client, c.Scheme, nil, common))
return nil
return errors.Wrap(errdefs.ErrNotImplemented, "failed to find supported auth scheme")
// authResult is used to control limit rate.
type authResult struct {
token string
expires time.Time
// authHandler is used to handle auth request per registry server.
type authHandler struct {
g flightcontrol.Group
client *http.Client
// only support basic and bearer schemes
scheme auth.AuthenticationScheme
// common contains common challenge answer
common auth.TokenOptions
// scopedTokens caches token indexed by scopes, which used in
// bearer auth case
scopedTokens map[string]*authResult
scopedTokensMu sync.Mutex
lastUsed time.Time
host string
authority *[32]byte
func newAuthHandler(host string, client *http.Client, scheme auth.AuthenticationScheme, authority *[32]byte, opts auth.TokenOptions) *authHandler {
return &authHandler{
host: host,
client: client,
scheme: scheme,
common: opts,
scopedTokens: map[string]*authResult{},
lastUsed: time.Now(),
authority: authority,
func (ah *authHandler) authorize(ctx context.Context, sm *session.Manager, g session.Group) (string, error) {
switch ah.scheme {
case auth.BasicAuth:
return ah.doBasicAuth(ctx)
case auth.BearerAuth:
return ah.doBearerAuth(ctx, sm, g)
return "", errors.Wrapf(errdefs.ErrNotImplemented, "failed to find supported auth scheme: %s", string(ah.scheme))
func (ah *authHandler) doBasicAuth(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
username, secret := ah.common.Username, ah.common.Secret
if username == "" || secret == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to handle basic auth because missing username or secret")
auth := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(username + ":" + secret))
return fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", auth), nil
func (ah *authHandler) doBearerAuth(ctx context.Context, sm *session.Manager, g session.Group) (token string, err error) {
// copy common tokenOptions
to := ah.common
to.Scopes = parseScopes(docker.GetTokenScopes(ctx, to.Scopes)).normalize()
// Docs:
scoped := strings.Join(to.Scopes, " ")
res, err := ah.g.Do(ctx, scoped, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
r, exist := ah.scopedTokens[scoped]
if exist {
if r.expires.IsZero() || r.expires.After(time.Now()) {
return r, nil
r, err := ah.fetchToken(ctx, sm, g, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ah.scopedTokens[scoped] = r
return r, nil
if err != nil || res == nil {
return "", err
r := res.(*authResult)
if r == nil {
return "", nil
return r.token, nil
func (ah *authHandler) fetchToken(ctx context.Context, sm *session.Manager, g session.Group, to auth.TokenOptions) (r *authResult, err error) {
var issuedAt time.Time
var expires int
var token string
defer func() {
token = fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token)
if err == nil {
r = &authResult{token: token}
if issuedAt.IsZero() {
issuedAt = time.Now()
if exp := issuedAt.Add(time.Duration(float64(expires)*0.9) * time.Second); time.Now().Before(exp) {
r.expires = exp
if ah.authority != nil {
resp, err := sessionauth.FetchToken(&sessionauth.FetchTokenRequest{
ClientID: "buildkit-client",
Realm: to.Realm,
Service: to.Service,
Scopes: to.Scopes,
}, sm, g)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
issuedAt, expires = time.Unix(resp.IssuedAt, 0), int(resp.ExpiresIn)
token = resp.Token
return nil, nil
// fetch token for the resource scope
if to.Secret != "" {
defer func() {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch oauth token")
// try GET first because Docker Hub does not support POST
// switch once support has landed
resp, err := auth.FetchToken(ctx, ah.client, nil, to)
if err != nil {
var errStatus remoteserrors.ErrUnexpectedStatus
if errors.As(err, &errStatus) {
// retry with POST request
// As of September 2017, GCR is known to return 404.
// As of February 2018, JFrog Artifactory is known to return 401.
if (errStatus.StatusCode == 405 && to.Username != "") || errStatus.StatusCode == 404 || errStatus.StatusCode == 401 {
resp, err := auth.FetchTokenWithOAuth(ctx, ah.client, nil, "buildkit-client", to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
issuedAt, expires = resp.IssuedAt, resp.ExpiresIn
token = resp.AccessToken
return nil, nil
"status": errStatus.Status,
"body": string(errStatus.Body),
}).Debugf("token request failed")
return nil, err
issuedAt, expires = resp.IssuedAt, resp.ExpiresIn
token = resp.Token
return nil, nil
// do request anonymously
resp, err := auth.FetchToken(ctx, ah.client, nil, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch anonymous token")
issuedAt, expires = resp.IssuedAt, resp.ExpiresIn
token = resp.Token
return nil, nil
func invalidAuthorization(c auth.Challenge, responses []*http.Response) error {
errStr := c.Parameters["error"]
if errStr == "" {
return nil
n := len(responses)
if n == 1 || (n > 1 && !sameRequest(responses[n-2].Request, responses[n-1].Request)) {
return nil
return errors.Wrapf(docker.ErrInvalidAuthorization, "server message: %s", errStr)
func sameRequest(r1, r2 *http.Request) bool {
if r1.Method != r2.Method {
return false
if *r1.URL != *r2.URL {
return false
return true
type scopes map[string]map[string]struct{}
func parseScopes(s []string) scopes {
m := map[string]map[string]struct{}{}
for _, scope := range s {
parts := strings.SplitN(scope, ":", 3)
names := []string{parts[0]}
if len(parts) > 1 {
names = append(names, parts[1])
var actions []string
if len(parts) == 3 {
actions = append(actions, strings.Split(parts[2], ",")...)
name := strings.Join(names, ":")
ma, ok := m[name]
if !ok {
ma = map[string]struct{}{}
m[name] = ma
for _, a := range actions {
ma[a] = struct{}{}
return m
func (s scopes) normalize() []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(s))
for n := range s {
names = append(names, n)
out := make([]string, 0, len(s))
for _, n := range names {
actions := make([]string, 0, len(s[n]))
for a := range s[n] {
actions = append(actions, a)
out = append(out, n+":"+strings.Join(actions, ","))
return out
func (s scopes) contains(s2 scopes) bool {
for n := range s2 {
v, ok := s[n]
if !ok {
return false
for a := range s2[n] {
if _, ok := v[a]; !ok {
return false
return true