#!/usr/bin/env python from flask import Flask from flask import render_template, request, session, g, url_for, flash, get_flashed_messages, redirect, send_from_directory import sqlite3 import json import math import datetime import time import sys, os from colorama import * import sys from threading import Thread from time import sleep from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from uuid import uuid4 from textwrap import dedent from PIL import Image # needed to resize the image they upload import re # Used to verify phone numbers from resizeimage import resizeimage # Import smtplib for the actual sending function import smtplib # Import the email modules we'll need from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt from contextlib import closing CERTIFICATE = 'certificate.crt' PRIVATE_KEY = 'privateKey.key' NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_ON_A_PAGE = 30 bad_word_found = "" f = open("badwords.txt") bad_words = f.read().split('\n') f.close() def contains_bad_word( string ): global bad_word_found words = string.split(" ") for word in words: if word in bad_words: bad_word_found = word return True else: return False price_cap = 10000 debug = False init( autoreset = True ) email_from = 'ObjeeTrade' if (debug): def success( string ): print Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "[+] " + string def error( string ): sys.stderr.write( Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[-] " + string + "\n" ) def warning( string ): print Fore.YELLOW + "[!] " + string else: def success( string ): pass def error( string ): pass def warning( string ): pass def get_available_pages( number_of_pages, page_number ): available_pages = range( max(1, page_number-3), page_number ) available_pages += range( page_number, min(number_of_pages+1,page_number+4) ) return available_pages def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename.lower() and \ filename.lower().rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS def send_email( to_address, subject, message, attachment = None ): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg["Subject"] = subject msg['From'] = email_from msg['To'] = to_address if ( attachment != None ): try: image = MIMEImage( open(attachment).read(), attachment ) msg.attach(image) except IOError: message = message.replace("Picture attached", "THEY DID NOT ADD A PICTURE."); msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'html')) server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465) server.ehlo() server.login('objeetrade@gmail.com', 'Go Coast Guard') server.sendmail(email_from, [to_address], msg.as_string()) server.quit() # =========================================================================== ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'PNG', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF']) DATABASE = 'database.db' UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads' PRIVATE_KEY = 'privateKey.key' SECRET_KEY = 'this_key_needs_to_be_used_for_session_variables' # if DATABASE == '/tmp/bearshop_database.db': # error("This server has not yet been configured with a database file!") # exit(-1) if CERTIFICATE == '$CERTIFICATE': error("This server has not yet been configured with a certificate!") exit(-1) if PRIVATE_KEY == '$PRIVATEKEY_FILE': error("This server has not yet been configured with a private key!") exit(-1) app = Flask( __name__ ) app.config.from_object(__name__) @app.route('/uploads/') def uploaded_file(filename): return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) def init_db(): with closing(connect_db()) as db: with app.open_resource('schema.sql', mode='r') as f: db.cursor().executescript(f.read()) db.commit() def connect_db(): return sqlite3.connect( app.config['DATABASE'] ) @app.before_request def before_request(): g.db = connect_db() @app.teardown_request def teardown_request(exception): db = getattr(g, 'db', None) if db is not None: db.close() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- @app.route("/") def index(): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') return redirect('products') @app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): email = password = "" if request.method == "POST": cur = g.db.execute('select email, password, uuid from users') users = dict(( row[0].lower(), row[1] ) for row in cur.fetchall()) email = request.form['email'].lower() password = request.form['password'] if ( email == "" ): flash("You need to enter an e-mail address!") elif not email.endswith("uscga.edu"): flash("This does not look like a valid USCGA EDU e-mail address!") elif not email in users.iterkeys(): flash('This e-mail is not in the database!') else: if ( password == "" ): flash("You need to enter a password!") elif not ( sha256_crypt.verify( request.form['password'], users[email] ) ): flash("Incorrect password!") else: session_login( request.form['email'] ) return redirect( "verify" ) return render_template( 'login.html', email=email, password = password ) @app.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def register(): cur = g.db.execute('select email from users') usernames = [row[0].lower() for row in cur.fetchall() ] email = password = confirm = "" if request.method == "POST": email = request.form['email'].lower() password = request.form['password'] confirm = request.form['confirm'] if unicode(request.form['email']) in usernames: flash('This e-mail is already registered!') elif (not request.form['email'].endswith('@uscga.edu')): flash('You must use an "@uscga.edu" domain e-mail!') elif (request.form['password'] == ""): flash("You must supply a password!") elif request.form['password'] != request.form['confirm']: flash('Your passwords do not match!') else: # I use this for command-line submission... identifier = str(uuid4()) cur = g.db.execute('insert into users (email, name, password, uuid, your_products, room, phone, verified) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )', [ email, " ".join( [email.split(".")[0].title(), email.split(".")[2].split("@")[0].title() ]), sha256_crypt.encrypt( request.form['password']), identifier, # a completely unique idenitifier "", # They currently have no products being sold "", # They can enter their room number later "", # They can enter their phone number later 0 # verified? ...since they just registered, no! ] ) g.db.commit() session_login( request.form['email'] ) send_verification_link() return redirect( "verify" ) return render_template( 'register.html', email = email, password = password, confirm = confirm ) @app.route("/send_verification_link") def send_verification_link(): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if ( session['logged_in'] ): email = session['email'] name = session['name'] cur = g.db.execute('select uuid, verified from users where email = (?)', [email]) identifier, verified = cur.fetchone() if ( verified == 1 ): flash("Your e-mail address has already been verified.") return redirect('products') else: send_email( email, 'Your Registration Verification Code', render_template("verification_email.html", identifier = identifier, name = name )) # THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING.... send_email( 'johnhammond010@gmail.com', 'Your Registration Verification Code', render_template("verification_email.html", identifier = identifier, name = name )) flash("An e-mail has been sent!") return redirect("verify") @app.route('/products/', defaults={'page_number': 1}) @app.route("/products/") def products(page_number): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') cur = g.db.execute("select count(*) from products") number_of_products = cur.fetchone()[0] number_of_pages = int(math.ceil(float(number_of_products) / float(NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_ON_A_PAGE))) available_pages = get_available_pages(number_of_pages, page_number) cur = g.db.execute('select name, picture, price, uuid from products ORDER BY date DESC limit (?) offset (?) ' , [ NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_ON_A_PAGE, (page_number-1)*NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_ON_A_PAGE ]) products = [ [ row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3] ] for row in cur.fetchall()[::-1]] for p in products: p[2] = '$' + format(p[2], '.2f') return render_template("products.html", products = products, available_pages=available_pages, page_number = page_number, last_page=number_of_pages) @app.route("/products/") def product(uuid): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') cur = g.db.execute('select name, price, date, picture, description, seller, interested_people from products where uuid = (?)', [uuid] ) name, price, date, picture, description, seller, interested_people = cur.fetchone() price = '$' + format(price, '.2f') date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date ).strftime('%A, %B %-d, %Y %-I:%M %p') cur = g.db.execute('select uuid from users where name = (?)', [seller] ) seller_uuid = cur.fetchone()[0] interested_people = [ person for person in interested_people.split('\n') if person ] return render_template('item.html', name=name, picture=picture, description=description, seller=seller, price=price, uuid=uuid, interested_people =interested_people, seller_uuid = seller_uuid, date = date) @app.route("/remove_product/") def remove_product(uuid): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') cur = g.db.execute('select seller from products where uuid = (?)', [uuid]) product_seller = cur.fetchone()[0] if ( product_seller == session['name'] ): cur = g.db.execute('delete from products where uuid = (?)', [uuid]) g.db.commit() cur = g.db.execute('select your_products from users where email = (?)', [session['email']]) your_products = cur.fetchone()[0]; your_products = your_products.replace(uuid,'') your_products = your_products.strip() cur = g.db.execute('update users set your_products = (?) where email = (?)', [ your_products, session['email'] ]) g.db.commit() flash("The product has been successfully removed.") return redirect("products") else: return "This product does not belong to you. Nice try, but no." @app.route("/verify", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def verify(): identifier = "" if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') else: cur = g.db.execute('select uuid, verified from users where email = (?)', [session['email']]) uuid, verified = cur.fetchone() if ( verified ): # flash("Your e-mail address has already been verified.") return redirect('products') else: if ( request.method == "GET" ): identifier = request.args.get('identifier') if ( request.method == "POST" ): identifier = request.form['identifier'] if ( identifier ): if ( identifier == uuid ): cur = g.db.execute("update users set verified = (?) where email = (?)", [ 1, session['email'] ] ); g.db.commit(); return redirect('products') else: flash("Incorrect verification code.") return render_template( 'verify.html', identifier = identifier) @app.route("/search", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def search(): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') if ( request.method == "POST" ): keywords = request.form['keywords'] price = request.form['price'] seller = request.form['seller'] if (contains_bad_word(keywords.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(seller.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(price.lower()) ): flash("Detected a bad word: '" + bad_word_found + "'. Not accepting that.") return render_template('search.html', keywords=keywords, price=price, seller=seller) actual_price = price price = actual_price.replace('<','').replace('>','') if ( price != "" ): if ( '.' in price ): if ( price[-3] != '.' ): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template('search.html', keywords=keywords, price=price, seller=seller) # try: price_number = round(float(price),2) warning(str(price_number)) if (price_number != abs(price_number)): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template('search.html', keywords=keywords, price=price, seller=seller) elif ( price_number >= price_cap ): flash("Please enter a cost less than $" + str(price_cap)) return render_template('search.html', keywords=keywords, price=price, seller=seller) # except: # flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template('search.html', keywords=keywords, price=price, seller=seller) keywords = '%' + keywords.replace(' ','%') + '%' seller = '%' + seller.replace(' ','%') + '%' query = 'select name, picture, price, uuid from products where (description like (?) or name like (?) )' add_on = ' COLLATE utf8_general_ci ORDER BY date DESC' if ( price != "" ): query += " and ( price = (?) )" if ( '>' in actual_price ): query = query.replace('=', '>') if ( '<' in actual_price ): query = query.replace('=', '<') if ( seller != "" ): query += " and ( seller like (?) )" cur = g.db.execute(query + add_on, [ keywords, keywords, price, seller ]) else: cur = g.db.execute(query + add_on, [ keywords, keywords, price ]) else: if ( seller != "" ): query += " and ( seller like (?) )" cur = g.db.execute(query + add_on, [ keywords, keywords, seller ]) else: cur = g.db.execute(query + add_on, [ keywords, keywords ]) products = [ [ row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3] ] for row in cur.fetchall()[::-1]] for p in products: p[2] = '$' + format(p[2], '.2f') return render_template("search_results.html", products = products) return render_template("search.html") @app.route("/edit/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def edit(uuid): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') if ( request.method == "GET" ): cur = g.db.execute('select name, price, picture, description, seller from products where uuid = (?) ORDER BY date', [uuid] ) name, price, picture, description, seller = cur.fetchone() price = format(price, '.2f') return render_template('edit.html', name=name, picture=picture, description=description, seller=seller, price=price, uuid=uuid) if ( request.method == "POST" ): name = request.form['name'] # uuid = request.form['uuid'] picture = request.form['picture'] cur = g.db.execute('select seller from products where uuid = (?)', [uuid]) product_seller = cur.fetchone()[0] if ( product_seller == session['name'] ): # picture = request.form['picture'] price = request.form['price'] name = request.form['name'] description = request.form['description'] if (contains_bad_word(price.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(description.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(name.lower()) ): flash("Detected a bad word: '" + bad_word_found + "'. Not accepting that.") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) if ( name == "" ): flash("Please enter a name of the product!") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) elif ( price == "" ): flash("Please enter the price of the product in dollars!") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) elif ( description == "" ): flash("Please enter a description of your product!") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) elif ( '.' in price ): if ( price[-3] != '.' ): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) # try: price_number = round(float(price),2) warning(str(price_number)) if (price_number != abs(price_number)): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) elif ( price_number >= price_cap ): flash("Please enter a cost less than $" + str(price_cap)) return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) else: # We should be good to process the form if 'picture' not in request.files: pass # They don't have to update the picture else: file = request.files['picture'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename.lower()): filename = secure_filename(str(uuid4()) + "." + file.filename.split('.')[-1]) save_location = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) file.save(save_location) p = Image.open(save_location) try: p = resizeimage.resize_cover(p, (350, 350)) except: # flash("Couldn't handle your picture. Try something smaller!") pass p.save(save_location) picture = (url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename)) date = int(time.time()) cur = g.db.execute("update products set name = (?), picture = (?), description = (?), price = (?), date = (?) where uuid = (?)", [ name, str(picture), description, price_number, date, uuid ] ); g.db.commit() send_email("johnhammond010@gmail.com", "New Product on ObjeeTrade", render_template("new_product.html", name= session['name'], product_name = name, price = price, description = description ), os.getcwd() + picture ) # except: # flash("That does not look like a valid price!") # return render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, price = price, name = name, description = description, picture=picture, seller = product_seller) else: flash("This is not your own product!") return redirect(request.referrer) return redirect(url_for('product', uuid=uuid)) @app.route("/profile/", methods= ["GET", "POST"]) def profile(uuid): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified, room, phone from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified, room, phone = cur.fetchone() if not verified: return redirect('verify') cur = g.db.execute('select email, your_products from users where uuid = (?)', [uuid]) email, your_products = cur.fetchone() name = " ".join( [email.split(".")[0].title(), email.split(".")[2].split("@")[0].title() ]) your_products = your_products.split(" ") products = [] for product in your_products: cur = g.db.execute('select name from products where uuid = (?) ORDER BY date DESC', [product]) product_name = cur.fetchone() if product_name != None: product_name = product_name[0] products.append( [product_name, product] ) if ( request.method == "POST" ): if uuid == session['uuid']: phone = room = "" phone = request.form['phone'] room = request.form['room'] name = session['name'] if ( not re.search('\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d', phone) ): flash("Please enter the phone number in the form: ###-###-####") return render_template("profile.html", name = name, products = products, phone = phone, room = room ) elif ( not ( re.search('E\d\d\d$', room) or re.search('\d\d\d\d$', room) ) ) : flash("Please enter a proper room number, #### or E###.") return render_template("profile.html", name = name, products = products, phone = phone, room = room ) else: flash("Your profile has been saved successfully!") cur = g.db.execute('update users set room = (?), phone = (?) where uuid = (?)', [ room, phone, session['uuid'] ]) g.db.commit() return render_template("profile.html", name = name, products = products, phone = phone, room = room ) return render_template("profile.html", name = name, products = products, room = room, phone = phone ) @app.route("/show_interest//") def show_interest(seller, uuid): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified, room, phone from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified, room, phone = cur.fetchone() if not verified: return redirect('verify') cur = g.db.execute('select interested_people, name from products where uuid = (?)', [uuid]) interested_people, product_name = cur.fetchone(); interested_people += '\n' + session['name'] interested_people = interested_people.strip() cur = g.db.execute('update products set interested_people = (?) where uuid = (?)', [ interested_people, uuid ]) g.db.commit() cur = g.db.execute('select email from users where name = (?)', [seller]) sellers_email = cur.fetchone()[0] send_email( sellers_email, 'Someone is interested in your product!', render_template("interest_email.html", name = session['name'], product_name = product_name, room = room, phone = phone, email = session['email'] )) flash("You showed interest in this product! An e-mail has been sent to notify the seller.") return redirect( request.referrer ) @app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def sell(): if not 'logged_in' in session: return redirect('login') cur = g.db.execute('select verified from users where uuid = (?)', [session['uuid']]) verified = cur.fetchone()[0] if not verified: return redirect('verify') name = picture = description = price = "" if ( request.method == "POST" ): name = request.form['name'] price = request.form['price'] description = request.form['description'] if 'picture' not in request.files: picture="" else: picture = request.files['picture'] if ( contains_bad_word(price.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(description.lower()) or \ contains_bad_word(name.lower()) ): flash("Detected a bad word: '" + bad_word_found + "'. Not accepting that.") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) if ( name == "" ): flash("Please enter a name of the product!") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) elif ( price == "" ): flash("Please enter the price of the product in dollars!") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) elif ( description == "" ): flash("Please enter a description of your product!") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) elif ( '.' in price ): if ( price[-3] != '.' ): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) # try: price_number = round(float(price),2) # except: # flash("That does not look like a valid price!") # return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) if (price_number != abs(price_number)): flash("That does not look like a valid price!") return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) elif ( price_number >= price_cap ): flash("Please enter a cost less than $" + str(price_cap)) return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) else: # We should be good to process the form if 'picture' not in request.files: pass # We make it optional for them to upload files, remember? else: file = request.files['picture'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(str(uuid4()) + "." + file.filename.split('.')[-1]) save_location = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) file.save(save_location) p = Image.open(save_location) try: p = resizeimage.resize_cover(p, (350, 350)) except: # The image is small already; we don;t have to convert it. pass p.save(save_location) # return redirect(url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename)) picture = (url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename)) uuid = str(uuid4()) date = int(time.time()) cur = g.db.execute('insert into products (name, picture, description, date, price, seller, interested_people, uuid) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )', [ name, str(picture), description, date, price_number, session['name'], "", # Since you are just now selling this product, no one is interested yet! uuid ] ); g.db.commit() cur = g.db.execute('select your_products from users where email = (?)', [session['email']]) your_products = cur.fetchone()[0]; your_products += ' ' + uuid your_products = your_products.strip() cur = g.db.execute('update users set your_products = (?) where email = (?)', [ your_products, session['email'] ]) g.db.commit() # def send_email( to_address, subject, message, attachment = None ): if ( repr(type(picture)) == "" ): send_email("johnhammond010@gmail.com", "New Product on ObjeeTrade", render_template("new_product.html", name= session['name'], product_name = name, price = str(price), description = description ), ) else: send_email("johnhammond010@gmail.com", "New Product on ObjeeTrade", render_template("new_product.html", name= session['name'], product_name = name, price = str(price), description = description ), os.getcwd() + picture ) return redirect('products') return render_template("sell.html", name=name, price = price, description = description, picture=picture) @app.route("/log_out", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def log_out(): session_logout() return redirect('login') def session_login( email ): flash("You have been successfully logged in!") session['logged_in'] = True session['email'] = email.lower() cur = g.db.execute('select uuid from users where email = (?)', [session['email']]) uuid = cur.fetchone() if uuid != None: uuid = uuid[0]; session['uuid'] = uuid session['name'] = " ".join( [email.split(".")[0].title(), email.split(".")[-2].split("@")[0].title() ]) def session_logout(): flash("You have been successfully logged out.") if session.has_key('logged_in'): session.pop('logged_in') if session.has_key('email'): session.pop('email') if session.has_key('uuid'): session.pop('uuid') if session.has_key('name'): session.pop('name') if ( __name__ == "__main__" ): context = (CERTIFICATE, PRIVATE_KEY) app.run( host="", debug=True, ssl_context=context, port = 443, threaded = True )