[tox] envlist = py{26,27,33,34,35,36,37}, bandit, doc8, readme, mypy-py{2,3}, flake8, pylint, flake8-tests, pylint-tests, # prone to false positives vulture # Additional environments: # linters :: Runs all linters over all source code. # linters-tests :: Runs all linters over all tests. [testenv:default-python] basepython = python3.6 [testenv:base-command] commands = pytest --basetemp={envtmpdir} -l --cov base64io {posargs} [testenv] sitepackages = False deps = py26: -rtest/requirements/legacy py27: -rtest/requirements/modern py33: -rtest/requirements/legacy py34: -rtest/requirements/modern py35: -rtest/requirements/modern py36: -rtest/requirements/modern py37: -rtest/requirements/modern commands = pytest --basetemp={envtmpdir} -l --cov base64io {posargs} # mypy [testenv:mypy-common] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = coverage mypy mypy_extensions typing>=3.6.2 commands = python -m mypy \ --linecoverage-report build \ src/base64io/ [testenv:mypy-coverage] commands = # Make mypy linecoverage report readable by coverage python -c \ "t = open('.coverage', 'w');\ c = open('build/coverage.json').read();\ t.write('!coverage.py: This is a private format, don\'t read it directly!\n');\ t.write(c);\ t.close()" coverage report -m [testenv:mypy-py3] basepython = {[testenv:mypy-common]basepython} deps = {[testenv:mypy-common]deps} commands = {[testenv:mypy-common]commands} {[testenv:mypy-coverage]commands} [testenv:mypy-py2] basepython = {[testenv:mypy-common]basepython} deps = {[testenv:mypy-common]deps} commands = {[testenv:mypy-common]commands} --py2 {[testenv:mypy-coverage]commands} # Linters [testenv:flake8] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = flake8 flake8-docstrings flake8-import-order # https://github.com/JBKahn/flake8-print/pull/30 flake8-print>=3.1.0 commands = flake8 \ src/base64io/ \ setup.py \ doc/conf.py [testenv:flake8-tests] basepython = {[testenv:flake8]basepython} deps = {[testenv:flake8]deps} commands = flake8 \ # Ignore F811 redefinition errors in tests (breaks with pytest-mock use) # Ignore D103 docstring requirements for tests --ignore F811,D103 \ test/ [testenv:black-check] basepython = {[testenv:flake8]basepython} deps = black commands = black --line-length 120 --diff \ src/base64io/ \ setup.py \ doc/conf.py \ test/ [testenv:pylint] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = -rtest/requirements/modern pyflakes pylint commands = pylint \ --rcfile=src/pylintrc \ src/base64io/ \ setup.py \ doc/conf.py [testenv:pylint-tests] basepython = {[testenv:pylint]basepython} deps = {[testenv:pylint]deps} commands = pylint \ --rcfile=test/pylintrc \ test/unit/ [testenv:doc8] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = sphinx doc8 commands = doc8 doc/index.rst README.rst CHANGELOG.rst [testenv:readme] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = readme_renderer commands = python setup.py check -r -s [testenv:bandit] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = bandit commands = bandit -r src/base64io/ # Prone to false positives: only run independently [testenv:vulture] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = vulture commands = vulture src/base64io/ [testenv:linters] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = {[testenv:flake8]deps} {[testenv:pylint]deps} {[testenv:doc8]deps} {[testenv:readme]deps} {[testenv:bandit]deps} commands = {[testenv:flake8]commands} {[testenv:pylint]commands} {[testenv:doc8]commands} {[testenv:readme]commands} {[testenv:bandit]commands} [testenv:linters-tests] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = {[testenv:flake8-tests]deps} {[testenv:pylint-tests]deps} commands = {[testenv:flake8-tests]commands} {[testenv:pylint-tests]commands} # Documentation [testenv:docs] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} deps = -rdoc/requirements.txt commands = sphinx-build -E -c doc/ -b html doc/ doc/build/html [testenv:serve-docs] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} skip_install = true changedir = doc/build/html deps = commands = python -m http.server {posargs} # Release tooling [testenv:build] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} skip_install = true deps = wheel setuptools commands = python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel [testenv:test-release] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} skip_install = true deps = {[testenv:build]deps} twine commands = {[testenv:build]commands} twine upload --skip-existing --repository testpypi dist/* [testenv:release] basepython = {[testenv:default-python]basepython} skip_install = true deps = {[testenv:build]deps} twine commands = {[testenv:build]commands} twine upload --skip-existing --repository pypi dist/*