[wheel] universal = 1 [metadata] license_file = LICENSE [coverage:run] branch = True [coverage:report] show_missing = True [mypy] ignore_missing_imports = True [tool:pytest] markers = unit: mark test as a unit test (does not require network access) functional: mark test as a functional test (does not require network access) hypothesis: mark a test as using hypothesis (will run many times for each pytest call) log_level=NOTSET # Flake8 Configuration [flake8] max_complexity = 10 max_line_length = 120 import_order_style = google application_import_names = base64io builtins = raw_input ignore = # Ignoring D205 and D400 because of false positives #D205, D400, # Ignoring D401 pending discussion of imperative mood #D401, # Ignoring D202 (no blank lines after function docstring) because mypy confuses flake8 D202 # Doc8 Configuration [doc8] max-line-length = 120