
360 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from CTFd.models import Users
from CTFd.utils import set_config, get_config
from CTFd.utils.security.signing import serialize
from CTFd.utils.security.passwords import hash_password, check_password
from freezegun import freeze_time
from tests.helpers import *
from mock import patch
def test_register_user():
"""Can a user be registered"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
user_count = Users.query.count()
assert user_count == 2 # There's the admin user and the created user
def test_register_unicode_user():
"""Can a user with a unicode name be registered"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
register_user(app, name="你好")
user_count = Users.query.count()
assert user_count == 2 # There's the admin user and the created user
def test_register_duplicate_username():
"""A user shouldn't be able to use an already registered team name"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user1@ctfd.io", password="password", raise_for_error=False)
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user2@ctfd.io", password="password", raise_for_error=False)
user_count = Users.query.count()
assert user_count == 2 # There's the admin user and the first created user
def test_register_duplicate_email():
"""A user shouldn't be able to use an already registered email address"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user1@ctfd.io", password="password", raise_for_error=False)
register_user(app, name="user2", email="user1@ctfd.io", password="password", raise_for_error=False)
user_count = Users.query.count()
assert user_count == 2 # There's the admin user and the first created user
def test_register_whitelisted_email():
"""A user shouldn't be able to register with an email that isn't on the whitelist"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
set_config('domain_whitelist', 'whitelisted.com, whitelisted.org, whitelisted.net')
register_user(app, name="not_whitelisted", email='user@nope.com', raise_for_error=False)
assert Users.query.count() == 1
register_user(app, name="user1", email='user@whitelisted.com')
assert Users.query.count() == 2
register_user(app, name="user2", email='user@whitelisted.org')
assert Users.query.count() == 3
register_user(app, name="user3", email='user@whitelisted.net')
assert Users.query.count() == 4
def test_user_bad_login():
"""A user should not be able to login with an incorrect password"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app, name="user", password="wrong_password", raise_for_error=False)
with client.session_transaction() as sess:
assert sess.get('id') is None
r = client.get('/profile')
assert r.location.startswith("http://localhost/login") # We got redirected to login
def test_user_login():
"""Can a registered user can login"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app)
r = client.get('/profile')
assert r.location != "http://localhost/login" # We didn't get redirected to login
assert r.status_code == 200
def test_user_login_with_email():
"""Can a registered user can login with an email address instead of a team name"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app, name="user@ctfd.io", password="password")
r = client.get('/profile')
assert r.location != "http://localhost/login" # We didn't get redirected to login
assert r.status_code == 200
def test_user_get_logout():
"""Can a registered user load /logout"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app)
client.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True)
r = client.get('/challenges')
assert r.location == "http://localhost/login?next=%2Fchallenges%3F"
assert r.status_code == 302
def test_user_isnt_admin():
"""A registered user cannot access admin pages"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app)
for page in ['pages', 'users', 'teams', 'scoreboard', 'challenges', 'statistics', 'config']:
r = client.get('/admin/{}'.format(page))
assert r.location.startswith("http://localhost/login?next=")
assert r.status_code == 302
def test_expired_confirmation_links():
"""Test that expired confirmation links are reported to the user"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context(), freeze_time("2019-02-24 03:21:34"):
set_config('verify_emails', True)
register_user(app, email="user@user.com")
client = login_as_user(app, name="user", password="password")
# user@user.com "2012-01-14 03:21:34"
confirm_link = 'http://localhost/confirm/InVzZXJAdXNlci5jb20i.TxD0vg.cAGwAy8cK1T0saEEbrDEBVF2plI'
r = client.get(confirm_link)
assert "Your confirmation link has expired" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
user = Users.query.filter_by(email='user@user.com').first()
assert user.verified is not True
def test_invalid_confirmation_links():
"""Test that invalid confirmation links are reported to the user"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
set_config('verify_emails', True)
register_user(app, email="user@user.com")
client = login_as_user(app, name="user", password="password")
# user@user.com "2012-01-14 03:21:34"
confirm_link = 'http://localhost/confirm/a8375iyu<script>alert(1)<script>hn3048wueorighkgnsfg'
r = client.get(confirm_link)
assert "Your confirmation token is invalid" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
user = Users.query.filter_by(email='user@user.com').first()
assert user.verified is not True
def test_expired_reset_password_link():
"""Test that expired reset password links are reported to the user"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
set_config('mail_server', 'localhost')
set_config('mail_port', 25)
set_config('mail_useauth', True)
set_config('mail_username', 'username')
set_config('mail_password', 'password')
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user@user.com")
with app.test_client() as client, freeze_time("2019-02-24 03:21:34"):
# user@user.com "2012-01-14 03:21:34"
forgot_link = 'http://localhost/reset_password/InVzZXJAdXNlci5jb20i.TxD0vg.cAGwAy8cK1T0saEEbrDEBVF2plI'
r = client.get(forgot_link)
assert "Your link has expired" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
def test_invalid_reset_password_link():
"""Test that invalid reset password links are reported to the user"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
set_config('mail_server', 'localhost')
set_config('mail_port', 25)
set_config('mail_useauth', True)
set_config('mail_username', 'username')
set_config('mail_password', 'password')
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user@user.com")
with app.test_client() as client:
# user@user.com "2012-01-14 03:21:34"
forgot_link = 'http://localhost/reset_password/5678ytfghjiu876tyfg<INVALID DATA>hvbnmkoi9u87y6trdf'
r = client.get(forgot_link)
assert "Your reset token is invalid" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
def test_contact_for_password_reset():
"""Test that if there is no mailserver configured, users should contact admins"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user@user.com")
with app.test_client() as client:
forgot_link = 'http://localhost/reset_password'
r = client.get(forgot_link)
assert "Contact a CTF organizer" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
def test_user_can_confirm_email(mock_smtp):
"""Test that a user is capable of confirming their email address"""
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context(), freeze_time("2012-01-14 03:21:34"):
# Set CTFd to only allow confirmed users and send emails
set_config('verify_emails', True)
set_config('mail_server', 'localhost')
set_config('mail_port', 25)
set_config('mail_useauth', True)
set_config('mail_username', 'username')
set_config('mail_password', 'password')
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user@user.com")
# Teams are not verified by default
user = Users.query.filter_by(email='user@user.com').first()
assert user.verified is False
client = login_as_user(app, name="user1", password="password")
r = client.get('http://localhost/confirm')
assert "Need to resend the confirmation email?" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
# smtp.sendmail was called
with client.session_transaction() as sess:
data = {
"nonce": sess.get('nonce')
r = client.post('http://localhost/confirm', data=data)
assert "confirmation email has been resent" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
r = client.get('/challenges')
assert r.location == "http://localhost/confirm" # We got redirected to /confirm
r = client.get(
'http://localhost/confirm/' + serialize('user@user.com')
assert r.location == 'http://localhost/challenges'
# The team is now verified
user = Users.query.filter_by(email='user@user.com').first()
assert user.verified is True
r = client.get('http://localhost/confirm')
assert r.location == "http://localhost/settings"
def test_user_can_reset_password(mock_smtp):
"""Test that a user is capable of resetting their password"""
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context(), freeze_time("2012-01-14 03:21:34"):
# Set CTFd to send emails
set_config('mail_server', 'localhost')
set_config('mail_port', 25)
set_config('mail_useauth', True)
set_config('mail_username', 'username')
set_config('mail_password', 'password')
# Create a user
register_user(app, name="user1", email="user@user.com")
with app.test_client() as client:
r = client.get('/reset_password')
# Build reset password data
with client.session_transaction() as sess:
data = {
'nonce': sess.get('nonce'),
'email': 'user@user.com'
# Issue the password reset request
r = client.post('/reset_password', data=data)
from_addr = get_config('mailfrom_addr') or app.config.get('MAILFROM_ADDR')
to_addr = 'user@user.com'
# Build the email
msg = ("""Did you initiate a password reset? Click the following link to reset """
"""your password:\n\nhttp://localhost/reset_password/InVzZXIxIg.TxD0vg.-gvVg-KVy0RWkiclAE6JViv1I0M\n\n""")
email_msg = MIMEText(msg)
email_msg['Subject'] = "Message from CTFd"
email_msg['From'] = from_addr
email_msg['To'] = to_addr
# Make sure that the reset password email is sent
mock_smtp.return_value.sendmail.assert_called_with(from_addr, [to_addr], email_msg.as_string())
# Get user's original password
user = Users.query.filter_by(email="user@user.com").first()
user_password_saved = user.password
# Build the POST data
with client.session_transaction() as sess:
data = {
'nonce': sess.get('nonce'),
'password': 'passwordtwo'
# Do the password reset
r = client.get('/reset_password/InVzZXIxIg.TxD0vg.-gvVg-KVy0RWkiclAE6JViv1I0M')
r = client.post('/reset_password/InVzZXIxIg.TxD0vg.-gvVg-KVy0RWkiclAE6JViv1I0M', data=data)
# Make sure that the user's password changed
user = Users.query.filter_by(email="user@user.com").first()
assert check_password('passwordtwo', user.password)
def test_banned_user():
app = create_ctfd()
with app.app_context():
client = login_as_user(app)
user = Users.query.filter_by(id=2).first()
user.banned = True
routes = ['/', '/challenges', '/api/v1/challenges']
for route in routes:
r = client.get(route)
assert r.status_code == 403