from flask.testing import FlaskClient from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers from CTFd import create_app from CTFd.config import TestingConfig from CTFd.models import ( Awards, Challenges, ChallengeFiles, Fails, Files, Flags, Hints, Notifications, Pages, PageFiles, Solves, Tags, Teams, Tracking, Unlocks, Users, ) from CTFd.cache import cache, clear_standings from sqlalchemy_utils import drop_database from collections import namedtuple from mock import Mock, patch from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url import datetime import six import gc import requests import uuid import random import string if six.PY2: text_type = unicode # noqa: F821 binary_type = str else: text_type = str binary_type = bytes FakeRequest = namedtuple("FakeRequest", ["form"]) class CTFdTestClient(FlaskClient): def open(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("json") is not None: with self.session_transaction() as sess: api_key_headers = Headers({"CSRF-Token": sess.get("nonce")}) headers = kwargs.pop("headers", Headers()) headers.extend(api_key_headers) kwargs["headers"] = headers return super(CTFdTestClient, self).open(*args, **kwargs) def create_ctfd( ctf_name="CTFd", name="admin", email="", password="password", user_mode="users", setup=True, enable_plugins=False, application_root="/", config=TestingConfig, ): if enable_plugins: config.SAFE_MODE = False else: config.SAFE_MODE = True config.APPLICATION_ROOT = application_root url = make_url(config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) if url.database: url.database = str(uuid.uuid4()) config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = str(url) app = create_app(config) app.test_client_class = CTFdTestClient if setup: app = setup_ctfd(app, ctf_name, name, email, password, user_mode) return app def setup_ctfd( app, ctf_name="CTFd", name="admin", email="", password="password", user_mode="users", ): with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: client.get("/setup") # Populate session with nonce with client.session_transaction() as sess: data = { "ctf_name": ctf_name, "name": name, "email": email, "password": password, "user_mode": user_mode, "nonce": sess.get("nonce"), }"/setup", data=data) return app def destroy_ctfd(app): with app.app_context(): gc.collect() # Garbage collect (necessary in the case of dataset freezes to clean database connections) cache.clear() drop_database(app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"]) def register_user( app, name="user", email="", password="password", raise_for_error=True ): with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: client.get("/register") with client.session_transaction() as sess: data = { "name": name, "email": email, "password": password, "nonce": sess.get("nonce"), }"/register", data=data) if raise_for_error: with client.session_transaction() as sess: assert sess["id"] assert sess["name"] == name assert sess["type"] assert sess["email"] assert sess["nonce"] def register_team(app, name="team", password="password", raise_for_error=True): with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: client.get("/team") with client.session_transaction() as sess: data = {"name": name, "password": password, "nonce": sess.get("nonce")} r ="/teams/new", data=data) if raise_for_error: assert r.status_code == 302 return client def login_as_user(app, name="user", password="password", raise_for_error=True): with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: client.get("/login") with client.session_transaction() as sess: data = {"name": name, "password": password, "nonce": sess.get("nonce")}"/login", data=data) if raise_for_error: with client.session_transaction() as sess: assert sess["id"] assert sess["name"] assert sess["type"] assert sess["email"] assert sess["nonce"] return client def login_with_mlc( app, name="user", scope="profile%20team", email="", oauth_id=1337, team_name="TestTeam", team_oauth_id=1234, raise_for_error=True, ): with app.test_client() as client, patch.object( requests, "get" ) as fake_get_request, patch.object(requests, "post") as fake_post_request: client.get("/login") with client.session_transaction() as sess: nonce = sess["nonce"] redirect_url = "{endpoint}?response_type=code&client_id={client_id}&scope={scope}&state={state}".format( endpoint=app.config["OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT"], client_id=app.config["OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"], scope=scope, state=nonce, ) r = client.get("/oauth", follow_redirects=False) assert r.location == redirect_url fake_post_response = Mock() fake_post_request.return_value = fake_post_response fake_post_response.status_code = 200 fake_post_response.json = lambda: {"access_token": "fake_mlc_access_token"} fake_get_response = Mock() fake_get_request.return_value = fake_get_response fake_get_response.status_code = 200 fake_get_response.json = lambda: { "id": oauth_id, "name": name, "email": email, "team": {"id": team_oauth_id, "name": team_name}, } client.get( "/redirect?code={code}&state={state}".format( code="mlc_test_code", state=nonce ), follow_redirects=False, ) if raise_for_error: with client.session_transaction() as sess: assert sess["id"] assert sess["name"] assert sess["type"] assert sess["email"] assert sess["nonce"] return client def get_scores(user): r = user.get("/api/v1/scoreboard") scores = r.get_json() return scores["data"] def random_string(n=5): return "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(n) ) def random_int(start=2147483647, stop=None, step=1): return random.randrange(start, stop, step) def gen_challenge( db, name="chal_name", description="chal_description", value=100, category="chal_category", type="standard", state="visible", **kwargs ): chal = Challenges( name=name, description=description, value=value, category=category, type=type, state=state, **kwargs ) db.session.add(chal) db.session.commit() return chal def gen_award(db, user_id, team_id=None, name="award_name", value=100): award = Awards(user_id=user_id, team_id=team_id, name=name, value=value) = datetime.datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(award) db.session.commit() clear_standings() return award def gen_tag(db, challenge_id, value="tag_tag", **kwargs): tag = Tags(challenge_id=challenge_id, value=value, **kwargs) db.session.add(tag) db.session.commit() return tag def gen_file(db, location, challenge_id=None, page_id=None): if challenge_id: f = ChallengeFiles(challenge_id=challenge_id, location=location) elif page_id: f = PageFiles(page_id=page_id, location=location) else: f = Files(location=location) db.session.add(f) db.session.commit() return f def gen_flag(db, challenge_id, content="flag", type="static", data=None, **kwargs): flag = Flags(challenge_id=challenge_id, content=content, type=type, **kwargs) if data: = data db.session.add(flag) db.session.commit() return flag def gen_user(db, name="user_name", email="", password="password", **kwargs): user = Users(name=name, email=email, password=password, **kwargs) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return user def gen_team( db, name="team_name", email="", password="password", member_count=4, **kwargs ): team = Teams(name=name, email=email, password=password, **kwargs) for i in range(member_count): name = "user-{}-{}".format(random_string(), str(i)) user = gen_user(db, name=name, email=name + "", if i == 0: team.captain_id = team.members.append(user) db.session.add(team) db.session.commit() return team def gen_hint( db, challenge_id, content="This is a hint", cost=0, type="standard", **kwargs ): hint = Hints( challenge_id=challenge_id, content=content, cost=cost, type=type, **kwargs ) db.session.add(hint) db.session.commit() return hint def gen_unlock(db, user_id, team_id=None, target=None, type="hints"): unlock = Unlocks(user_id=user_id, team_id=team_id, target=target, type=type) db.session.add(unlock) db.session.commit() return unlock def gen_solve( db, user_id, team_id=None, challenge_id=None, ip="", provided="rightkey", **kwargs ): solve = Solves( user_id=user_id, team_id=team_id, challenge_id=challenge_id, ip=ip, provided=provided, **kwargs ) = datetime.datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(solve) db.session.commit() clear_standings() return solve def gen_fail( db, user_id, team_id=None, challenge_id=None, ip="", provided="wrongkey", **kwargs ): fail = Fails( user_id=user_id, team_id=team_id, challenge_id=challenge_id, ip=ip, provided=provided, **kwargs ) = datetime.datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(fail) db.session.commit() return fail def gen_tracking(db, user_id=None, ip="", **kwargs): tracking = Tracking(ip=ip, user_id=user_id, **kwargs) db.session.add(tracking) db.session.commit() return tracking def gen_page(db, title, route, content, draft=False, auth_required=False, **kwargs): page = Pages( title=title, route=route, content=content, draft=draft, auth_required=auth_required, **kwargs ) db.session.add(page) db.session.commit() return page def gen_notification(db, title="title", content="content"): notif = Notifications(title=title, content=content) db.session.add(notif) db.session.commit() def simulate_user_activity(db, user): gen_tracking(db, gen_award(db, challenge = gen_challenge(db) flag = gen_flag(db, hint = gen_hint(db, for _ in range(5): gen_fail(db,, gen_unlock(db,,, type="hints") gen_solve(db,,, provided=flag.content)