"""add theme code injections to configs Revision ID: a03403986a32 Revises: 080d29b15cd3 Create Date: 2020-02-13 01:10:16.430424 """ from alembic import op from sqlalchemy.sql import column, table from CTFd.models import db # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = "a03403986a32" down_revision = "080d29b15cd3" branch_labels = None depends_on = None configs_table = table( "config", column("id", db.Integer), column("key", db.Text), column("value", db.Text) ) def upgrade(): connection = op.get_bind() css = connection.execute( configs_table.select().where(configs_table.c.key == "css").limit(1) ).fetchone() if css and css.value: new_css = "" config = connection.execute( configs_table.select().where(configs_table.c.key == "theme_header").limit(1) ).fetchone() if config: # Do not overwrite existing theme_header value pass else: connection.execute( configs_table.insert().values(key="theme_header", value=new_css) ) def downgrade(): pass