1.0.2 / 2017-07-01 ================== * Increased Unicode support. Smileys everywhere 👌 * MySQL charset defaults to utf8mb4 * Pages feature now supports Markdown and the Pages editor has a preview button * IPv6 support for users' IP addresses * Theme switching no longer requires a server restart * Admins can now search for teams in the admin panel * The config.html page for plugins are now Jinja templates giving them much more functionality * Hints are automatically unlocked once the CTF is finished * Themes now have a dedicated themes folder * Graphs are now transparent so that themes can style the background * Tags are now inserted into the classes of challenge buttons on the default theme * There is now an `override_template()` function allowing plugins to replace the content of any template loaded by CTFd * Changes to the email confirmation flow and making confirmation email resending user controlled. 1.0.2 / 2017-04-29 ================== * Challenges can now have max attempts set on a per challenge level * Setup now automatically logs you in as an admin. Don't leave your CTFs unconfigured! * Tests are now executed by TravisCI! Help out by adding tests for functionality! * CTFd now has it's own Github organization! * From a plugin you can replace most of the utils functions used by CTFd. This allows plugins to replace even more functionality within CTFd * CTFd now has a concept of Hints! * You can now customize the challenge editting modals in the admin panel * There are now links to social media pages where you can follow CTFd to track updates. * CTFd now has the ability to export and import data. This lets you save your CTFs as zip files and redeploy them again and again. 1.0.1 / 2017-03-08 ================== * Challenge types * This means CTFd now supports multiple kinds of challenges. * Challenges are now modifiable with a plugin. * Solve types * This means CTFd now supports multiple kinds of flags/keys. * The flag/key logic is now modifiable with a plugin. * Plugins are now allowed a configuration page * The formerly massive admin.py is separated out into easier to work on chunks * Improved Dockerfile and associated docker-compose file * Fixes Python 3 compatibility * Fixes a variety of glitches reported by users ***Always backup database before upgrading!** 1.0.0 / 2017-01-24 ================== **Implemented enhancements:** - 1.0.0 release! Things work! - Manage everything from a browser - Run Containers - Themes - Plugins - Database migrations **Closed issues:** - Closed out 94 issues before tagging 1.0.0 **Merged pull requests:** - Merged 42 pull requests before tagging 1.0.0