#!/bin/sh # Check that a .ctfd_secret_key file or SECRET_KEY envvar is set if [ ! -f .ctfd_secret_key ] && [ -z "$SECRET_KEY" ]; then if [ $WORKERS -gt 1 ]; then echo "[ ERROR ] You are configured to use more than 1 worker." echo "[ ERROR ] To do this, you must define the SECRET_KEY environment variable or create a .ctfd_secret_key file." echo "[ ERROR ] Exiting..." exit 1 fi fi # Check that the database is available if [ -n "$DATABASE_URL" ] then database=`echo $DATABASE_URL | awk -F[@//] '{print $4}'` echo "Waiting for $database to be ready" while ! mysqladmin ping -h $database --silent; do # Show some progress echo -n '.'; sleep 1; done echo "$database is ready" # Give it another second. sleep 1; fi # Initialize database python manage.py db upgrade if [ -z "$WORKERS" ]; then WORKERS=1 fi # Start CTFd echo "Starting CTFd" gunicorn 'CTFd:create_app()' \ --bind '' \ --workers $WORKERS \ --worker-class 'gevent' \ --access-logfile "${LOG_FOLDER:-/opt/CTFd/CTFd/logs}/access.log" \ --error-logfile "${LOG_FOLDER:-/opt/CTFd/CTFd/logs}/error.log"