2.3.3 / 2020-04-12
* Re-enable the Jinja LRU Cache for **significant speedups** when returning HTML content
* `POST /api/v1/unlocks` will no longer allow duplicate unlocks to happen
**Admin Panel**
* Makes `Account Visibility` subtext clearer by explaining the `Private` setting in Config Panel
* Fixes an issue with using a theme with a purely numeric name
* Fixes issue where the scoreboard graph always said Teams regardless of mode
* Bump max log file size to 10 MB and fix log rotation
* Docker image dependencies (apk & pip) are no longer cached reducing the image size slightly
2.3.2 / 2020-03-15
* Fix awards not being properly assigned to teams in `TEAMS_MODE`
* Set `/api/v1/statistics/users` route to be admins_only
* When POST'ing to `/api/v1/awards`, CTFd will look up a user's team ID if `team_id` is not specified
**Admin Panel**
* Adds a setting to registration visibility to allow for MLC registration while registration is disabled
* Fix setting theme color during the setup flow and from the Admin Panel
* Fixes users/admins being able to remove profile settings.
* Previously a bug prevented users from removing some profile settings. Now the `core` theme stores the initial value of inputs as a `data` attribute and checks for changes when updating data. This should be a temporary hack until a proper front-end framework is in place.
* Fix `ezToast()` issue that was keeping toast messages visible indefinitely
* Fix `modal-body` parameters in ezq.js for `ezAlert` and `ezQuery` and fix the progress bar for certain cases in `ezProgressBar`
* Use `authed()` function to check if user is authed in `base.html`. This fixes an issue where a page could look as if the user was logged in.
* Fix behavior for `REVERSE_PROXY` config setting when set to a boolean instead of a string
* Improve `Dockerfile` to run fewer commands and re-use the build cache
* Add `make coverage` to generate an HTML coverage report
* Update `coverage` and `pytest-cov` development dependencies
2.3.0 / 2020-02-17
* During setup, admins can register their email address with the CTFd LLC newsletter for news and updates
* Fix editting hints from the admin panel
* Allow admins to insert HTML code directly into the header and footer (end of body tag) of pages. This replaces and supercedes the custom CSS feature.
* The `views.custom_css` route has been removed.
* Admins can now customize the content of outgoing emails and inject certain variables into email content.
* The `manage.py` script can now manipulate the CTFd Configs table via the `get_config` and `set_config` commands. (e.g. `python manage.py get_config ctf_theme` and `python manage.py set_config ctf_theme core`)
* Themes should now reference the `theme_header` and `theme_footer` configs instead of the `views.custom_css` endpoint to allow for user customizations. See the `base.html` file of the core theme.
* Make `ezq` functions available to `CTFd.js` under `CTFd.ui.ezq`
* Python imports sorted with `isort` and import order enforced
* Black formatter running on a majority of Python code
2.2.3 / 2020-01-21
### This release includes a critical security fix for CTFd versions >= 2.0.0
All CTFd administrators are recommended to take the following steps:
1. Upgrade their installations to the latest version
2. Rotate the `SECRET_KEY` value
3. Reset the passwords for all administrator users
* This release includes a fix for a vulnerability allowing an arbitrary user to take over other accounts given their username and a CTFd instance with emails enabled
* Users will receive an email notification when their passwords are reset
* Fixed an error when users provided incorrect team join information
2.2.2 / 2020-01-09
* Add jQuery, Moment, nunjucks, and Howl to window globals to make it easier for plugins to access JS modules
* Fix issue with timezone loading in config page which was preventing display of CTF times
2.2.0 / 2019-12-22
## Notice
2.2.0 focuses on updating the front end of CTFd to use more modern programming practices and changes some aspects of core CTFd design. If your current installation is using a custom theme or custom plugin with ***any*** kind of JavaScript, it is likely that you will need to upgrade that theme/plugin to be useable with v2.2.0.
* Team size limits can now be enforced from the configuration panel
* Access tokens functionality for API usage
* Admins can now choose how to deliver their notifications
* Toast (new default)
* Alert
* Background
* Sound On / Sound Off
* There is now a notification counter showing how many unread notifications were received
* Setup has been redesigned to have multiple steps
* Added Description
* Added Start time and End time,
* Added MajorLeagueCyber integration
* Added Theme and color selection
* Fixes issue where updating dynamic challenges could change the value to an incorrect value
* Properly use a less restrictive regex to validate email addresses
* Bump Python dependencies to latest working versions
* Admins can now give awards to team members from the team's admin panel page
* Team member removals (`DELETE /api/v1/teams/[team_id]/members`) from the admin panel will now delete the removed members's Submissions, Awards, Unlocks
**Admin Panel**
* Admins can now user a color input box to specify a theme color which is injected as part of the CSS configuration. Theme developers can use this CSS value to change colors and styles accordingly.
* Challenge updates will now alert you if the challenge doesn't have a flag
* Challenge entry now allows you to upload files and enter simple flags from the initial challenge creation page
* Significant JavaScript and CSS rewrite to use ES6, Webpack, yarn, and babel
* Theme asset specially generated URLs
* Static theme assets are now loaded with either .dev.extension or .min.extension depending on production or development (i.e. debug server)
* Static theme assets are also given a `d` GET parameter that changes per server start. Used to bust browser caches.
* Use `defer` for script tags to not block page rendering
* Only show the MajorLeagueCyber button if configured in configuration
* The admin panel now links to https://help.ctfd.io/ in the top right
* Create an `ezToast()` function to use [Bootstrap's toasts](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/components/toasts/)
* The user-facing navbar now features icons
* Awards shown on a user's profile can now have award icons
* The default MarkdownIt render created by CTFd will now open links in new tabs
* Country flags can now be shown on the user pages
* Switch `Dockerfile` from `python:2.7-alpine` to `python:3.7-alpine`
* Add `SERVER_SENT_EVENTS` config value to control whether Notifications are enabled
* Challenge ID is now recorded in the submission log
* Add an endpoint parameter to `register_plugin_assets_directory()` and `register_plugin_asset()` to control what endpoint Flask uses for the added route
* `CTFd.utils.email.sendmail()` now allows the caller to specify subject as an argument
* The subject allows for injecting custom variable via the new `CTFd.utils.formatters.safe_format()` function
* Admin user information is now error checked during setup
* Added yarn to the toolchain and the yarn dev, yarn build, yarn verify, and yarn clean scripts
* Prevent old CTFd imports from being imported
2.1.5 / 2019-10-2
* Fixes `flask run` debug server by not monkey patching in `wsgi.py`
* Fix CSV exports in Python 3 by converting StringIO to BytesIO
* Avoid exception on sessions without a valid user and force logout
* Fix several issues in Vagrant provisioning
* Prevent users from nulling out profile values and breaking certain pages
2.1.4 / 2019-08-30
* Make user pages show the team's score and place information instead of the user's information if in team mode
* Allow admins to search users by IP address
* Require password for email address changes in the user profile
* The place indicator in `Teams Mode` on the team pages and user pages now correctly excludes hidden teams
* Fix scoreboard place ordinalization in Python 3
* Fix for a crash where imports will fail on SQLite due to lack of ALTER command support
* Fix for an issue where files downloaded via S3 would have the folder name in the filename
* Make `Users.get_place()` and `Teams.get_place()` for return None instead of 0 if the account has no rank/place
* Properly redirect users or 403 if the endpoint requires a team but the user isn't in one
* Show affiliation in user and team pages in the admin panel and public and private user and team pages
* Remove invalid `id='submit'` on submit buttons in various theme files
* Set `tabindex` to 0 since we don't really care for forcing tab order
* Rename `statistics.js` to `graphs.js` in the Admin Panel as it was identified that adblockers can sometimes block the file
* The team profile endpoint (`/api/v1/teams/me`) will now return 403 instead of 400 if the requesting user is not the captain
* The Challenge API will now properly freeze the solve count to freeze time
2.1.3 / 2019-06-22
* Fix issue with downloading files after CTF end when `view_after_ctf` is enabled
* Sort solves in admin challenge view by date
* Link to appropriate user and challenge in team, user, and challenge pages
* Redirect to `/team` instead of `/challenges` after a user registers in team mode
* Fixes bug where pages marked as `hidden` weren't loading
* Remove `data-href` from `pages.html` in the Admin Panel to fix the delete button
* Add UI to handle team member removal in Admin Panel
* Fixes account links on the scoreboard page created by `update()`. They now correctly point to the user instead of undefined when in user mode.
* `utils._get_config` will now return `KeyError` instead of `None` to avoid cache misses
* Use `/dev/shm` for `--worker-tmp-dir` in gunicorn in Docker
* Cache `get_place` code for users and teams.
* Install `Flask-DebugToolbar` in development
* Cache the `/scoreboard` page to avoid having to rebuild the response so often
* Make unprivileged `ctfd` user usable for mysql connection in docker-compose by having the db image create the database instead of CTFd
* Fix bug causing apache2 + mod_wsgi deployments to break
* Change `/api/v1/teams/[team_id]/members` from taking `id` to `user_id`.
* Endpoint was unused so the API change is considered non-breaking.
* Add `account_type` and `account_url` field in `/api/v1/scoreboard`
* Separate `/api/v1/[users,teams]/[me,id]/[solves,fails,awards]` into seperate API endpoints
* Clear standings cache after award creation/deletion
* Temporarily disable foreign keys in MySQL, MariaDB, and Postgres during `import_ctf()`
* Add `cache_timeout` parameter to `send_file`response in `/admin/export` to prevent the browser from caching the export
* Fix score changing test helpers to clear standings cache when generating a score changing row
2.1.2 / 2019-05-13
* Fix freeze time regressions in 2.x
* Make `/api/v1/[users,teams]/[me]/[solves,fails,awards]` endpoints load as admin so users can see their solves after freeze
* Make `/api/v1/challenges/[id]/solves` only show solves before freeze time
* Add the `?preview=true` GET parameter for admins to preview challenges solves as a user
* Team join attempts are now ratelimited
* More linting and autoformatting rules
* Format Javascript and CSS files with `prettier`: `prettier --write 'CTFd/themes/**/*'`
* Format Python with `black`: `black CTFd` and `black tests`
* `make lint` and thus Travis now include the above commands as lint checks
* Travis now uses xenial instead of trusty.
2.1.1 / 2019-05-04
* Allow admins to hit `/api/v1/challenges` and `/api/v1/challenges/[id]` without having a team to fix challenge previews
* Fix rate-limiting of flag submission when using team mode
* Fixes some modal close buttons not working in the admin panel
* Fixes `populate.py` to assign captains to teams.
* Added `Challenges.flags` relationship and moved the `Flags.challenge` relationship to a backref on Challenges
* Added `ondelete='CASCADE'` to most ForeignKeys in models allowing for deletions to remove associated data
* `Hints` should be deleted when their Challenge is deleted
* `Tags` should be deleted when their Challenge is deleted
* `Flags` should be deleted when their Challenge is deleted
* `ChallengeFiles` should be deleted when their Challenge is deleted
* Deletion of the file itself is not handled by the model/database
* `Awards` should be deleted when their user or team is deleted
* `Unlocks` should be deleted when their user or team is deleted
* `Tracking` should be deleted when their user or team is deleted
* `Teams.captain_id` should be set to NULL when the captain user is deleted
* Force `db.create_all()` to happen for imports on `sqlite` or on failure to create missing tables
* Force `ctf_theme` to be set to `core` in imports in case a theme is missing from the import or the instance
* Fix imports/exports to emit and accept JSON properly under MariaDB
* MariaDB does not properly understand JSON so it must accept strings instead of dicts
* MariaDB outputs strings instead of JSON for its JSON type so the export serializer will attempt to cast output JSON strings to JSON objects
* Run as root when using docker-compose
* This is necessary to be able to write to the volumes mounted from the host
Drop the default worker count in `docker-entrypoint.sh` because the default memory usage was higher than it needed to be. If you need more workers you can still increase the values and set a `SECRET_KEY` as before.
2.0.6 / 2019-04-08
* Fixes an issue where user email addresses could be disclosed to non-admins
* Users/Teams set to hidden or banned are no longer visible by other users
* This affects the API and the main user interface. This does not affect admins.
* Users without Teams can no longer view challenges when the CTF is in Team Mode
* Update README
* Upgrade migration script to port visibility settings
* Add message about visibility settings and port over visibility settings
* Close#758
* Add tests for dynamic value challenges
* Mark 1.2.0.
* Add `window.challenge.data` object.
* Don't raise a 500 when an endpoint can't be found but was POST'ed too. Mostly from scanners...
* Add test for not found endpoints.
* Fixing issue with clearing logo on config update.
* Truncate scoreboard team name to 50 characters.
* Bootstrap v4 (#490)
* Upgrading original theme to use Bootstrap v4 and overall improve use of utility classes
* Fixing graph issues. Colors per team & cleaner hover
* The solves tab now shows relative time instead of absolute time
* Redesign admin theme
* Updating modals and changing form name from desc to description
* Moving CSS config from Pages to Config page
* Adding IP address count to statistics
* Move control of certain modals (files, flags, tags, hints) to challenges page
* Expanding size of config page
* Combining statistics and graphs pages
* Moving percentage solved to the statistics page instead of the admin challenges page
* Rename Keys.key_type to Keys.type (#459) (#478)
* Rename keys.key_type to keys.type (#459)
* Fixing previous migration to not be worried about key_type v type
* Fixing loading of challenge type plugins
* Switching from Handlebars to Nunjucks (#491)
* Switching from Handlebars to Nunjucks
* Allow admins to unlock hints before CTF begins and test that this is not allowed for regular users
* Authed only (#492)
* Adding authed_only decorator and adding next to url_for
* Adding a basic preview to hints (#494)
* Hints have a preview now for creating and updating hints. HTML and markdown are still allowed.
* Ezq (#495)
* Adding ezq as a simple wrapper around bootstrap modals
* Use tabs not spaces and remove gray background on inputs
* Adding title & draft to Pages. Making page preview open a new tab (#497)
* Adding title & draft to Pages.
* Making page preview open a new tab instead of render in the existing tab
* Draft pages cannot be seen without a preview
* Update check (#499)
* Add update_check function
* Notify user that a CTFd update is available in the admin panel
* Adding update_check tests
* Ratelimit (#500)
* Implementing a ratelimit function
* Fix error page formatting
* Add rate limiting tests
* Rate limit authentication functions and rate limit admin send email function
* Load user solves before we load challenges to avoid unstyled buttons (#502)
* Add a challenge preview (#503)
* Adding a challenge preview to the admin panel
* Change /admin/chals/<int:chalid> to /admin/chal/<int:chalid>
* Adding codecov (#504)
* Test coverage at https://codecov.io/gh/CTFd/CTFd
* Sendmail improvements (#505)
* Add get_smtp timeout, add sendmail error messages
* Adding more error handling to sendmail
* Adding Flask-Script (#507)
* Pause ctf (#508)
* Implement CTF pausing
* Test CTF pausing
* Fix loading challenges for users (#510)
* Fix loading challenges for users
* Temporarily switch themes in test
* Pause help text (#509)
* Adding pause help text
* Pages authed (#511)
* Adding authentication options to pages
* Adding tests for accessing pages while draft & auth_required
* Merging master into 1.1 (#513)
* Name the core theme and remove the original theme
* Use <int:xxx> in routes to prevent some errors 500 (#192)
* Use first_or_404() to prevent some errors 500 (#193)
* Add a populating script for awards. (#191)
* Creating upload_file util
* Marking 1.0.0 in __init__ and starting database migrations
* Upgrading some more HTML
* Adding CHANGELOG.md