bookTitle = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); $this->bookMeta = \Pressbooks\Book::getBookInformation(); } /** * Return whether the plugin is usable. * @since 1.0.0 * @return presence of both key and secret. */ public static function is_active () { return get_site_option('roe_pressbooks_key') && get_site_option('roe_pressbooks_secret'); } /** * Create $output * @return bool */ function convert () { /*$output = $this->transform(true); $this->output = $output; error_log(print_r($output, true));*/ $siteurl = get_site_url(get_current_blog_id()); $identifier = isset($this->bookMeta['pb_print_isbn']) ? ("urn:isbn:" . $this->bookMeta['pb_print_isbn']) : ("url:md5:" . md5($siteurl)); $timestamp = (new \DateTime())->format('c'); $output = [ "metadata" => [ "@type" => "", "title" => $this->bookMeta['pb_title'], "author" => $this->bookMeta['pb_authors'], "identifier" => $identifier, "publisher" => $siteurl, "language" => $this->bookMeta['pb_language'], "modified" => $timestamp ], "links" => [ [ "href" => $siteurl ] ], "images" => [ [ "href" => $this->bookMeta['pb_cover_image'] ] ] ]; $this->output = $output; return $this->send(); } /** * Check the sanity of $this->output * * @return bool */ function validate () { return true; } function transform ($return = false) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Invalid permission error', 'pressbooks' ) ); } static $buffer; if ( ! function_exists( 'wxr_cdata' ) ) { ob_start(); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/export.php' ); @export_wp(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine $buffer = ob_get_clean(); } if ( $return ) { return $buffer; } else { echo $buffer; return null; } } function send () { $url = ROE_BASE_URL . "/api/publish"; $content = json_encode($this->output); $headers = join("\r\n", [ "roe-key: " . get_site_option('roe_pressbooks_key'), "roe-secret: " . get_site_option('roe_pressbooks_secret'), "Content-Type: application/json", ]); $response = wp_remote_post($url, [ "headers" => $headers, "body" => $content ]); if ( is_wp_error($response) || $response['response']['code'] !== 200 ) { return false; } return true; } }