2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
* Development environment settings
* (sails.config.*)
* What you see below is a quick outline of the built-in settings you need
* to configure your Sails app for production. The configuration in this file
* is only used in your production environment, i.e. when you lift your app using:
* ```
* NODE_ENV=production node app
* ```
* > If you're using git as a version control solution for your Sails app,
* > this file WILL BE COMMITTED to your repository by default, unless you add
* > it to your .gitignore file. If your repository will be publicly viewable,
* > don't add private/sensitive data (like API secrets / db passwords) to this file!
* For more best practices and tips, see:
* https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/deployment
module.exports = {
* *
* Tell Sails what database(s) it should use in production. *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/config/datastores) *
* *
datastores: {
* *
* Configure your default production database. *
* *
* 1. Choose an adapter: *
* https://sailsjs.com/plugins/databases *
* *
* 2. Install it as a dependency of your Sails app. *
* (For example: npm install sails-mysql --save) *
* *
* 3. Then set it here (`adapter`), along with a connection URL (`url`) *
* and any other, adapter-specific customizations. *
* (See https://sailsjs.com/config/datastores for help.) *
* *
default: {
// adapter: 'sails-mysql',
// url: 'mysql://user:password@host:port/database',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /\ To avoid checking it in to version control, you might opt to set
// || sensitive credentials like `url` using an environment variable.
// For example:
// ```
// sails_datastores__default__url=mysql://admin:myc00lpAssw2D@db.example.com:3306/my_prod_db
// ```
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-11-20 00:22:41 +00:00
* *
2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
* More adapter-specific options *
2018-11-20 00:22:41 +00:00
* *
2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
* > For example, for some hosted PostgreSQL providers (like Heroku), the *
* > extra `ssl: true` option is mandatory and must be provided. *
2018-11-20 00:22:41 +00:00
* *
* More info: *
* https://sailsjs.com/config/datastores *
* *
2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
// ssl: true,
models: {
* *
* To help avoid accidents, Sails automatically sets the automigration *
* strategy to "safe" when your app lifts in production mode. *
* (This is just here as a reminder.) *
* *
* More info: *
* https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/models-and-orm/model-settings#?migrate *
* *
migrate: 'safe'
* *
* If, in production, this app has access to physical-layer CASCADE *
* constraints (e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL), then set those up in the *
* database and uncomment this to disable Waterline's `cascadeOnDestroy` *
* polyfill. (Otherwise, if you are using a databse like Mongo, you might *
* choose to keep this enabled.) *
* *
// cascadeOnDestroy: false,
* *
* Always disable "shortcut" blueprint routes. *
* *
* > You'll also want to disable any other blueprint routes if you are not *
* > actually using them (e.g. "actions" and "rest") -- but you can do *
* > that in `config/blueprints.js`, since you'll want to disable them in *
* > all environments (not just in production.) *
* *
blueprints: {
shortcuts: false
* *
* Configure your security settings for production. *
* *
* If web browsers will be communicating with your app, be sure that *
* you have CSRF protection enabled. To do that, set `csrf: true` over *
* in the `config/security.js` file (not here), so that CSRF app can be *
* tested with CSRF protection turned on in development mode too. *
* *
security: {
* *
* If this app has CORS enabled (see `config/security.js`) with the *
* `allowCredentials` setting enabled, then you should uncomment the *
* `allowOrigins` whitelist below. This sets which "origins" are allowed *
* to send cross-domain (CORS) requests to your Sails app. *
* *
* > Replace "https://example.com" with the URL of your production server. *
* > Be sure to use the right protocol! ("http://" vs. "https://") *
* *
cors: {
// allowOrigins: [
// 'https://example.com',
// ]
* *
* Configure how your app handles sessions in production. *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/config/session) *
* *
* > If you have disabled the "session" hook, then you can safely remove *
* > this section from your `config/env/production.js` file. *
* *
session: {
* *
* Production session store configuration. *
* *
* Uncomment the following lines to finish setting up a package called *
* "@sailshq/connect-redis" that will use Redis to handle session data. *
* This makes your app more scalable by allowing you to share sessions *
* across a cluster of multiple Sails/Node.js servers and/or processes. *
* (See http://bit.ly/redis-session-config for more info.) *
* *
* > While @sailshq/connect-redis is a popular choice for Sails apps, many *
* > other compatible packages (like "connect-mongo") are available on NPM. *
* > (For a full list, see https://sailsjs.com/plugins/sessions) *
* *
// adapter: '@sailshq/connect-redis',
// url: 'redis://user:password@localhost:6379/databasenumber',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /\ OR, to avoid checking it in to version control, you might opt to
// || set sensitive credentials like this using an environment variable.
// For example:
// ```
// sails_session__url=redis://admin:myc00lpAssw2D@bigsquid.redistogo.com:9562/0
// ```
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* *
* Production configuration for the session ID cookie. *
* *
* Tell browsers (or other user agents) to ensure that session ID cookies *
* are always transmitted via HTTPS, and that they expire 24 hours after *
* they are set. *
* *
* Note that with `secure: true` set, session cookies will _not_ be *
* transmitted over unsecured (HTTP) connections. Also, for apps behind *
* proxies (like Heroku), the `trustProxy` setting under `http` must be *
* configured in order for `secure: true` to work. *
* *
* > While you might want to increase or decrease the `maxAge` or provide *
* > other options, you should always set `secure: true` in production *
* > if the app is being served over HTTPS. *
* *
* https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?the-session-id-cookie *
* *
cookie: {
// secure: true,
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 24 hours
* *
* Set up Socket.io for your production environment. *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/config/sockets) *
* *
* > If you have disabled the "sockets" hook, then you can safely remove *
* > this section from your `config/env/production.js` file. *
* *
sockets: {
* *
* Uncomment the `onlyAllowOrigins` whitelist below to configure which *
* "origins" are allowed to open socket connections to your Sails app. *
* *
* > Replace "https://example.com" etc. with the URL(s) of your app. *
* > Be sure to use the right protocol! ("http://" vs. "https://") *
* *
// onlyAllowOrigins: [
// 'https://example.com',
// 'https://staging.example.com',
// ],
* *
* If you are deploying a cluster of multiple servers and/or processes, *
* then uncomment the following lines. This tells Socket.io about a Redis *
* server it can use to help it deliver broadcasted socket messages. *
* *
* > Be sure a compatible version of @sailshq/socket.io-redis is installed! *
* > (See https://sailsjs.com/config/sockets for the latest version info) *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/deployment/scaling) *
* *
// adapter: '@sailshq/socket.io-redis',
// url: 'redis://user:password@bigsquid.redistogo.com:9562/databasenumber',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /\ OR, to avoid checking it in to version control, you might opt to
// || set sensitive credentials like this using an environment variable.
// For example:
// ```
// sails_sockets__url=redis://admin:myc00lpAssw2D@bigsquid.redistogo.com:9562/0
// ```
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* *
* Set the production log level. *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/config/log) *
* *
log: {
level: 'debug'
http: {
* *
* The number of milliseconds to cache static assets in production. *
* (the "max-age" to include in the "Cache-Control" response header) *
* *
cache: 60 * 1000 // One minute
* *
* Proxy settings *
* *
* If your app will be deployed behind a proxy/load balancer - for example, *
* on a PaaS like Heroku - then uncomment the `trustProxy` setting below. *
* This tells Sails/Express how to interpret X-Forwarded headers. *
* *
* This setting is especially important if you are using secure cookies *
* (see the `cookies: secure` setting under `session` above) or if your app *
* relies on knowing the original IP address that a request came from. *
* *
* (https://sailsjs.com/config/http) *
* *
// trustProxy: true,
* *
* Lift the server on port 80. *
* (if deploying behind a proxy, or to a PaaS like Heroku or Deis, you *
* probably don't need to set a port here, because it is oftentimes *
* handled for you automatically. If you are not sure if you need to set *
* this, just try deploying without setting it and see if it works.) *
* *
2019-05-06 15:20:08 +00:00
port: 3000,
2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
* *
* Configure an SSL certificate *
* *
* For the safety of your users' data, you should use SSL in production. *
* ...But in many cases, you may not actually want to set it up _here_. *
* *
* Normally, this setting is only relevant when running a single-process *
* deployment, with no proxy/load balancer in the mix. But if, on the *
* other hand, you are using a PaaS like Heroku, you'll want to set up *
* SSL in your load balancer settings (usually somewhere in your hosting *
* provider's dashboard-- not here.) *
* *
* > For more information about configuring SSL in Sails, see: *
* > https://sailsjs.com/config/*#?sailsconfigssl *
* *
// ssl: undefined,
* *
* Production overrides for any custom settings specific to your app. *
* (for example, production credentials for 3rd party APIs like Stripe) *
* *
* > See config/custom.js for more info on how to configure these options. *
* *
custom: {
2019-05-06 15:20:08 +00:00
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
2018-10-16 01:45:37 +00:00
internalEmailAddress: 'support@example.com'
// mailgunDomain: 'mg.example.com',
// mailgunSecret: 'key-prod_fake_bd32301385130a0bafe030c',
// stripeSecret: 'sk_prod__fake_Nfgh82401348jaDa3lkZ0d9Hm',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /\ OR, to avoid checking them in to version control, you might opt to
// || set sensitive credentials like these using environment variables.
// For example:
// ```
// sails_custom__mailgunDomain=mg.example.com
// sails_custom__mailgunSecret=key-prod_fake_bd32301385130a0bafe030c
// sails_custom__stripeSecret=sk_prod__fake_Nfgh82401348jaDa3lkZ0d9Hm
// ```
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------