
203 lines
9.8 KiB

from django.db.models import get_model
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
from django.db.models import signals
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.dispatch import Signal
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _
from notification import models as notification
from social_auth.signals import pre_update
from social_auth.backends.facebook import FacebookBackend
from tastypie.models import create_api_key
from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged
import registration.signals
import django.dispatch
import itertools
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# get email from Facebook registration
def facebook_extra_values(sender, user, response, details, **kwargs):
if response.get('email') is not None: = response.get('email')
return True
pre_update.connect(facebook_extra_values, sender=FacebookBackend)
# create Wishlist and UserProfile to associate with User
def create_user_objects(sender, created, instance, **kwargs):
# use get_model to avoid circular import problem with models
Wishlist = get_model('core', 'Wishlist')
UserProfile = get_model('core', 'UserProfile')
if created:
except DatabaseError:
# this can happen when creating superuser during syncdb since the
# core_wishlist table doesn't exist yet
post_save.connect(create_user_objects, sender=User)
# create API key for new User
post_save.connect(create_api_key, sender=User)
def merge_emails(sender, user, **kwargs):'checking %s' % user.username)
except User.DoesNotExist:
# create notification types (using django-notification) -- tie to syncdb
def create_notice_types(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
notification.create_notice_type("comment_on_commented", _("Comment on Commented Work"), _("A comment has been received on a book that you've commented on."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_comment", _("Wishlist Comment"), _("A comment has been received on one of your wishlist books."), default = 1)
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_work_claimed", _("Rights Holder is Active"), _("A rights holder has shown up for a book that you want unglued."), default = 1)
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_active", _("New Campaign"), _("A book you've wishlisted has a newly launched campaign."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_near_target", _("Campaign Near Target"), _("A book you want is near its ungluing target."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_near_deadline", _("Campaign Near Deadline"), _("A book you want is almost out of time."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_premium_limited_supply", _("Only a Few Premiums Left"), _("A limited edition premium is running out on a book you like."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_successful", _("Successful Campaign"), _("An ungluing campaign that you have supported or followed has succeeded."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_unsuccessful", _("Unsuccessful Campaign"), _("An ungluing campaign that you supported didn't succeed this time."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_updated", _("Campaign Updated"), _("An ungluing campaign you support has been updated."), default = 1)
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_message", _("Campaign Communication"), _("There's a message about an ungluing campaign you're interested in."))
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_price_drop", _("Campaign Price Drop"), _("An ungluing campaign you're interested in has a reduced target."), default = 1)
notification.create_notice_type("wishlist_unglued_book_released", _("Unglued Book!"), _("A book you wanted is now available to be downloaded.'"))
notification.create_notice_type("pledge_you_have_pledged", _("Thanks For Your Pledge!"), _("Your ungluing pledge has been entered."))
notification.create_notice_type("pledge_status_change", _("Your Pledge Has Been Modified"), _("Your ungluing pledge has been modified."))
notification.create_notice_type("pledge_charged", _("Your Pledge has been Executed"), _("You have contributed to a successful ungluing campaign."))
notification.create_notice_type("rights_holder_created", _("Agreement Accepted"), _("You have become a verified rights holder."))
notification.create_notice_type("rights_holder_claim_approved", _("Claim Accepted"), _("A claim you've entered has been accepted."))
signals.post_syncdb.connect(create_notice_types, sender=notification)
# define the notifications and tie them to corresponding signals
from django.contrib.comments.signals import comment_was_posted
def notify_comment(comment, request, **kwargs):'comment %s notifying' %
other_commenters = User.objects.filter(comment_comments__content_type=comment.content_type, comment_comments__object_pk=comment.object_pk).distinct().exclude(
other_wishers = comment.content_object.wished_by().exclude(
notification.queue(other_commenters, "comment_on_commented", {'comment':comment}, True)
notification.queue(other_wishers, "wishlist_comment", {'comment':comment}, True)
from regluit.core.tasks import emit_notifications
# Successful campaign signal
successful_campaign = Signal(providing_args=["campaign"])
def notify_successful_campaign(campaign, **kwargs):
"""send notification in response to successful campaign"""'received successful_campaign signal for {0}'.format(campaign))
# supporters and staff -- though it might be annoying for staff to be getting all these notices!
staff = User.objects.filter(is_staff=True)
supporters = (User.objects.get(id=k) for k in campaign.supporters())
site = Site.objects.get_current()
notification.queue(itertools.chain(staff, supporters), "wishlist_successful", {'campaign':campaign, 'site':site}, True)
from regluit.core.tasks import emit_notifications
# successful_campaign -> send notices
def handle_transaction_charged(sender,transaction=None, **kwargs):
if transaction==None:
notification.queue([transaction.user], "pledge_charged", {
}, True)
from regluit.core.tasks import emit_notifications
# The notification templates need some context; I'm making a note of that here
# This can be removed as the relevant functions are written
# 'site': (site)
# 'campaign'
# 'amount': (amount supporter's card will be charged)
# 'premium': (premium requested by the supporter)
# 'site': (site)
# 'claim': (claim)
# RIGHTS_HOLDER_CREATED: (no context needed)
# note -- it might be that wishlist_near_target and wishlist_near_deadline would
# both be triggered at about the same time -- do we want to prevent supporters
# from getting both within a small time frame? if so which supersedes?
# 'site': (site)
# 'campaign': (the campaign)
# 'pledged': (true if the supporter has pledged, false otherwise)
# 'amount': (amount the supporter has pledged; only needed if pledged is true)
# 'site': (site)
# 'campaign': (the campaign)
# 'pledged': (true if the supporter has pledged, false otherwise)
# 'amount': (amount the supporter has pledged; only needed if pledged is true)
# (note we should not send this to people who have already claimed this premium)
# should we only send this to people who haven't pledged at all, or whose pledge
# is smaller than the amount of this premium? (don't want to encourage people to
# lower their pledge)
# the text assumes there is only 1 left -- if we're going to send at some other
# threshhold this will need to be revised
# 'campaign': (campaign)
# 'premium': (the premium in question)
# 'site': (site)
# 'campaign'
# 'pledged': (true if recipient has pledged to campaign, otherwise false)
# 'amount': (amount recipient has pledged, only needed if pledged=True)
# 'site'
# 'pledged'
# 'campaign'
# 'site'
# 'campaign'
# 'site'
# I'd like to provide the actual text of the update in the message but I don't think
# we can reasonably do that, since campaign.description may contain HTML and we are
# sending notifications in plaintext. If we can send the update information in the
# email, though, let's do that.
# 'campaign'
# 'site'
# does this trigger when someone claims a work, or when the claim is approved?
# I've written the text assuming it is the latter (sending notifications on the
# former seems too sausage-making, and might make people angry if they get
# notifications about claims they believe are false). If it's the former, the
# text should be revisited.
# 'claim'
# 'site'
# 'rightsholder' (the name of the rightsholder)