73 lines
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73 lines
2.8 KiB
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j().ready(function() {
// only do the lookup once, then cache it
var contentblock = $j('#content-block');
contentblock.on("click", ".add-wishlist", function () {
var span = $j(this).find("span");
var id_val = span.attr('id').substring(1);
var id_type = span.attr('class');
if (!id_val) {span.html('<i>an error occurred.</i>'); return;}
// give immediate feedback that action is in progress
// actually perform action
if (id_type=='work_id'){
jQuery.post('/wishlist/', { 'add_work_id': id_val}, function(data) {
span.html('On Wishlist!').addClass('on-wishlist');
else if (id_type=='gb_id'){
jQuery.post('/wishlist/', { 'googlebooks_id': id_val}, function(data) {
span.html('On Wishlist!').addClass('on-wishlist');
else {
span.html('a type error occurred');
// prevent perversities on download page
if ($j(this).is("a")) {
contentblock.on("click", "div.remove-wishlist", function() {
var span = $j(this).find("span");
var book = $j(this).closest('.thewholebook');
var work_id = span.attr('id').substring(1)
jQuery.post('/wishlist/', {'remove_work_id': work_id}, function(data) {
contentblock.on("click", "div.create-account", function () {
var span = $j(this).find("span");
var work_url = span.attr('title')
top.location = "/accounts/login/?next=" + work_url;
// in panel view on the supporter page we want to remove the entire book listing from view upon wishlist-remove
// but on the work page, we only want to toggle the add/remove functionality
// so: slightly different versions ahoy
// note also that we don't have the Django ORM here so we can't readily get from work.id to googlebooks_id
// we're going to have to tell /wishlist/ that we're feeding it a different identifier
contentblock.on("click", "div.remove-wishlist-workpage", function () {
var span = $j(this).find("span");
var work_id = span.attr('id').substring(1)
// provide feedback
// perform action
jQuery.post('/wishlist/', {'remove_work_id': work_id}, function(data) {
var parent = span.parent();
var newDiv = $j('<div class="add-wishlist-workpage"><span class="'+work_id+'">Add to Wishlist</span></div>').hide();