
373 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# # working out logic around expiring credit cards
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment.stripelib import StripeClient
from regluit.payment.models import Account
from django.db.models import Q, F
# <codecell>
# use the localdatetime?
from regluit.utils import localdatetime
# <headingcell level=2>
# expiring, expired, soon to expire cards
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment.models import Account
from django.db.models import Q
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
# set the month/year for comparison
# #
today =
year = today.year
month = today.month
date_before_month = today + relativedelta(months=-1)
year_last_month = date_before_month.year
month_last_month = date_before_month.month
#year = 2013
#month = 2
# look only at active accounts
active_accounts = Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True))
# calculate expired cards
accounts_expired = active_accounts.filter((Q(card_exp_year__lt=year) | Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month__lt = month)))
# expiring on a given month
accounts_expiring = active_accounts.filter(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month = month)
# yet to expire
accounts_expiring_later = active_accounts.filter((Q(card_exp_year__gt=year) | Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month__gt = month)))
print "number of active accounts", active_accounts.count()
print "expired: {0} expiring: {1} expire later: {2}".format(accounts_expired.count(), accounts_expiring.count(), accounts_expiring_later.count())
# expiring soon
print "expiring soon"
print [(account.user, account.card_exp_month, account.card_exp_year) for account in accounts_expiring]
# expired
print "expired"
print [(account.user, account.card_exp_month, account.card_exp_year) for account in accounts_expired]
# <codecell>
# looking at filtering Accounts that might expire
# if the the month of the expiration date == next month or earlier
# accounts with expiration of this month and last month -- and to be more expansive filter: expiration with this month or before
# also Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True))
# accounts_expired = active_accounts.filter((Q(card_exp_year__lt=year) | Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month__lt = month)))
accounts_to_consider_expansive = Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True)).filter((Q(card_exp_year__lt=year) | Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month__lte = month)))
# this month or last last monthj
accounts_to_consider_narrow = Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True)).filter(Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month = month) | Q(card_exp_year=year_last_month, card_exp_month = month_last_month))
for account in accounts_to_consider_narrow:
print (account.user, account.card_exp_month, account.card_exp_year)
# <codecell>
from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today
today = date_today()
year = today.year
month = today.month
accounts_to_calc = Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True)).filter((Q(card_exp_year__lt=year) | Q(card_exp_year=year, card_exp_month__lte = month)))
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment import tasks
k = tasks.update_account_status.apply(args=[False])
# <codecell>
# <codecell>
# list any active transactions tied to users w/ expiring and expired CC?
print [(account.user,, [t.campaign for t in account.user.transaction_set.filter(status='ACTIVE')]) for account in accounts_expiring]
print [(account.user,, [t.campaign for t in account.user.transaction_set.filter(status='ACTIVE')]) for account in accounts_expired]
# <codecell>
# more to the point, what cards have expired or will expire by the time we have a hopefully
# successful close for Feeding the City (campaign # 15)?
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from regluit.core.models import Campaign
ftc_campaign = Campaign.objects.get(id=15)
# get all accounts tied to this campaign....
ftc_expired_accounts = [User.objects.get(id=supporter_id).profile.account for supporter_id in ftc_campaign.supporters()
if User.objects.get(id=supporter_id).profile.account.status == 'EXPIRED' or
User.objects.get(id=supporter_id).profile.account.status == 'EXPIRING']
# <codecell>
# <headingcell level=1>
# coming up with good notices to send out
# <codecell>
from notification.engine import send_all
from notification import models as notification
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
# <codecell>
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.conf import settings
me = User.objects.get(email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER )
# <codecell>
print me, settings.EMAIL_HOST
# <codecell>
notification.send_now([me], "account_expiring", {
'user': me,
}, True)
# <codecell>
notification.send_now([me], "account_expired", {
'user': me,
}, True)
# <headingcell level=1>
# accounts with problem transactions
# <codecell>
# easy to figure out the card used for a specific problem transaction?
# want to figure out problem status for a given Account
from regluit.payment.models import Transaction
# Account has fingerprint
# transaction doesn't have fingerprint -- will have to calculate fingerprint of card associated with transaction
# w/ error if we store pay_key -- any problem?
Transaction.objects.filter(host='stripelib', status='Error', approved=True).count()
# <markdowncell>
# I am hoping that we can use the API to ask for a list of charge.failed --> but I don't see a way to query charges based upon on the status of the charges -- what you have to iterate through all of the charges and filter based on status. ( maybe I should confirm this fact with people at stripe) -- ok let's do that for now.
# **Note: One needs to have productionstripe keys loaded in database to run following code**
# What script do I run to load these keys?
# `/Volumes/ryvault1/gluejar/stripe/`
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment.stripelib import StripeClient
from regluit.payment.models import Transaction
import json
from itertools import islice
sc = StripeClient()
charges = islice(sc._all_objs('Charge'), None)
failed_charges = [(c.amount,, c.failure_message, json.loads(c.description)['']) for c in charges if c.failure_message is not None]
print failed_charges
# look up corresponding Transactions and flag the ones that have not been properly charged
print [t.status for t in Transaction.objects.filter(id__in = [fc[3] for fc in failed_charges])]
# <headingcell level=2>
# Work to create an Account.account_status()
# <markdowncell>
# First working out conditions for **ERROR** status
# <codecell>
# acc_with_error = transaction # 773 -- the one with an Error that we wrote off
acc_with_error = Transaction.objects.get(id=773).user.profile.account
# trans is all stripe transactions of user associated w/ acc_with_error
trans = Transaction.objects.filter(host='stripelib',
status='Error', approved=True, user=acc_with_error.user)
# comparing the transaction payment date with when account created.
# why?
# if account created after transaction payment date, we would want to retry the payment.
acc_with_error.date_created, [t.date_payment for t in trans]
print trans.filter(date_payment__gt=acc_with_error.date_created)
# <markdowncell>
# --> it's made its way into the code, at least in the `expiring_cc` branch
# <codecell>
# Given the specific account I would like to cut the status... need to handle expiration as well as declined charges
from regluit.payment.models import Transaction
from regluit.payment.models import Account
from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today
from itertools import islice
def account_status(account):
# is it deactivated?
today = date_today()
transactions_w_error_status_older_account = Transaction.objects.filter(host='stripelib',
status='Error', approved=True, user=account.user)
if account.date_deactivated is not None:
# is it expired?
elif account.card_exp_year < today.year or (account.card_exp_year == today.year and account.card_exp_month < today.month):
return 'EXPIRED'
# about to expire? do I want to distinguish from 'ACTIVE'?
elif (account.card_exp_year == today.year and account.card_exp_month == today.month):
return 'EXPIRING'
# any transactions w/ errors after the account date?
# Transaction.objects.filter(host='stripelib', status='Error', approved=True).count()
elif Transaction.objects.filter(host='stripelib',
status='Error', approved=True, user=account.user).filter(date_payment__gt=account.date_created):
return 'ERROR'
return 'ACTIVE'
# <codecell>
# test out with the account that is currently erroring out
acc_with_error = Transaction.objects.get(id=773).user.profile.account
print account_status(acc_with_error)
# <markdowncell>
# # validity of accounts -- need to use real stripe keys if we want to look at production data
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment.stripelib import StripeClient
from django.db.models import Q
sc = StripeClient()
customers = list(sc._all_objs('Customer'))
# 3 checks available to us: Address Line 1, zip code, CVC
[(, customer.description, customer.active_card.get("address_line1_check"),
customer.active_card.get("cvc_check")) for customer in customers if customer.active_card is not None]
# <markdowncell>
# # look at only customers that are attached to active Account
# <codecell>
from regluit.payment.stripelib import StripeClient
from regluit.payment.models import Account
sc = StripeClient()
customers = sc._all_objs('Customer')
active_accounts = Account.objects.filter(Q(date_deactivated__isnull=True))
active_customer_ids = set([account.account_id for account in active_accounts])
# <codecell>
customer.active_card["cvc_check"]) for customer in customers if in active_customer_ids]
# <markdowncell>
# # handling campaign totals properly based on account statuses
# **Will we need to start marking accounts as expired explicitly?**
# add a manager method?
# <codecell>
# calculate which active transactions not tied to an active account w/ unexpired CC
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# # should we delete stripe accounts associated with deactivated accounts -- I think yes
# How to do?
# * clean up Customer associated with current deactivated accounts
# * build logic in to delete Customer once the correspending account are deactivated and we safely have a new Account/Customer in place -- maybe a good task to put into the webhook handler
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# do the users w/ deactivated accounts have active ones?