17 lines
999 B
17 lines
999 B
<div id="comments">
{% for comment in comment_list reversed %}
<div class="work_supporter {% if comment.content_object.last_campaign and comment.user in comment.content_object.last_campaign.managers.all %}official{% endif %}">
<a href="{% url supporter supporter_username=comment.user.username %}">
<div class="work_supporter_avatar">
{% if comment.user.profile.pic_url %}
<img class="user-avatar" src="{{ comment.user.profile.pic_url }}" height="50" width="50" alt="Picture of {{ comment.user }}" title="{{ comment.user }}" />
{% else %}
<img class="user-avatar" src="/static/images/header/avatar.png" height="50" width="50" alt="Generic Ungluer Avatar" title="Ungluer" />
{% endif %}
<span class="comment_username">{{comment.user.username }}</span></a> <span>({{ comment.submit_date }})</span> <br /><span class="comment">{{ comment.comment|linebreaksbr }}<br /></span>
{% endfor %}