147 lines
5.3 KiB
147 lines
5.3 KiB
import re
import time
import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# utility functions for converting lists of individual items into individual items
# let's do a mapping of the DOAB languages into the language codes used
# by Google Books API and unglue.it
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 (2 letter)
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1665667/python-list-filtering-and-transformation
# from looking at the DOAB languages that don't map obviously to ISO 639.1, I looked
# at a few example. the pattern I discern and conjecture as holding for the remainder
# is that ^ means a separator for languages in
# works with multiple languages. I will map to the first language.
# also null -> xx
LANG_MAP = dict([
('English', 'en'),
('German', 'de'),
('de', 'de'),
('fr', 'fr'),
('Italian', 'it'),
('Dutch', 'nt'),
('english', 'en'),
('en', 'en'),
('French', 'fr'),
('En', 'en'),
('italian', 'it'),
('de^it^rm', 'de'), # de /it/rm http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=search&template=&query=Sprachatlas+des+Dolomitenladinischen+und+angrenzender+Gebiete
('de^English', 'de'), # eg., http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=search&template=&query=Robert+Neumann%3A+Mit+eigener+Feder
('german', 'de'),
('Czech', 'cs'),
('Deutsch', 'de'),
('Italian / English', 'it'), # http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=search&template=&query=JLIS
('English; French', 'en'),
('Englilsh ; Cree', 'en'),
('English; French; Cree; Michif; Chinese; Ukrainian', 'en'),
('Englisch', 'en'),
('Spanish', 'es'),
('English;', 'en'),
('de^la', 'de'),
('de^English^fr^es', 'de'),
('English; Italian', 'en'),
('Espanol', 'es'),
('Welsh', 'cy'),
('English; Czech', 'en'),
('Englilsh', 'en'),
('German;', 'de'),
('German; English', 'de'),
('Russian;', 'ru')
def doab_lang_to_iso_639_1(lang):
if lang is None or not lang:
return "xx"
return LANG_MAP.get(lang, 'xx')
[u'www.doabooks.org', u'Directory of Open Access Books'],
[u'www.oapen.org', u'OAPEN Library'],
[u'books.openedition.org', u'OpenEdition Books'],
[u'digitalcommons.usu.edu', u'DigitalCommons, Utah State University'],
[u'www.aupress.ca', u'Athabasca University Press'],
[u'dspace.ucalgary.ca', u'Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary'],
[u'www.degruyter.com', u'De Gruyter Online'],
[u'dx.doi.org', u'DOI Resolver'],
[u'www.openbookpublishers.com', u'Open Book Publishers'],
[u'www.adelaide.edu.au', u'University of Adelaide'],
[u'hdl.handle.net', u'Handle Proxy'],
[u'link.springer.com', u'Springer'],
[u'www.bloomsburyacademic.com', u'Bloomsbury Academic'],
[u'www.ledizioni.it', u'Ledizioni'],
[u'ccdigitalpress.org', u'Computers and Composition Digital Press'],
[u'leo.cilea.it', u'LEO '],
[u'www.springerlink.com', u'Springer'],
[u'www.palgraveconnect.com', u'Palgrave Connect'],
[u'www.ubiquitypress.com', u'Ubiquity Press'],
[u'ebooks.iospress.nl', u'IOS Press Ebooks'],
[u'antropologie.zcu.cz', u'AntropoWeb'],
[u'www.unito.it', u"University of Turin"],
[u'leo.cineca.it', u'Letteratura Elettronica Online'],
[u'hw.oeaw.ac.at', u'Austrian Academy of Sciences'],
[u'www.co-action.net', u'Co-Action Publishing'],
[u'www.aliprandi.org', u'Simone Aliprandi'],
[u'www.maestrantonella.it', u'maestrantonella.it'],
[u'www.antilia.to.it', u'antilia.to.it'],
[u'www.scribd.com', u'Scribd'],
[u'ledibooks.com', u'LediBooks'],
[u'press.openedition.org', u'OpenEdition Press'],
[u'oapen.org', u'OAPEN Library'],
[u'www.ebooks.iospress.nl', u'IOS Press Ebooks'],
[u'windsor.scholarsportal.info', u'Scholars Portal'],
[u'www.unimib.it', u'University of Milano-Bicocca'],
[u'books.mdpi.com', u'MDPI Books'],
[u'www.dropbox.com', u'Dropbox'],
[u'dl.dropboxusercontent.com', u'Dropbox'],
def url_to_provider(url):
netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc
return DOMAIN_TO_PROVIDER.get(netloc, netloc)
def get_soup(url):
response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT})
if response.status_code == 200:
return BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')
return None
FRONTIERSIN = re.compile(r'frontiersin.org/books/[^/]+/(\d+)')
def online_to_download(url):
urls = []
if url.find(u'mdpi.com/books/pdfview') >= 0:
doc = get_soup(url)
if doc:
obj = doc.find('object', type='application/pdf')
if obj:
elif url.find(u'books.scielo.org/') >= 0:
doc = get_soup(url)
if doc:
obj = doc.find('a', class_='pdf_file')
if obj:
urls.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, obj['href']))
obj = doc.find('a', class_='epub_file')
if obj:
urls.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, obj['href']))
elif FRONTIERSIN.search(url):
booknum = FRONTIERSIN.search(url).group(1)
return urls