210 lines
6.8 KiB
210 lines
6.8 KiB
# encoding: utf-8
methods to validate and clean identifiers
import re
import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
from django.forms import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from regluit.pyepub import EPUB
from regluit.mobi import Mobi
from .isbn import ISBN
'http': (re.compile(r"(https?|ftp)://(-\.)?([^\s/?\.#]+\.?)+(/[^\s]*)?$",
"The Web Address must be a valid http(s) URL."),
'isbn': (u'^([\\dxX \\-–—‐,;]+|delete)$', #includes unicode hyphen, endash and emdash
"The ISBN must be a valid ISBN-13."),
'doab': (r'^(\d{1,6}|delete)$',
"The value must be 1-6 digits."),
'gtbg': (r'^(\d{1,6}|delete)$',
"The Gutenberg number must be 1-6 digits."),
'doi': (r'^(https?://dx\.doi\.org/|https?://doi\.org/)?(10\.\d+/\S+|delete)$',
"The DOI value must be a valid DOI."),
'oclc': (r'^(\d{8,12}|delete)$',
"The OCLCnum must be 8 or more digits."),
'goog': (r'^([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{12}|delete)$',
"The Google id must be 12 alphanumeric characters, dash or underscore."),
'gdrd': (r'^(\d{1,8}|delete)$',
"The Goodreads ID must be 1-8 digits."),
'thng': (r'(^\d{1,8}|delete)$',
"The LibraryThing ID must be 1-8 digits."),
'olwk': (r'^(/works/\)?OLd{1,8}W|delete)$',
"The Open Library Work ID looks like 'OL####W'."),
'glue': (r'^(\d{1,6}|delete)$',
"The Unglue.it ID must be 1-6 digits."),
'ltwk': (r'^(\d{1,8}|delete)$',
"The LibraryThing work ID must be 1-8 digits."),
def isbn_cleaner(value):
if not value:
raise ValidationError('no identifier value found')
elif value == 'delete':
return value
isbn = ISBN(value)
if isbn.error:
raise ValidationError(isbn.error)
return isbn.to_string()
def olwk_cleaner(value):
if not value == 'delete' and value.startswith('/works/'):
value = '/works/{}'.format(value)
return value
doi_match = re.compile(r'10\.\d+/\S+')
def doi_cleaner(value):
if not value == 'delete' and not value.startswith('10.'):
return doi_match.search(value).group(0)
except AttributeError:
return ''
return value
'isbn': isbn_cleaner,
'olwk': olwk_cleaner,
'doi': doi_cleaner,
def identifier_cleaner(id_type, quiet=False):
if ID_VALIDATION.has_key(id_type):
(regex, err_msg) = ID_VALIDATION[id_type]
extra = ID_MORE_VALIDATION.get(id_type, None)
if isinstance(regex, (str, unicode)):
regex = re.compile(regex)
def cleaner(value):
if not value:
return None
if regex.match(value):
if extra:
value = extra(value)
return value
raise ValidationError(err_msg)
except ValidationError as ve:
if quiet:
return None
raise ve
return cleaner
return lambda value: value
def test_file(the_file, fformat):
if the_file and the_file.name:
if fformat == 'epub':
book = EPUB(the_file.file)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(_('Are you sure this is an EPUB file?: %s' % e))
elif fformat == 'mobi':
book = Mobi(the_file.file)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(_('Are you sure this is a MOBI file?: %s' % e))
elif fformat == 'pdf':
except Exception, e:
raise ValidationError(_('%s is not a valid PDF file' % the_file.name))
return True
def valid_xml_char_ordinal(c):
codepoint = ord(c)
# conditions ordered by presumed frequency
return (
0x20 <= codepoint <= 0xD7FF or
codepoint in (0x9, 0xA, 0xD) or
0xE000 <= codepoint <= 0xFFFD or
0x10000 <= codepoint <= 0x10FFFF
def valid_subject(subject_name):
if len(subject_name) > 200:
return false
num_commas = 0
for c in subject_name:
if not valid_xml_char_ordinal(c):
return False
if c == ',':
num_commas += 1
if num_commas > 2:
return False
if len(subject_name.split('--')) > 6:
return False
if len(subject_name.split('. ')) > 4:
return False
return True
reverse_name_comma = re.compile(r',(?! *Jr[\., ])')
def unreverse_name(name):
name = name.strip('.')
if not reverse_name_comma.search(name):
return name
(last, rest) = name.split(',', 1)
if not ',' in rest:
return '%s %s' % (rest.strip(), last.strip())
(first, rest) = rest.split(',', 1)
return '%s %s, %s' % (first.strip(), last.strip(), rest.strip())
def authlist_cleaner(authlist):
''' given a author string or list of author strings, checks that the author string
is not a list of author names and that no author is repeated'''
if isinstance(authlist, str):
authlist = [authlist]
cleaned = []
for auth in authlist:
for cleaned_auth in auth_cleaner(auth):
if cleaned_auth not in cleaned:
return cleaned
# Match comma but not ", Jr"
comma_list_delim = re.compile(r',(?! *Jr[\., ])')
spaces = re.compile(r'\s+')
_and_ = re.compile(r',? (and|\&) ')
semicolon_list_delim = re.compile(r'[\;|\&]')
reversed_name = re.compile(r'(de |la |los |von |van )*\w+, \w+.?( \w+.?)?(, Jr\.?)?')
def auth_cleaner(auth):
''' given a author string checks that the author string
is not a list of author names'''
cleaned = []
if ';' in auth or reversed_name.match(auth):
authlist = semicolon_list_delim.split(auth)
authlist = [unreverse_name(name) for name in authlist]
auth = _and_.sub(',', auth)
authlist = comma_list_delim.split(auth)
for auth in authlist:
cleaned.append(spaces.sub(' ', auth.strip()))
return cleaned
MATCHYEAR = re.compile(r'(1|2)\d\d\d')
MATCHYMD = re.compile(r'(1|2)\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d')
def validate_date(date_string):
ymd = MATCHYMD.search(date_string)
if ymd:
return ymd.group(0)
date = parse(date_string.strip(), default=datetime.date(999, 1, 1))
if date.year != 999:
return date.strftime('%Y')
except ValueError:
year = MATCHYEAR.search(date_string)
if year:
return year.group(0)
return ''