275 lines
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275 lines
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# https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#top
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
import stripe
import unittest
from unittest import TestCase
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import unittest
# if customer.id doesn't exist, create one and then charge the customer
# we probably should ask our users whether they are ok with our creating a customer id account -- or ask for credit
# card info each time....
# should load the keys for Stripe from db -- but for now just hardcode here
# moving towards not having the stripe api key for the non profit partner in the unglue.it code -- but in a logically
# distinct application
from regluit.core.models import Key
STRIPE_PK = Key.objects.get(name="STRIPE_PK").value
STRIPE_SK = Key.objects.get(name="STRIPE_SK").value
STRIPE_PARTNER_PK = Key.objects.get(name="STRIPE_PARTNER_PK").value
STRIPE_PARTNER_SK = Key.objects.get(name="STRIPE_PARTNER_SK").value
logger.info('Successful loading of STRIPE_*_KEYs')
except Exception, e:
# currently test keys for Gluejar and for raymond.yee@gmail.com as standin for non-profit
STRIPE_PK = 'pk_0EajXPn195ZdF7Gt7pCxsqRhNN5BF'
STRIPE_SK = 'sk_0EajIO4Dnh646KPIgLWGcO10f9qnH'
# set default stripe api_key to that of unglue.it
stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SK
# https://stripe.com/docs/testing
('4242424242424242', 'Visa'),
('4012888888881881', 'Visa'),
('5555555555554444', 'MasterCard'),
('5105105105105100', 'MasterCard'),
('378282246310005', 'American Express'),
('371449635398431', 'American Express'),
('6011111111111117', 'Discover'),
('6011000990139424', 'Discover'),
('30569309025904', "Diner's Club"),
('38520000023237', "Diner's Club"),
('3530111333300000', 'JCB'),
('ADDRESS1_ZIP_FAIL', ('4000000000000010', 'address_line1_check and address_zip_check will both fail')),
('ADDRESS1_FAIL', ('4000000000000028', 'address_line1_check will fail.')),
('ADDRESS_ZIP_FAIL', ('4000000000000036', 'address_zip_check will fail.')),
('CVC_CHECK_FAIL', ('4000000000000101', 'cvc_check will fail.')),
('BAD_ATTACHED_CARD', ('4000000000000341', 'Attaching this card to a Customer object will succeed, but attempts to charge the customer will fail.')),
('CHARGE_DECLINE', ('4000000000000002', 'Charges with this card will always be declined.'))
# types of errors / when they can be handled
#card_declined: Use this special card number - 4000000000000002.
#incorrect_number: Use a number that fails the Luhn check, e.g. 4242424242424241.
#invalid_expiry_month: Use an invalid month e.g. 13.
#invalid_expiry_year: Use a year in the past e.g. 1970.
#invalid_cvc: Use a two digit number e.g. 99.
def filter_none(d):
return dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in d.items() if v is not None])
# if you create a Customer object, then you'll be able to charge multiple times. You can create a customer with a token.
# https://stripe.com/docs/tutorials/charges
def card (number=TEST_CARDS[0][0], exp_month='01', exp_year='2020', cvc=None, name=None,
address_line1=None, address_line2=None, address_zip=None, address_state=None, address_country=None):
card = {
"number": number,
"exp_month": str(exp_month),
"exp_year": str(exp_year),
"cvc": str(cvc) if cvc is not None else None,
"name": name,
"address_line1": address_line1,
"address_line2": address_line2,
"address_zip": address_zip,
"address_state": address_state,
"address_country": address_country
return filter_none(card)
class StripeClient(object):
def __init__(self, api_key=STRIPE_SK):
self.api_key = api_key
# key entities: Charge, Customer, Token, Event
def charge(self):
return stripe.Charge(api_key=self.api_key)
def customer(self):
return stripe.Customer(api_key=self.api_key)
def token(self):
return stripe.Token(api_key=self.api_key)
def transfer(self):
return stripe.Transfer(api_key=self.api_key)
def event(self):
return stripe.Event(api_key=self.api_key)
def create_token(self, card):
return stripe.Token(api_key=self.api_key).create(card=card)
def create_customer (self, card=None, description=None, email=None, account_balance=None, plan=None, trial_end=None):
"""card is a dictionary or a token"""
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#create_customer
customer = stripe.Customer(api_key=self.api_key).create(
# customer.id is useful to save in db
return customer
def create_charge(self, amount, currency="usd", customer=None, card=None, description=None ):
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#create_charge
# customer or card required but not both
# charge the Customer instead of the card
# amount in cents
charge = stripe.Charge(api_key=self.api_key).create(
amount=int(100*amount), # in cents
customer=customer.id if customer is not None else None,
return charge
def refund_charge(self, charge_id):
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#refund_charge
ch = stripe.Charge(api_key=self.api_key).retrieve(charge_id)
return ch
def list_all_charges(self, count=None, offset=None, customer=None):
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#list_charges
return stripe.Charge(api_key=self.api_key).all(count=count, offset=offset, customer=customer)
# what to work through?
# can't test Transfer in test mode: "There are no transfers in test mode."
#pledge scenario
# bad card -- what types of erros to handle?
# https://stripe.com/docs/api#errors
# what errors are handled in the python library and how?
# Account?
# https://stripe.com/docs/api#event_types
# events of interest -- especially ones that do not directly arise immediately (synchronously) from something we do -- I think
# especially: charge.disputed
# I think following (charge.succeeded, charge.failed, charge.refunded) pretty much sychronous to our actions
# customer.created, customer.updated, customer.deleted
# transfer
# I expect the ones related to transfers all happen asynchronously: transfer.created, transfer.updated, transfer.failed
# When will the money I charge with Stripe end up in my bank account?
# Every day, we transfer the money that you charged seven days previously?that is, you receive the money for your March 1st charges on March 8th.
# pending payments?
# how to tell whether money transferred to bank account yet
# best practices for calling Events -- not too often.
class PledgeScenarioTest(TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls._sc = StripeClient(api_key=STRIPE_SK)
# valid card
card0 = card()
cls._good_cust = cls._sc.create_customer(card=card0, description="test good customer", email="raymond.yee@gmail.com")
# bad card
card1 = card(number=test_card_num_to_get_BAD_ATTACHED_CARD)
cls._cust_bad_card = cls._sc.create_customer(card=card1, description="test bad customer", email="rdhyee@gluejar.com")
def test_charge_good_cust(self):
charge = self._sc.create_charge(10, customer=self._good_cust, description="$10 for good cust")
self.assertEqual(type(charge.id), str)
# print out all the pieces of Customer and Charge objects
print dir(charge)
print dir(self._good_cust)
def test_error_creating_customer_with_declined_card(self):
# should get a CardError upon attempt to create Customer with this card
_card = card(number=card(ERROR_TESTING['CHARGE_DECLINE'][0]))
self.assertRaises(stripe.CardError, self._sc.create_customer, card=_card)
def test_charge_bad_cust(self):
# expect the card to be declined -- and for us to get CardError
self.assertRaises(stripe.CardError, self._sc.create_charge, 10,
customer = self._cust_bad_card, description="$10 for bad cust")
def tearDownClass(cls):
# clean up stuff we create in test -- right now list current objects
print "list of customers"
print [(i, c.id, c.description, c.email, datetime.fromtimestamp(c.created, tz=utc), c.account_balance, c.delinquent, c.active_card.fingerprint, c.active_card.type, c.active_card.last4, c.active_card.exp_month, c.active_card.exp_year, c.active_card.country) for(i, c) in enumerate(cls._sc.customer.all()["data"])]
print "list of charges"
print [(i, c.id, c.amount, c.amount_refunded, c.currency, c.description, datetime.fromtimestamp(c.created, tz=utc), c.paid, c.fee, c.disputed, c.amount_refunded, c.failure_message, c.card.fingerprint, c.card.type, c.card.last4, c.card.exp_month, c.card.exp_year) for (i, c) in enumerate(cls._sc.charge.all()['data'])]
# can retrieve events since a certain time?
print "list of events", cls._sc.event.all()
print [(i, e.id, e.type, e.created, e.pending_webhooks, e.data) for (i,e) in enumerate(cls._sc.event.all()['data'])]
def suite():
testcases = [PledgeScenarioTest]
#testcases = []
suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases])
#suites.addTest(SettingsTest('test_dev_me_alignment')) # give option to test this alignment
return suites
# IPNs/webhooks: https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks
# how to use pending_webhooks ?
# all events
# https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#list_events
if __name__ == '__main__':
suites = suite()
#suites = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(__import__('__main__'))