
220 lines
8.5 KiB

from json import dumps
import ast
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ungettext
from .. import add_type, question_proc, answer_proc, AnswerException
from ..utils import get_runid_from_request
@question_proc('choice', 'choice-freeform', 'dropdown')
def question_choice(request, question):
choices = []
jstriggers = []
cd = question.getcheckdict()
key = "question_%s" % question.number
key2 = "question_%s_comment" % question.number
val = None
possibledbvalue = question.get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request))
if key in request.POST:
val = request.POST[key]
elif not possibledbvalue == None:
valueaslist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
val = valueaslist[0]
if 'default' in cd:
val = cd['default']
for choice in question.choices():
choices.append( ( choice.value == val, choice, ) )
if question.type == 'choice-freeform':
jstriggers.append('%s_comment' % question.number)
return {
'choices' : choices,
'sel_entry' : val == '_entry_',
'qvalue' : val or '',
'required' : True,
'comment' : request.POST.get(key2, ""),
'jstriggers': jstriggers,
@answer_proc('choice', 'choice-freeform', 'dropdown')
def process_choice(question, answer):
opt = answer['ANSWER'] or ''
if not opt:
raise AnswerException(_(u'You must select an option'))
if opt == '_entry_' and question.type == 'choice-freeform':
opt = answer.get('comment','')
if not opt:
raise AnswerException(_(u'Field cannot be blank'))
return dumps([[opt]])
valid = [c.value for c in question.choices()]
if opt not in valid:
raise AnswerException(_(u'Invalid option!'))
return dumps([opt])
add_type('choice', 'Choice [radio]')
add_type('choice-freeform', 'Choice with a freeform option [radio]')
add_type('dropdown', 'Dropdown choice [select]')
@question_proc('choice-multiple', 'choice-multiple-freeform', 'choice-multiple-values')
def question_multiple(request, question):
key = "question_%s" % question.number
choices = []
jstriggers = []
counter = 0
qvalues = []
cd = question.getcheckdict()
defaults = cd.get('default','').split(',')
possibledbvalue = question.get_value_for_run_question(get_runid_from_request(request))
possiblelist = []
if not possibledbvalue == None:
possiblelist = ast.literal_eval(possibledbvalue)
prev_vals = {}
if question.type == 'choice-multiple-values':
pl = []
for choice_value, prev_value in possiblelist:
prev_vals[choice_value] = str(prev_value)
possiblelist = pl
# print 'possible value is ', possibledbvalue, ', possiblelist is ', possiblelist
for choice in question.choices():
counter += 1
key = "question_%s_multiple_%d" % (question.number, choice.sortid)
if question.type == "choice-multiple-values":
jstriggers.append("q%s_%s_box" % (question.number, choice.value))
# so that the number box will be activated when item is checked
#try database first and only after that fall back to post choices
# print 'choice multiple checking for match for choice ', choice
checked = ' checked'
prev_value = ''
qvalue = "%s_%s" % (question.number, choice.value)
if key in request.POST or \
(request.method == 'GET' and choice.value in defaults):
value_key = "question_%s_%s_value" % (question.number, choice.value)
if value_key in request.POST:
prev_value = request.POST[value_key]
elif choice.value in possiblelist:
# so that this choice being checked will trigger anything that depends on it -
# for choice-multiple-values right now
if choice.value in prev_vals.keys():
prev_value = prev_vals[choice.value]
checked = ''
# bug: you can have one item checked from database and another from POST data
choices.append( (choice, key, checked, prev_value,) )
extracount = int(cd.get('extracount', 0))
if not extracount and question.type == 'choice-multiple-freeform':
extracount = 1
extras = []
for x in range(1, extracount+1):
key = "question_%s_more%d" % (question.number, x)
if key in request.POST:
extras.append( (key, request.POST[key],) )
extras.append( (key, '',) )
# right now does not retrieve extra fields from database
return {
"choices": choices,
"extras": extras,
"type": question.type,
"template" : "questionnaire/choice-multiple-freeform.html",
"required" : cd.get("required", False) and cd.get("required") != "0",
"jstriggers": jstriggers,
"qvalues": qvalues
@answer_proc('choice-multiple', 'choice-multiple-freeform', 'choice-multiple-values')
def process_multiple(question, answer):
multiple = []
multiple_freeform = []
#this is the same thing as a minimum count so use it for that..
requiredcount = 0
required = question.getcheckdict().get('required', 0)
if required:
requiredcount = int(required)
except ValueError:
requiredcount = 1
if requiredcount and requiredcount > question.choices().count():
requiredcount = question.choices().count()
#added support for a max number of choices
maxcount = 9999
maxdict = question.getcheckdict().get('max', 0)
if maxdict:
maxcount = int(maxdict)
except ValueError:
pass #leave maxcount at 9999
if maxcount and maxcount > question.choices().count():
maxcount = question.choices().count()
for k, v in answer.items():
if k.startswith('multiple') and not k.endswith('value'):
if k.startswith('more') and len(v.strip()) > 0:
if question.type == 'choice-multiple-values':
# check for associated values for choice-multiple-values
total = 0
floats = False
notnumbers = False
for k, v in answer.items():
if k.endswith('value'):
choice_text = k.rsplit("_", 2)[0]
if choice_text in multiple:
val = v
val = int(v)
total += val
except ValueError: # not an int
val = float(v)
floats = True
except ValueError: # not a float or int
notnumbers = True
multiple.append([choice_text, val])
if floats:
raise AnswerException(ungettext(u"Please enter a whole number - no decimal places", u"Please enter whole numbers - no decimal places", len(multiple)))
if notnumbers:
raise AnswerException(ungettext(u"Value must be a number (with no decimal places)", u"All values must be numbers (with no decimal places)", len(multiple)))
if len(multiple) > 0 and total != 100:
raise AnswerException(ungettext(u"Did you mean 100% for one choice? Please enter 100 or add other choices.", u"Values must add up to 100.", len(multiple)))
if len(multiple) + len(multiple_freeform) < requiredcount:
raise AnswerException(ungettext(u"You must select at least %d option",
u"You must select at least %d options",
requiredcount) % requiredcount)
if len(multiple) + len(multiple_freeform) > maxcount:
raise AnswerException(ungettext(u"You must select at most %d options",
u"You must select at most %d options",
maxcount) % maxcount)
if multiple_freeform:
return dumps(multiple)
add_type('choice-multiple', 'Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answers [checkbox]')
add_type('choice-multiple-freeform', 'Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answers, plus freeform [checkbox, input]')
add_type('choice-multiple-values', 'Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answers [checkboxes], plus value box [input] for each selected answer')