237 lines
9.6 KiB
237 lines
9.6 KiB
import mechanize
import requests
import csv
import httplib
import HTMLParser
import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime
from regluit.core import models
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LibraryThingException(Exception):
class LibraryThing(object):
This class retrieves and parses the CSV representation of a LibraryThing user's library.
url = "https://www.librarything.com"
csv_file_url = "http://www.librarything.com/export-csv"
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.csv_handle = None
def retrieve_csv(self):
br = mechanize.Browser()
# select form#2
br["formusername"] = self.username
br["formpassword"] = self.password
self.csv_handle = br.open(LibraryThing.csv_file_url)
return self.csv_handle
def parse_csv(self):
h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
reader = csv.DictReader(self.csv_handle)
# There are more fields to be parsed out. Note that there is a second author column to handle
for (i,row) in enumerate(reader):
# ISBNs are written like '[123456789x]' in the CSV, suggesting possibility of a list
m = re.match(r'^\[(.*)\]$', row["'ISBNs'"])
if m:
isbn = m.group(1).split()
isbn = []
yield {'title':h.unescape(row["'TITLE'"]), 'author':h.unescape(row["'AUTHOR (first, last)'"]),
'isbn':isbn, 'comment':row["'COMMENT'"],
'tags':row["'TAGS'"], 'collections':row["'COLLECTIONS'"],
def viewstyle_1(self, rows):
for (i,row) in enumerate(rows):
book_data = {}
cols = row.xpath('td')
# cover
book_data["cover"] = {"cover_id":cols[0].attrib["id"],
"image": {"width":cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['width'],
"src": cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['src']}
# title
book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'],
# extract work_id and book_id from href
(book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups()
(book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None)
# author -- what if there is more than 1? or none?
book_data["author"] = {"display_name":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].text,
book_data["author"] = None
# date
book_data["date"] = cols[3].xpath('span')[0].text
# tags: grab tags that are not empty strings
tag_links = cols[4].xpath('.//a')
book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links])
# rating -- count # of stars
book_data["rating"] = len(cols[5].xpath('.//img[@alt="*"]'))
# entry date
book_data["entry_date"] = datetime.date(datetime.strptime(cols[6].xpath('span')[0].text, "%b %d, %Y"))
yield book_data
def viewstyle_5(self, rows):
# implement this view to get at the ISBNs
for (i,row) in enumerate(rows):
book_data = {}
cols = row.xpath('td')
# title
book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[0].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'],
# extract work_id and book_id from href
(book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups()
(book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None)
# tags
tag_links = cols[1].xpath('.//a')
book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links])
# lc classification
book_data["lc_call_number"] = cols[2].xpath('.//span')[0].text
except Exception, e:
logger.info("no lc call number for: %s %s", book_data["title"], e)
book_data["lc_call_number"] = None
# subject
subjects = cols[3].xpath('.//div[@class="subjectLine"]')
book_data["subjects"] = [{'href':s.xpath('a')[0].attrib['href'],
'text':s.xpath('a')[0].text} for s in subjects]
# isbn
book_data["isbn"] = cols[4].xpath('.//span')[0].text
# check for  
if book_data["isbn"] == u'\xA0':
book_data["isbn"] = None
except Exception, e:
book_data["isbn"] = None
yield book_data
def parse_user_catalog(self, view_style=1):
from lxml import html
# we can vary viewstyle to get different info
COLLECTION = 2 # set to get All Collections
if view_style not in IMPLEMENTED_STYLES:
raise NotImplementedError()
style_parser = getattr(self,"viewstyle_%s" % view_style)
next_page = True
offset = 0
cookies = None
while next_page:
url = "http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?view=%s&viewstyle=%d&collection=%d&offset=%d" % (self.username,
view_style, COLLECTION, offset)
logger.info("url: %s", url)
if cookies is None:
r = requests.get(url)
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies)
if r.status_code != httplib.OK:
raise LibraryThingException("Error accessing %s: %s" % (url, e))
logger.info("Error accessing %s: %s", url, e)
etree = html.fromstring(r.content)
#logger.info("r.content %s", r.content)
cookies = r.cookies # retain the cookies
# look for a page bar
# try to grab the total number of books
# 1 - 50 of 82
count_text = etree.xpath('//td[@class="pbGroup"]')[0].text
total = int(re.search(r'(\d+)$',count_text).group(1))
logger.info('total: %d', total)
except Exception, e: # assume for now that if we can't grab this text, there is no page bar and no books
total = 0
# to do paging we can either look for a next link or just increase the offset by the number of rows.
# Let's try the latter
# possible_next_link = etree.xpath('//a[@class="pageShuttleButton"]')[0]
rows_xpath = '//table[@id="lt_catalog_list"]/tbody/tr'
# deal with page 1 first and then working on paging through the collection
rows = etree.xpath(rows_xpath)
i = -1 # have to account for the problem of style_parser(rows) returning nothing
for (i,row) in enumerate(style_parser(rows)):
yield row
# page size = 50, first page offset = 0, second page offset = 50 -- if total = 50 no need to go
offset += i + 1
if offset >= total:
next_page = False
def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, max_books=None):
Load a specified LibraryThing shelf (by default: all the books from the LibraryThing account associated with user)
from regluit.core import bookloader
from regluit.core import tasks
from itertools import islice
logger.info("Entering into load_librarything_into_wishlist")
lt = LibraryThing(lt_username)
for (i,book) in enumerate(islice(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5),max_books)):
isbn = book["isbn"] # grab the first one
logger.info("%d %s %s", i, book["title"]["title"], isbn)
if not isbn:
edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn(isbn)
if not edition:
# add the librarything ids to the db since we know them now
identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'thng', value = book['book_id'], edition = edition, work = edition.work)
identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'ltwk', value = book['work_id'], work = edition.work)
if book['lc_call_number']:
identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'lccn', value = book['lc_call_number'], edition = edition, work = edition.work)
user.wishlist.add_work(edition.work, 'librarything', notify=True)
if edition.new:
logger.info("Work with isbn %s added to wishlist.", isbn)
except Exception, e:
logger.info ("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e)