105 lines
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105 lines
4.8 KiB
{% extends 'rh_tools.html' %}
{% block toolcontent %}
{% if request.user.rights_holder.count %}
<h2 id="open_campaigns">Works You Have Claimed</h2>
{% for claim in claims %}
<dt>Title: <a href="{% url 'work' work_id=claim.work_id %}">{{claim.work.title }}</a> (work #{{ claim.work_id }})</dt>
<dd style='margin-left: 2em'>Author: {{claim.work.authors_short }}
<br />On Behalf of: {{ claim.rights_holder.rights_holder_name }}
<br />Agreement #: {{ claim.rights_holder.id }}
<br />Date of Claim : {{ claim.created }}
<br />Status of Claim: {{ claim.get_status_display }}
{% if claim.campaign_form %}
<h3>Initialize a campaign for this work</h3>
<div class="work_campaigns clearfix" style="padding: 5px;">
<form method="POST" action="#managed_campaigns">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ claim.campaign_form.name }}{{ claim.campaign_form.name.errors }}
{% ifequal claim.can_open_new 1 %}
<p>Choose the Campaign Type: {{ claim.campaign_form.type }}{{ claim.campaign_form.type.errors }}</p>
<li> <i>Pledge-To-Unglue</i>: These campaigns have a fixed end date. When your pledges reach the target you set, the campaign succeeds and the ebook is released in an open-access <i>unglued</i> edition.</li>
<li> <i>Buy-To-Unglue</i>: These campaigns start with a date on which the ebook will become open access. Each sale advances this "ungluing date" an increment based on you funding target.</li>
<li> <i>Thanks-For-Ungluing</i>: These campaigns are for books that <i>already</i> have a Creative Commons license.</li>
{% else %}
Your previous campaign succeeded, but you can open a new <i>Thanks-For-Ungluing</i> campaign. <input type="hidden" id="cl_{{ claim.id }}-type" name="cl_{{ claim.id }}-type" value="3" />
{{ claim.campaign_form.type.errors }}
{% endifequal %}
<p>Add another Campaign Manager(s) by their Unglue.it username: </p>
<div style="width:220px; padding-left:20px" >{{ claim.campaign_form.managers }}{{ claim.campaign_form.managers.errors }}
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Initialize Campaign">
{{ claim.campaign_form.work }}{{ claim.campaign_form.work.errors }}
{{ claim.campaign_form.userid }}{{ claim.campaign_form.userid.errors }}
{% elif claim.campaign %}
<h3>Campaign for this work</h3>
{% with claim.campaign as campaign %}
<div class="work_campaigns clearfix">
{% if campaign.status = 'ACTIVE' or campaign.status = 'INITIALIZED' %}
<div class="campaign_info">
Your {{ campaign.get_type_display }}, "{{ campaign.name }}", is {{ campaign.status }}<br />
Created: {{ campaign.created }}<br />
Manager(s): {% for user in campaign.managers.all %} <a href="{% url 'supporter' user.username %}">{{ user.username }} </a> {% endfor %}
<form method="POST" action="#">{% csrf_token %}
<div style="width:220px; padding-left:20px" >
Add/Remove Managers:
{{ campaign.edit_managers_form.managers }}{{ campaign.edit_managers_form.managers.errors }}
<input type="submit" name="edit_managers_{{campaign.id}}" value="Save Managers">
{% if request.user in campaign.managers.all %}
<a href="{% url 'manage_campaign' campaign.id %}" class="manage">Manage This Campaign</a>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="campaign_info">
Name: Your campaign, "{{ campaign.name }}", is {{ campaign.status }}<br />
Created: {{ campaign.created }}<br />
Manager(s): {% for user in campaign.managers.all %} <a href="{% url 'supporter' user.username %}">{{ user.username }} </a> {% endfor %}
<br />
{% ifequal campaign.type 1 %}
${{ campaign.current_total }} pledged of ${{ campaign.target }}, {{ campaign.supporters_count }} supporters
{% else %}
${{ campaign.current_total }} sold. ${{ campaign.target }} to go, Ungluing Date: {{ campaign.cc_date }}
{% endifequal %}
<br /> <a href="{% url 'campaign_results' campaign.id %}">Transaction Details</a>
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% else %}
<p><i>When your claim is <b>approved</b>, you will be able to create a campaign.</i></p>
{% endif %}
{% if claim.work.first_ebook %}
<h4> Ebooks for this work </h4>
<p>{{ claim.work.download_count }} total downloads</p>
<div class="work_campaigns">
{% for ebook in claim.work.ebooks_all %}
<li> edition #{{ebook.edition_id}} {{ ebook.format }} {% if not ebook.active %}(inactive){% endif %}
{{ ebook.download_count }} downloads
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% empty %}
<dd> You have not claimed any works. </dd>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}