
274 lines
11 KiB

external library imports
import datetime
import json
import logging
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import izip, islice, repeat
django imports
import django
from django_comments.models import Comment
from django.db.models import Q, F
regluit imports
from regluit import experimental
from regluit.core import librarything, bookloader, models, tasks
from regluit.experimental import bookdata
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def dictset(itertuple):
s = defaultdict(set)
for (k, v) in itertuple:
return s
def dictlist(itertuple):
d = defaultdict(list)
for (k, v) in itertuple:
return d
EdInfo = namedtuple('EdInfo', ['isbn', 'ed_id', 'ed_title', 'ed_created', 'work_id', 'work_created', 'lang'])
def ry_lt_books():
"""return parsing of rdhyee's LibraryThing collection"""
lt = librarything.LibraryThing('rdhyee')
books = lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5)
return books
def editions_for_lt(books):
"""return the Editions that correspond to the list of LibraryThing books"""
editions = [bookloader.add_by_isbn(b["isbn"]) for b in books]
return editions
def ry_lt_not_loaded():
"""Calculate which of the books on rdhyee's librarything list don't yield Editions"""
books = list(ry_lt_books())
editions = editions_for_lt(books)
not_loaded_books = [b for (b, ed) in izip(books, editions) if ed is None]
return not_loaded_books
def ry_wish_list_equal_loadable_lt_books():
"""returnwhether the set of works in the user's wishlist is the same as the works in a user's loadable editions from LT"""
editions = editions_for_lt(ry_lt_books())
# assume only one user -- and that we have run a LT book loading process for that user
ry = django.contrib.auth.models.User.objects.all()[0]
return set([ for ed in filter(None, editions)]) == set(
def clear_works_editions_ebooks():
def load_penguin_moby_dick():
seed_isbn = '9780142000083'
ed = bookloader.add_by_isbn(seed_isbn)
ed = tasks.populate_edition.delay(ed.isbn_13)
def load_gutenberg_moby_dick():
title = "Moby Dick"
ol_work_id = "/works/OL102749W"
gutenberg_etext_id = 2701
epub_url = ""
license = ''
lang = 'en'
format = 'epub'
publication_date = datetime(2001,7,1)
seed_isbn = '9780142000083' #
ebook = bookloader.load_gutenberg_edition(title, gutenberg_etext_id, ol_work_id, seed_isbn,
epub_url, format, license, lang, publication_date)
return ebook
def load_gutenberg_books(fname="{0}/gutenberg/g_seed_isbn.json".format(experimental.__path__[0]),
headers = ()
f = open(fname)
records = json.load(f)
for (i, record) in enumerate(islice(records,max_num)):
if record['format'] == 'application/epub+zip':
record['format'] = 'epub'
elif record['format'] == 'application/pdf':
record['format'] = 'pdf'
if record['seed_isbn'] is not None:
ebook = bookloader.load_gutenberg_edition(**record)"%d loaded ebook %s %s", i, ebook, record)
else:"%d null seed_isbn: ebook %s", i, ebook)
def cluster_status(max_num=None):
"""Look at the current Work, Edition instances to figure out what needs to be fixed"""
results = OrderedDict([
('number of Works', models.Work.objects.count()),
('number of Works w/o Identifier', models.Work.objects.filter(identifiers__isnull=True).count()),
('number of Editions', models.Edition.objects.count()),
('number of Editions with ISBN', models.Edition.objects.filter(identifiers__type='isbn').count()),
('number of Editions without ISBNs', models.Edition.objects.exclude(identifiers__type='isbn').count()),
('number of Edition that have both Google Books id and ISBNs',
('number of Editions with Google Books IDs but not ISBNs',
# models.Identifier.objects.filter(type='isbn').values_list('value', 'edition__id', 'edition__work__id', 'edition__work__language').count()
# 4 classes -- Edition have ISBN or not & ISBN is recognized or not by LT
# a) ISBN recognized by LT, b) ISBN not recognized by LT, c) no ISBN at all
# [w._meta.get_all_related_objects() for w in works_no_ids] -- try to figure out whether any related objects before deleting
# Are there Edition without ISBNs? Look up the corresponding ISBNs from Google Books and Are they all singletons?
# identify Editions that should be merged (e.g., if one Edition has a Google Books ID and another Edition has one with
# an ISBN tied to that Google Books ID)
import shutil
import time
import operator
# let's form a key to map all the Editions into
# (lt_work_id (or None), lang, ISBN (if lt_work_id is None or None if we don't know it), ed_id (or None) )
work_clusters = defaultdict(set)
current_map = defaultdict(set)
#backup = '/Users/raymondyee/D/Document/Gluejar/Gluejar.github/regluit/experimental/lt_data_back.json'
backup = '{0}/lt_data_back.json'.format(experimental.__path__[0])
#fname = '/Users/raymondyee/D/Document/Gluejar/Gluejar.github/regluit/experimental/lt_data.json'
fname = '{0}/lt_data.json'.format(experimental.__path__[0])
shutil.copy(fname, backup)
lt = bookdata.LibraryThing(fname)
input_file = open(fname, "r")
success = lt.load()
print "success: %s" % (success)
except Exception, e:
print e
for (i, (isbn, ed_id, ed_title, ed_created, work_id, work_created, lang)) in enumerate(
islice(models.Identifier.objects.filter(type='isbn').values_list('value', 'edition__id',
'edition__title', 'edition__created', 'edition__work__id',
'edition__work__created', 'edition__work__language'), max_num)):
lt_work_id = lt.thingisbn(isbn, return_work_id=True)
key = (lt_work_id, lang, isbn if lt_work_id is None else None, None)
print i, isbn, lt_work_id, key
work_clusters[key].add(EdInfo(isbn=isbn, ed_id=ed_id, ed_title=ed_title, ed_created=ed_created,
work_id=work_id, work_created=work_created, lang=lang))
# Now add the Editions without any ISBNs
print "editions w/o isbn"
for (i, (ed_id, ed_title, ed_created, work_id, work_created, lang)) in enumerate(
'title', 'created', 'work__id', 'work__created', 'work__language' ), None)):
key = (None, lang, None, ed_id)
print i, ed_id, ed_title.encode('ascii','ignore'), key
work_clusters[key].add(EdInfo(isbn=None, ed_id=ed_id, ed_title=ed_title, ed_created=ed_created,
work_id=work_id, work_created=work_created, lang=lang))
print "number of clusters", len(work_clusters)
# all Works that contain Editions belonging to more than one newly calculated cluster are "FrankenWorks"
franken_works = sorted([k for (k,v) in current_map.items() if len(v) > 1])
# let's calculate the list of users affected if delete the Frankenworks, the number of works deleted from their wishlist
# specifically a list of emails to send out
affected_works = [models.Work.objects.get(id=w_id) for w_id in franken_works]
affected_wishlists = set(reduce(operator.add, [list(w.wishlists.all()) for w in affected_works])) if len(affected_works) else set()
affected_emails = [ for w in affected_wishlists]
affected_editions = reduce(operator.add, [list(w.editions.all()) for w in affected_works]) if len(affected_works) else []
# calculate the Comments that would have to be deleted too.
affected_comments = reduce(operator.add, [list(Comment.objects.for_model(w)) for w in affected_works]) if len(affected_works) else []
# calculate the inverse of work_clusters
wcp = dict(reduce(operator.add, [ list( izip([ed.ed_id for ed in eds], repeat(k))) for (k,eds) in work_clusters.items()]))
# (I'm not completely sure of this calc -- but the datetime of the latest franken-event)
latest_franken_event = max([ max([min(map(lambda x: x[1], v)) for v in dictlist([(wcp[ed["id"]], (ed["id"], ed["created"].isoformat()))
for ed in models.Work.objects.get(id=w_id).editions.values('id', 'created')]).values()])
for w_id in franken_works]) if len(franken_works) else None
scattered_clusters = [(k, len(set(([e.work_id for e in v])))) for (k,v) in work_clusters.items() if len(set(([e.work_id for e in v]))) <> 1 ]
s = {'work_clusters':work_clusters, 'current_map':current_map, 'results':results, 'franken_works': franken_works,
'wcp':wcp, 'latest_franken_event': latest_franken_event, 'affected_works':affected_works,
'affected_comments': affected_comments, 'scattered_clusters': scattered_clusters,
'affected_emails': affected_emails}
return s
def clean_frankenworks(s, do=False):
# list out the email addresses of accounts with wishlists to be affected
print "number of email addresses: ", len(s['affected_emails'])
print ", ".join(s['affected_emails'])
# list the works we delete
print "number of FrankenWorks", len(s['franken_works'])
print s['franken_works']
# delete the affected comments
print "deleting comments"
for (i, comment) in enumerate(s['affected_comments']):
print i, "deleting ", comment
if do:
# delete the Frankenworks
print "deleting Frankenworks"
for (i, work) in enumerate(s['affected_works']):
print i, "deleting ",
if do:
# run reclustering surgically -- calculate a set of ISBNs to feed to bookloader.add_related
# assuming x is a set
popisbn = lambda x: list(x)[0].isbn if len(x) else None
# group scattered_clusters by LT work id
scattered_lt = dictlist([(k[0], k) for (k,v) in s['scattered_clusters']])
isbns = map(popisbn, [s['work_clusters'][k[0]] for k in scattered_lt.values()])
print "running bookloader"
for (i, isbn) in enumerate(isbns):
print i, isbn
if do: