67 lines
2.6 KiB
67 lines
2.6 KiB
import mechanize
import csv
import HTMLParser
import logging
import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LibraryThing(object):
This class retrieves and parses the CSV representation of a LibraryThing user's library.
url = "https://www.librarything.com"
csv_file_url = "http://www.librarything.com/export-csv"
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.csv_handle = None
def retrieve_csv(self):
br = mechanize.Browser()
# select form#2
br["formusername"] = self.username
br["formpassword"] = self.password
self.csv_handle = br.open(LibraryThing.csv_file_url)
return self.csv_handle
def parse_csv(self):
h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
reader = csv.DictReader(self.csv_handle)
# There are more fields to be parsed out. Note that there is a second author column to handle
for (i,row) in enumerate(reader):
# ISBNs are written like '[123456789x]' in the CSV, suggesting possibility of a list
m = re.match(r'^\[(.*)\]$', row["'ISBNs'"])
if m:
isbn = m.group(1).split()
isbn = []
yield {'title':h.unescape(row["'TITLE'"]), 'author':h.unescape(row["'AUTHOR (first, last)'"]),
'isbn':isbn, 'comment':row["'COMMENT'"],
'tags':row["'TAGS'"], 'collections':row["'COLLECTIONS'"],
def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, lt_password, max_books=None):
Load a specified Goodreads shelf (by default: all the books from the Goodreads account associated with user)
from regluit.core import bookloader
from itertools import islice
lt = LibraryThing(lt_username,lt_password)
for (i,book) in enumerate(islice(lt.parse_csv(),max_books)):
isbn = book["isbn"][0] # grab the first one
logger.info("%d %s %s", i, book["title"], isbn)
edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn(isbn)
# let's not trigger too much traffic to Google books for now
# regluit.core.tasks.add_related.delay(isbn)
logger.info("Work with isbn %s added to wishlist.", isbn)
except Exception, e:
logger.info ("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e) |