320 lines
12 KiB
320 lines
12 KiB
import requests
import urllib
import httplib
from regluit.experimental.zotero_books import Zotero2, MyZotero
import json
from pprint import pprint
from itertools import islice
import unittest
from unittest import TestCase
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import unittest
import re
import freebase
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_13 = '9781590598580'
MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10 = '159059858X'
RY_OLID = 'OL4264806A'
class FreebaseException(Exception):
class OpenLibraryException(Exception):
class HathiException(Exception):
def filter_none(d):
d2 = {}
for (k,v) in d.iteritems():
if v is not None:
d2[k] = v
return d2
def to_list(s):
"""if input is not a list return a list with s"""
if not isinstance(s,list):
return [s]
return s
def hathi_bib(id, id_type='isbn', detail_level='brief'):
url = "http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/brief/%s/%s.json" % (id_type, id)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == httplib.OK:
return r.content
raise Exception("Hathi Bib API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) )
# http://openlibrary.org/developers/api
class OpenLibrary(object):
def books(cls, id, id_type="isbn", format="json", callback=None, jscmd=None):
# http://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/books
# bibkeys: one of isbn, oclc, lccn, olid
# format: one of json, javascript
# jscmd: one of viewapi, data, details (deprecated in favor of data)
base_url = "http://openlibrary.org/api/books"
params = filter_none({'bibkeys':'%s:%s' % (id_type,id),
r = requests.get(base_url,params=params)
if r.status_code == httplib.OK:
return json.loads(r.content)
raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) )
def covers(cls, id, id_type='isbn', size='S'):
# http://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/covers
# id_type: one of 'id' (internal cover ID), olid (Open Library ID), isbn, oclc, lccn, goodreads, librarything
# size: one of s, m, l
# http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/$key/$value-$size.jpg
if id_type.lower() not in ['id','isbn','oclc','lccn','goodreads','librarything']:
raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect id_type for covers" % (id_type))
if size.upper() not in ['S','M','L']:
raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect size for covers" % (size))
return "http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/%s/%s-%s.jpg" % (id_type.lower(),id,size.upper())
def author_photos(cls, olid, size='S'):
if size.upper() not in ['S','M','L']:
raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect size for author" % (size))
return "http://covers.openlibrary.org/a/olid/%s-%s.jpg" % (olid,size.upper())
def read(cls, queries):
# http://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/read -- most of its value to be used in browser JS?
# can do single or multiple requests
# example of a single request:
# http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/isbn/0596156715.json
# multiple
# http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/json/id:1;lccn:50006784|olid:OL6179000M;lccn:55011330
# the multiple format works, I think, for single requests
#url = "http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/%s/%s.json" % (id_type, id)
query_string = "|".join([ ";".join([ "%s:%s" % (id_type,id) for (id, id_type) in to_list(query)])
for query in to_list(queries)])
if query_string:
url = "http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/json/%s" % (query_string)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == httplib.OK:
return json.loads(r.content)
raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) )
return None
def lists(cls):
# http://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/lists
raise NotImplementedError
def query_iter(cls,**kwargs):
# use limit for page size and offset as the starting point
kwargs2 = kwargs.copy()
kwargs2.setdefault('offset', 0)
more_items = True
while more_items:
items = cls.query(**kwargs2)
for item in items:
yield item
if len(items):
kwargs2['offset'] += len(items)
more_items = False
def query(cls, **kwargs):
# limit and offset are special
base_url = "http://openlibrary.org/query.json"
r = requests.get(base_url, params=kwargs)
if r.status_code == httplib.OK:
return json.loads(r.content)
raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) )
def editions(cls, work_olid):
# http://openlibrary.org/query.json?type=/type/edition&works=/works/OL675829W&limit=5000
for item in cls.query_iter(type='/type/edition',works='/works/%s'%(work_olid), limit=10):
yield re.match(r'^/books/(.*)$',item['key']).group(1)
except Exception, e:
raise OpenLibraryException("problem in editions: %s " % e)
def works(cls, id, id_type='isbn'):
# http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/olid/OL8075248M.json
# can there be more than 1 work for a given edition?
# will return a list of works
# there is a bug in OL in which we have workless editions
response = cls.read((id,id_type))
# resp['olid:OL8075248M']['records']['/books/OL8075248M']["details"]["details"]["works"][0]["key"]
# resp.values()[0]['records'].values()[0]["details"]["details"]["works"][0]["key"]
works_key = response.values()[0]['records'].values()[0]["details"]["details"]["works"]
if (len(response.values()) == 1 and len(response.values()[0]['records'].values()) == 1):
return [re.match(r'^/works/(.*)$',work_key["key"]).group(1) for work_key in works_key]
raise OpenLibraryException("Assumption of 1 key in response invalid in OpenLibrary.works")
except Exception, e:
raise OpenLibraryException("problem in works: %s " % e)
class FreebaseBooks(object):
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, main_or_sandbox='main'):
if main_or_sandbox == 'main':
self.freebase = freebase
self.freebase = freebase.sandbox
if username is not None and password is not None:
def books(self):
MQL = u"""[{
"type": "/book/book",
"id": null,
"key": [{
"namespace": "/wikipedia/en",
"value": null,
"type": "/type/key"
""".replace("\n"," ")
query = json.loads(MQL)
resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query)
for r in resp:
yield r
def book_editions(self):
MQL = u"""[{
"type": "/book/book_edition",
"id": null,
"isbn": [{}],
"ISBN": [{}],
"LCCN": [{}],
"OCLC_number": [{}],
"book": {
"id": null,
"name": null
}]""".replace("\n"," ")
query = json.loads(MQL)
resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query)
for r in resp:
yield r
def book_edition_by_id(self,id,id_type):
MQL = u"""[{
"type": "/book/book_edition",
"id": null,
"isbn": [{}],
"ISBN": [{}],
"LCCN": [{}],
"OCLC_number": [{}],
"book": {
"id": null,
"name": null
}]""".replace("\n"," ")
query = json.loads(MQL)
if id_type == 'isbn':
query[0][id_type][0].setdefault('name', id)
elif id_type in ['LCCN', 'OCLC_number']:
query[0][id_type][0].setdefault('value', id)
if id_type in ['isbn', 'LCCN', 'OCLC_number']:
resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query)
for r in resp:
yield r
raise FreebaseException('id_type must be one of ISBN, LCCN, or OCLC_number, not %s' % (id_type))
def look_up_my_zotero_books_in_hathi():
zot = MyZotero()
for (i,b) in enumerate(zot.get_books(20)):
print b, hathi_bib(b['isbn'])
except Exception, e:
print e
def ol_practice():
print OpenLibrary.books(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10)
pprint (OpenLibrary.books(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_13, jscmd='data'))
print OpenLibrary.books('0385472579', jscmd='data')
print (OpenLibrary.covers(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10, size='M'))
print (OpenLibrary.author_photos(RY_OLID,'S'))
# can we status of a pd book oclc:03544699 The Log of a Cowboy - Andy Adams, 1903
# http://openlibrary.org/books/OL7173600M/The_log_of_a_cowboy -- not working?
print OpenLibrary.books('OL7173600M' 'olid', jscmd='data')
# http://openlibrary.org/books/OL6542070M/The_Montessori_method works
print OpenLibrary.books('1181252','oclc',jscmd='data')
print OpenLibrary.read([(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10,'isbn'),('1181252','oclc')])
# let's bring up the editions for Surfacing
for (i,ed) in enumerate(islice(OpenLibrary.editions(SURFACING_WORK_OLID),100)):
print i, ed
# let's get the Work ID for one of the editions
class FreebaseBooksTest(TestCase):
def test_books_iter(self):
fb = FreebaseBooks()
books = list(islice(fb.books(),4))
for book in books[0:1]:
self.assertTrue(book["type"], "/book/book")
def test_book_editions_iter(self):
fb = FreebaseBooks()
editions = list(islice(fb.book_editions(),4))
for edition in editions[0:1]:
self.assertTrue(edition["type"], "/book/book_edition")
def test_book_edition_by_id(self):
fb = FreebaseBooks()
# http://www.amazon.com/New-Collected-Poems-Czeslaw-Milosz/dp/006019667X
edition = list(fb.book_edition_by_id('9780060196677','isbn'))
self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['name'],'New and collected poems 1931-2001')
edition = list(fb.book_edition_by_id('76074298', 'OCLC_number'))
self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['name'],'Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction')
if __name__ == '__main__':
#print len(list(islice(parse_project_gutenberg_catalog(),100000)))