110 lines
4.5 KiB
110 lines
4.5 KiB
{% extends "basepledge.html" %}
{% load humanize %}
{% block title %}Pledge{% endblock %}
{% block extra_extra_head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/reconcile_pledge.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/loader-gif.js"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block news %}
{% endblock %}
{% block doccontent %}
<div style="height:15px"></div>
<div class="book-detail">
<div id="book-detail-img">
<a href="{% url work work.id %}"><img src="{{ work.cover_image_thumbnail }}" alt="{{ work.title }}" title="{{ work.title }}" width="131" height="192" /></a>
<div class="book-detail-info">
<div class="layout">
<h2 class="book-name"><a href="{% url work work.id %}">{{ work.title }}</a></h2>
<div class="pubinfo">
<h3 class="book-author">{{ work.author }}</h3>
<h3 class="book-year">{{ work.publication_date_year }}</h3>
<div class="thermometer" title="{{ work.percent_of_goal }}% of goal">
<div class="cover" style="width: {{ cover_width }}%;">
<span>{{ work.percent_of_goal }}% of goal</span>
<div class="pledged-info noborder">
<div class="campaign-status-info">
current ungluing date:
<div class="campaign-status-info">
<span class="current_cc_date">{{ work.last_campaign.cc_date|date:"M j, Y" }}</span>
<div class="campaign-status-info">
{% if work.last_campaign.supporters_count == 1 %}
<span>1</span> ungluer
{% else %}
<span>{{ work.last_campaign.supporters_count }}</span> ungluers
{% endif %}
<div class="campaign-status-info">
<span>${{ work.last_campaign.left|floatformat:0|intcomma }}</span> to go
<div class="find-book">
<label>Available formats...</label>
{% for ebookfile in work.ebookfiles %}
<span class="format_display"><img src="/static/images/{{ ebookfile.format }}32.png" height="32" alt="{{ ebookfile.get_format_display }}" title="{{ ebookfile.get_format_display }}" /></span>
{% endfor %}
{% ifequal work.last_campaign.status "ACTIVE" %}
<div class="jsmodule rounded clearfix">
<div class="jsmod-content">
<form class="pledgeform" method="POST" action="#">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.non_field_errors }}
{% if work.offers.all|length > 1 %}
<div class="pledge_amount premium_level">Choose your license type:</div>
<div style="height:10px;"></div>
<ul class="support menu" id="premiums_list">
{% for offer in work.last_campaign.active_offers %}
<li class="{% if forloop.first %}first{% else %}{% if forloop.last %}last{% endif %}{% endif %}">
<label for="offer_{{offer.id}}">
<input type="radio" name="offer_id" id="offer_{{offer.id}}" value="{{offer.id}}" {% ifequal request.REQUEST.offer_id offer.id|stringformat:"s" %}checked="checked"{% else %} {% ifequal offer_id offer.id %}checked="checked"{% endifequal %}{% endifequal %} />
<span class="menu-item-price">
${{ offer.price|intcomma }}
<span class="menu-item-desc">
{{ offer.get_license_display }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div style="height:10px;"></div>
<input type="hidden" name="offer_id" id="offer_{{ offers.0.id }}" value="{{ offers.0.id }}" checked="checked" />
{% endif %}
<div id="anonbox"><I>{{ form.anonymous.label_tag }}</I> {{ form.anonymous.errors }}{{ form.anonymous }}</div>
<input name="pledge" type="submit" value="Buy Now" id="pledgesubmit" class="loader-gif" />
<input name="decoy" type="submit" id="fakepledgesubmit" disabled="disabled" />
{% else %}
<div>Campaign is not ACTIVE. </div>
{% endifequal %}
{% endblock %}