Hooray! We can now send unglued ebooks to you at {{ request.user.profile.kindle_email }}.
{% if kindle_ebook_id %}We're emailing you the ebook you wanted, {{ work.title }}...
{% else %}Why not start downloading free books?
{% endif %}{% extends "email_change/base.html" %} {% with request.user.profile.kindle_email as kindle_email %} {% block title %}Kindle email change successful{% endblock %} {% block extra_js %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block ce_content %}
Hooray! We can now send unglued ebooks to you at {{ request.user.profile.kindle_email }}.
{% if kindle_ebook_id %}We're emailing you the ebook you wanted, {{ work.title }}...
{% else %}Why not start downloading free books?
{% endif %}