from itertools import islice from lxml import etree import datetime import urlparse from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.http import urlquote import pytz import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from regluit.core import models, facets import as cc licenses = cc.LICENSE_LIST FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE = {'pdf':"application/pdf", 'epub':"application/epub+zip", 'mobi':"application/x-mobipocket-ebook", 'html':"text/html", 'text':"text/html"} UNGLUEIT_URL= '' ACQUISITION = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition" FACET_RELATION = "" old_facets= ["creative_commons","active_campaigns"] def feeds(): for facet in old_facets: yield globals()[facet] for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Format'): yield get_facet_facet(facet_path) for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Keyword'): yield get_facet_facet(facet_path) def get_facet_class(name): if name in old_facets: return globals()[name] else: return get_facet_facet(name) def text_node(tag, text): node = etree.Element(tag) node.text = text return node def html_node(tag, html): node = text_node(tag, html) node.attrib.update({"{}type":'html'}) return node def add_query_component(url, qc): """ add component qc to the querystring of url """ m = list(urlparse.urlparse(url)) if len(m[4]): m[4] = "&".join([m[4],qc]) else: m[4] = qc return urlparse.urlunparse(m) def isbn_node(isbn): node = etree.Element("{}identifier") node.attrib.update({"{}type":'dcterms:URI'}) node.text = 'urn:ISBN:'+ isbn return node def work_node(work, facet=None): node = etree.Element("entry") # title node.append(text_node("title", work.title)) # id node.append(text_node('id', "{base}{url}".format(base=UNGLUEIT_URL,url=reverse('work_identifier',kwargs={'work_id'})))) updated = None # links for all ebooks ebooks = facet.filter_model("Ebook",work.ebooks()) if facet else work.ebooks() versions = set() for ebook in ebooks: if updated is None: # most recent ebook, first ebook in loop updated = ebook.created.isoformat() node.append(text_node('updated', updated)) if not ebook.version_label in versions: versions.add(ebook.version_label) link_node = etree.Element("link") # ebook.download_url is an absolute URL with the protocol, domain, and path baked in link_rel = "" link_node.attrib.update({"href":add_query_component(ebook.download_url, "feed=opds"), "rel":link_rel, "{}rights": str(ebook.rights)}) if ebook.is_direct(): link_node.attrib["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "") else: """ indirect acquisition, i.e. google books """ link_node.attrib["type"] = "text/html" indirect = etree.Element("{}indirectAcquisition",) indirect.attrib["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "") link_node.append(indirect) if ebook.version_label: link_node.attrib.update({"{}version": ebook.version_label}) node.append(link_node) # get the cover -- assume jpg? cover_node = etree.Element("link") cover_node.attrib.update({"href":work.cover_image_small(), "type":"image/"+work.cover_filetype(), "rel":""}) node.append(cover_node) cover_node = etree.Element("link") cover_node.attrib.update({"href":work.cover_image_thumbnail(), "type":"image/"+work.cover_filetype(), "rel":""}) node.append(cover_node) # 2012 node.append(text_node("{}issued", work.publication_date)) # author # TO DO: include all authors? author_node = etree.Element("author") author_node.append(text_node("name", node.append(author_node) # publisher #Open Book Publishers if len(work.publishers()): for publisher in work.publishers(): node.append(text_node("{}publisher", # language #en node.append(text_node("{}language", work.language)) # description node.append(html_node("{}content", work.description)) # identifiers if work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn'): for isbn in work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn')[0:9]: #10 should be more than enough node.append(isbn_node(isbn.value)) # subject tags # [[ for subject in work.subjects.all()] for work in ccworks if work.subjects.all()] for subject in work.subjects.all(): if subject.is_visible: category_node = etree.Element("category") try: category_node.attrib["term"] = node.append(category_node) try:[1] # only show feed if there's another work in it append_navlink(node, 'related', 'kw.'+ , 0, 'popular', except: pass except ValueError: # caused by control chars in logger.warning('Deleting subject: %s' % subject.delete() # age level # if work.age_level: category_node = etree.Element("category") category_node.attrib["scheme"] = '' category_node.attrib["term"] = work.age_level category_node.attrib["label"] = work.get_age_level_display() node.append(category_node) # rating rating_node = etree.Element("{}Rating") rating_node.attrib.update({"{}ratingValue":"{:}".format(work.priority())}) node.append(rating_node) return node class Facet: title = '' works = None feed_path = '' description = '' def feed(self, page=None, order_by='newest'): =*facets.get_order_by(order_by)) return opds_feed_for_works(self, page=page, order_by=order_by) def updated(self): # return the creation date for most recently added item if not return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat() else: return pytz.utc.localize([0].created).isoformat() def get_facet_facet(facet_path): class Facet_Facet(Facet): def __init__(self, facet_path=facet_path): self.feed_path = facet_path self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(facet_path) self.title = "" for facet in self.facet_object.facets(): self.title = self.title + " " + facet.title = self.facet_object.get_query_set().distinct() self.description = self.facet_object.description return Facet_Facet class creative_commons(Facet): def __init__(self): self.title = " Catalog: Creative Commons Books" self.feed_path = "creative_commons" = models.Work.objects.filter(editions__ebooks__isnull=False, editions__ebooks__rights__in=cc.LICENSE_LIST).distinct() self.description= "These Creative Commons licensed ebooks are free to read - the people who created them want you to read and share them." self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(self.feed_path) class active_campaigns(Facet): """ return opds feed for works associated with active campaigns """ def __init__(self): self.title = " Catalog: Books under Active Campaign" self.feed_path = "active_campaigns" = models.Work.objects.filter(campaigns__status='ACTIVE', is_free = True) self.description= "With your help we're raising money to make these books free to the world." self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(self.feed_path) def opds_feed_for_work(work_id): class single_work_facet: def __init__(self, work_id): try: works=models.Work.objects.filter(id=work_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: works=models.Work.objects.none() except ValueError: # not a valid work_id works=models.Work.objects.none() self.title=' work #%s' % work_id self.feed_path='' self.facet_object= facets.BaseFacet(None) return opds_feed_for_works( single_work_facet(work_id) ) def opds_feed_for_works(the_facet, page=None, order_by='newest'): works = feed_path = the_facet.feed_path title = the_facet.title feed_xml = """""" feed = etree.fromstring(feed_xml) # add title # TO DO: will need to calculate the number items and where in the feed we are feed.append(text_node('title', title + ' - sorted by ' + order_by)) # id feed.append(text_node('id', "{url}/api/opds/{feed_path}/?order_by={order_by}".format(url=UNGLUEIT_URL, feed_path=urlquote(feed_path), order_by=order_by))) # updated # TO DO: fix time zone? # also use our wrapped datetime code feed.append(text_node('updated', pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat())) # author author_node = etree.Element("author") author_node.append(text_node('name', '')) author_node.append(text_node('uri', UNGLUEIT_URL)) feed.append(author_node) # links: start, self, next/prev (depending what's necessary -- to start with put all CC books) # start link append_navlink(feed, 'start', feed_path, None , order_by, title="First 10") # next link if not page: page =0 else: try: page=int(page) except TypeError: page=0 try: works[10 * page + 10] append_navlink(feed, 'next', feed_path, page+1 , order_by, title="Next 10") except IndexError: pass # sort facets append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'popular', group="Order", active = order_by=='popular', title="Sorted by popularity") append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'newest', group="Order", active = order_by=='newest', title="Sorted by newest") #other facets if feed_path not in old_facets: for other_group in the_facet.facet_object.get_other_groups(): for facet_object in other_group.get_facets(): append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path + '/' + facet_object.facet_name, None, order_by, group=other_group.title, title=facet_object.title) works = islice(works, 10 * page, 10 * page + 10) if page > 0: append_navlink(feed, 'previous', feed_path, page-1, order_by, title="Previous 10") for work in works: node = work_node(work, facet=the_facet.facet_object) feed.append(node) return etree.tostring(feed, pretty_print=True) def append_navlink(feed, rel, path, page, order_by, group=None, active=None , title=""): link = etree.Element("link") link.attrib.update({"rel":rel, "href": UNGLUEIT_URL + "/api/opds/" + urlquote(path) + '/?order_by=' + order_by + ('&page=' + unicode(page) if page!=None else ''), "type": ACQUISITION, "title": title, }) if rel == FACET_RELATION: if group: link.attrib['{}facetGroup'] = group if active: link.attrib['{}activeFacet'] = 'true' feed.append(link)