{% extends 'basedocumentation.html' %} {% block title %} Library Admin {% endblock %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {{ block.super }} {{ form.media.css }} {{ form.media.js }} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %} {% if library.pk %}

Configure {{ library }}

{% else %}

Add a Library to Unglue.it

By creating a library on Unglue.it, you'll be able to:

  1. Purchase "buy-to-unglue" ebook licenses for your library.
  2. Allow library users to borrow "buy-to-unglue" ebooks.
  3. Allow library users to purchase "buy-to-unglue" ebooks for your library.
  4. Manage lists of unglued and public domain ebooks for your users.
{% endif %}

{{ status }}

{% csrf_token %} {{ form.work }} {{ form.non_field_errors }}

Library Name: {{ form.name.errors }}{{ form.name }}

{% if form.instance.user %}

Library Username: {{ form.instance.user }}

Library Email: {{ form.instance.user.email }}

{% else %}

Library Username: {{ form.username.errors }}{{ form.username }} This will be the Unglue.it username for the library. You ( {{ request.user }} ) will be able to log in as the library to do things like setting links making book lists.

Library Email: {{ form.email.errors }}{{ form.email }} The notification address for the library.

{% endif %}

Library User Verification Method: {{ form.backend.errors }}{{ form.backend }}

You'll be able to configure user verification once you've added the library.

{% if library.pk %}

Settings for {{ library }}

{% endif %} {% if backend_admin_forms %}

User Verification Setup

{% include form.instance.help_template %} {% for backend_admin_form in backend_admin_forms %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ backend_admin_form }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}

More info

{% endblock %}