{% extends 'basedocumentation.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}Gifts{% endblock %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {{ block.super }} {{ transfer_form.media.css }} {{ transfer_form.media.js }} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}
You have a balance of {{ user.credit.balance }} Unglue.it credits.
You have pledged {{ user.credit.pledged }} Unglue.it credits to ungluing campaigns.
You have {{ user.credit.available }} Unglue.it credits available to pledge or transfer.
{{ transfer_message }}
{% if transfer_amount %}
Recipient: {{ recipient }}
Amount: {{ transfer_amount }} Unglue.it credits
{% endif %}
You may transfer up to {{ user.credit.available }} Unglue.it credits to another Unglue.it user.