from regluit.settings.common import * DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG # if you're doing development work, you'll want this to be zero IS_PREVIEW = False # SITE_ID for your particular site -- must be configured in /core/fixtures/initial_data.json SITE_ID = 3 ADMINS = ( ('Ed Summers', ''), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'regluit.db', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', } } TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York' SECRET_KEY = '_^_off!8zsj4+)%qq623m&$7_m-q$iau5le0w!mw&n5tgt#x=t' # settings for outbout email # if you have a gmail account you can use your email address and password EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'my-password' EMAIL_PORT = 587 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' # twitter auth # you'll need to create a new Twitter application to fill in these blanks # TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = '' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = '' # facebook auth # you'll need to create a new Facebook application to fill in these blanks # FACEBOOK_APP_ID = '' FACEBOOK_API_SECRET = '' # google auth # you'll need to create a new Google application to fill in these blanks # GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = '' GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = '' GOOGLE_DISPLAY_NAME = 'unglue it!' # you'll need to register a GoogleBooks API key # GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_KEY = '' # Payment processor switch PAYMENT_PROCESSOR = 'amazon' # set -- sandbox or production Amazon FPS? AMAZON_FPS_HOST = "" #AMAZON_FPS_HOST = "" PAYPAL_USERNAME = '' PAYPAL_PASSWORD = '' PAYPAL_SIGNATURE = '' PAYPAL_APPID = '' PAYPAL_ENDPOINT = '' # sandbox PAYPAL_PAYMENT_HOST = '' # sandbox PAYPAL_SANDBOX_LOGIN = '' PAYPAL_SANDBOX_PASSWORD = '' PAYPAL_BUYER_LOGIN ='' PAYPAL_BUYER_PASSWORD = '' # in live system, replace with the real Gluejar paypal email and that for our non-profit partner PAYPAL_GLUEJAR_EMAIL = "" PAYPAL_NONPROFIT_PARTNER_EMAIL = "" # for test purposes have a single RH paypal email PAYPAL_TEST_RH_EMAIL = "" BASE_URL = '' BASE_URL_SECURE = '' IPN_SECURE_URL = True # use database as queuing service in development BROKER_TRANSPORT = "djkombu.transport.DatabaseTransport" INSTALLED_APPS += ("djkombu",) # Goodreads API GOODREADS_API_KEY = '' GOODREADS_API_SECRET = '' # LibraryThing API LIBRARYTHING_API_KEY = '' # Freebase credentials FREEBASE_USERNAME = '' FREEBASE_PASSWORD = '' # send celery log to Python logging CELERYD_HIJACK_ROOT_LOGGER = False # a debug_toolbar setting INTERNAL_IPS = ('',) CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL = "INFO" # an optional setting to change regluit.utils.localdatetime._now -- setting it to None will cause # a default _now() to be computed in regluit.utils.localdatetime LOCALDATETIME_NOW = None # selenium-related testing parameters # in Django 1.4, we'll get a URL for LiveServerTestCase # but for now, we would have to manually configure our own test server. LIVE_SERVER_TEST_URL = "" # username, password to pass to LIVE_SERVER_TEST_URL UNGLUEIT_TEST_USER = None UNGLUEIT_TEST_PASSWORD = None # local settings for maintenance mode MAINTENANCE_MODE = False # decide which of the period tasks to add to the schedule #CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['send_test_email'] = SEND_TEST_EMAIL_JOB #CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['emit_notifications'] = EMIT_NOTIFICATIONS_JOB CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['report_new_ebooks'] = EBOOK_NOTIFICATIONS_JOB try: from regluit.settings.local import * except ImportError: pass