{% extends "basepledge.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}Pledge{% endblock %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}
{{ work.title }}

{{ work.title }}

{{ work.author }}

{{ pubdate }}

${{ work.last_campaign.target|intcomma }} needed by
{{ work.last_campaign.deadline }}
{{ work.last_campaign.supporters.count }} Ungluers have pledged ${{ work.last_campaign.current_total|intcomma }}
book list status
{% if faqmenu == 'modify' %}

You've already pledged to this campaign:

Amount: ${{preapproval_amount|intcomma}}.
Your premium: {% if premium_description %}{{ premium_description }}{% else %}You did not request a premium for this campaign.{% endif %}

You can modify your pledge below.
{% endif %} {% comment %} Even there is a CampaignPledgeForm in frontend/forms.py , the "widget" for premium_id is implemented in HTML here for now. {% endcomment %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ form.non_field_errors }}
{{ form.preapproval_amount.label_tag }}: {{ form.preapproval_amount.errors }}${{ form.preapproval_amount }}
{% comment %} not supported yet; don't display {{ form.anonymous.label_tag }}: {{ form.anonymous.errors }}{{ form.anonymous }} {% endcomment %}
{% if faqmenu == 'modify' %}
We hope you won't, but of course you're also free to cancel your pledge.
{% endif %} {% endblock %}