Welcome back, {{ user.username }}! We're sending {{ work.title }} to {{ kindle_email }}.
(If you'd like to change your Kindle email, you can do so below. You'll need to download the book again.)
{% else %}You already have a Kindle email on file with Unglue.it: {{ kindle_email }} . {% if not ok_email %}That's probably not the right email; most Kindles use an @kindle.com email address. {% endif %}
You can change it below.
If you emailed yourself an Unglue.it ebook and got a message from Amazon that the sender is not in your approved email list, add notices@gluejar.com to your Approved Personal Document Email List under Personal Document Settings.
{% endif %} {% else %}Before your device or app can receive emails from Unglue.it, you'll have to add notices@gluejar.com to your Approved Personal Document Email List under Personal Document Settings.
Then, enter your Kindle email address below (most Kindles use an @kindle.com email address.):
{% endif %} {% if work %} {% else %} {% endif %}