""" external library imports """ import logging from celery.task import task from datetime import timedelta from time import sleep """ django imports """ from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.mail import send_mail from notification.engine import send_all from notification import models as notification """ regluit imports """ from regluit.core import ( bookloader, models, goodreads, librarything, doab, mobigen ) from regluit.core.models import Campaign, Acq, Gift from regluit.core.signals import deadline_impending from regluit.core.parameters import RESERVE, REWARDS, THANKS from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @task def populate_edition(isbn): """given an edition this task will populate the database with additional information about related editions and subjects related to this edition """ bookloader.add_related(isbn) edition=models.Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn) if edition: bookloader.add_openlibrary(edition.work) return edition @task def load_goodreads_shelf_into_wishlist(user_id, shelf_name='all', goodreads_user_id=None, max_books=None, expected_number_of_books=None): user=User.objects.get(id=user_id) return goodreads.load_goodreads_shelf_into_wishlist(user,shelf_name,goodreads_user_id,max_books, expected_number_of_books) @task def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user_id, lt_username, max_books=None): user=User.objects.get(id=user_id) return librarything.load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, max_books) @task def fac(n, sleep_interval=None): # used to test celery task execution if not(isinstance(n,int) and n >= 0): raise Exception("You can't calculate a factorial of %s " % (str(n))) if n <= 1: return 1 else: res = 1 for i in xrange(2,n+1): res = res*i fac.update_state(state="PROGRESS", meta={"current": i, "total": n}) if sleep_interval is not None: sleep(sleep_interval) return res @task def send_mail_task(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None, override_from_email=True): """a task to drop django.core.mail.send_mail into """ # NOTE: since we are currently using Amazon SES, which allows email to be sent only from validated email # addresses, we force from_email to be one of the validated address unless override_from_email is FALSE try: if override_from_email: try: from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL except: pass r= send_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=auth_user, auth_password=auth_password, connection=connection) except: r=logger.info('failed to send message:' + message) return r #task to update the status of active campaigns @task def update_active_campaign_status(): """update the status of all active campaigns -- presumed to be run at midnight Eastern time""" return [c.update_status(send_notice=True, ignore_deadline_for_success=True, process_transactions=True) for c in Campaign.objects.filter(status='Active') ] @task def emit_notifications(): logger.info('notifications emitting' ) return send_all() @task def report_new_ebooks(created=None): #created= creation date if created: period = (created, created+timedelta(days=1)) else: period = (date_today()-timedelta(days=1), date_today()) works = models.Work.objects.filter(editions__ebooks__created__range = period).distinct() for work in works: notification.send_now(work.wished_by(), "wishlist_unglued_book_released", {'work':work}, True) @task def notify_ending_soon(): c_active = Campaign.objects.filter(status='Active', type=REWARDS) for c in c_active: if c.deadline - now() < timedelta(7) and c.deadline - now() >= timedelta(6): """ if the campaign is still active and there's only a week left until it closes, send reminder notification """ deadline_impending.send(sender=None, campaign=c) @task def watermark_acq(acq): acq.get_watermarked() @task def process_ebfs(campaign): if campaign.type == THANKS: if campaign.use_add_ask: campaign.add_ask_to_ebfs() else: campaign.work.make_ebooks_from_ebfs(add_ask=False) campaign.work.remove_old_ebooks() @task def refresh_acqs(): in_10_min = now() + timedelta(minutes=10) acqs = Acq.objects.filter(refreshed=False, refreshes__lt=in_10_min) logger.info('refreshing %s acqs' % acqs.count()) for acq in acqs: for hold in acq.holds: # create a 1 day reserve on the acq reserve_acq = Acq.objects.create( user = hold.user, work = hold.work, license = RESERVE, lib_acq = acq, ) # the post_save handler takes care of pushing expires vis acq.expires_in # notify the user with the hold if 'example.org' not in reserve_acq.user.email: notification.send([reserve_acq.user], "library_reserve", {'acq':reserve_acq}) # delete the hold hold.delete() break else: acq.refreshed = True @task def load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, seed_isbn, url, format, rights, language, isbns, provider='Directory of Open Access Books', **kwargs): return doab.load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, seed_isbn, url, format, rights, language, isbns, provider, **kwargs) @task def convert_to_mobi(input_url, input_format="application/epub+zip"): return mobigen.convert_to_mobi(input_url, input_format) @task def generate_mobi_ebook_for_edition(edition): return mobigen.generate_mobi_ebook_for_edition(edition) from postmonkey import PostMonkey, MailChimpException pm = PostMonkey(settings.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY) @task def ml_subscribe_task(profile, **kwargs): try: if not profile.on_ml: return pm.listSubscribe(id=settings.MAILCHIMP_NEWS_ID, email_address=profile.user.email, **kwargs) except Exception, e: logger.error("error subscribing to mailchimp list %s" % (e)) return False @task def notify_unclaimed_gifts(): unclaimed = Gift.objects.filter(used=None) for gift in unclaimed: """ send notice every 7 days """ unclaimed_duration = (now() - gift.acq.created ).days if unclaimed_duration > 0 and unclaimed_duration % 7 == 0 : # first notice in 7 days notification.send_now([gift.acq.user], "purchase_gift_waiting", {'gift':gift}, True) notification.send_now([gift.giver], "purchase_notgot_gift", {'gift':gift}, True)