from regluit.settings.common import * ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] DEBUG = False TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['debug'] = DEBUG # we are launched! IS_PREVIEW = False SITE_ID = 1 ADMINS = ( ('Raymond Yee', ''), ('Eric Hellman', ''), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'unglueit', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': 'unglue1t', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', } } TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York' SECRET_KEY = u'_^_off!8zsj4+)%qq623m&$7_m-q$iau5le0w!mw&n5tgt#x=t' # settings for outbout email # if you have a gmail account you can use your email address and password #EMAIL_USE_TLS = True #EMAIL_HOST = '' #EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' #EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '7k3sWyzHpI' #EMAIL_PORT = 587 #DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' # testing out using Amazon SES EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_smtp_ssl.SSLEmailBackend' MAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'AKIAJXM4QX324HXCH54Q' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'AgR9hVmSSOhetuLOnbFEFo9PTnL9iAM/52NOPGkS3Rwh' EMAIL_PORT = 465 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' # googlebooks # key generated by 2013/07/02 GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_KEY = 'AIzaSyAGUEeGJXXLj9Tau4fpIFUCdOSKfDmJDVw' # twitter auth SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY = 'sd9StEg1N1qB8gGb2GRX4A' SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET = 'YSKHn8Du6EWqpcWZ6sp5tqDPvcOBXK0WJWVGWyB0' # facebook auth SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = '211951285561911' SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = '42efef7e540b80479dbbb69490cd902a' # get these (as oauth2 client ID and Secret from # SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = 'ZyV5Q-E2MkJhRGm42XQAPeZi' # Goodreads API GOODREADS_API_KEY = "vfqIO6QAhBVvlxt6hAzZJg" GOODREADS_API_SECRET = "57tq4MpyJ15Hgm2ToZQQFWJ7vraZzOAqHLckWRXQ" # Freebase credentials FREEBASE_USERNAME = '' FREEBASE_PASSWORD = '' # send celery log to Python logging CELERYD_HIJACK_ROOT_LOGGER = False # Next step to try https #BASE_URL = '' BASE_URL_SECURE = '' IPN_SECURE_URL = False # use redis for production queue BROKER_TRANSPORT = "redis" BROKER_HOST = "localhost" BROKER_PORT = 6379 BROKER_VHOST = "0" LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': True, 'formatters': { 'brief': { 'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s[%(funcName)s]: %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' }, 'null': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.NullHandler', }, 'file': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filename': join('/var/log/regluit', ''), 'maxBytes': 1024*1024*5, # 5 MB 'backupCount': 5, 'formatter': 'brief', }, }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, '': { 'handlers': ['null'], 'propagate': False, }, '': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': 'WARNING', 'propagate': False, }, } } STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/static' #CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH = '/var/www/static/media/' #CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PREFIX = '' # decide which of the period tasks to add to the schedule CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['send_test_email'] = SEND_TEST_EMAIL_JOB # update the statuses of campaigns CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['update_active_campaign_statuses'] = UPDATE_ACTIVE_CAMPAIGN_STATUSES CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['report_new_ebooks'] = EBOOK_NOTIFICATIONS_JOB CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['notify_ending_soon'] = NOTIFY_ENDING_SOON_JOB CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['update_account_statuses'] = UPDATE_ACCOUNT_STATUSES CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['notify_expiring_accounts'] = NOTIFY_EXPIRING_ACCOUNTS CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['refresh_acqs'] = REFRESH_ACQS_JOB CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['refresh_acqs'] = NOTIFY_UNCLAIMED_GIFTS # set -- sandbox or production Amazon FPS? #AMAZON_FPS_HOST = "" AMAZON_FPS_HOST = "" # local settings for maintenance mode MAINTENANCE_MODE = False # Amazon keys to permit S3 access DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'AKIAIRLBDIET3DFCNU4A' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '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' AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'unglueit-files' # we should suppress Google Analytics outside of production SHOW_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = True BOOXTREAM_API_KEY = '987n76Zsc4hj9jUvfctxezZQZ2vnhm' BOOXTREAM_API_USER = 'unglueprod' # if settings/ exists, import those settings -- allows for dynamic generation of parameters such as DATABASES try: from regluit.settings.local import * except ImportError: pass